Home 1867 - 1874
Home 1875 - 1882

by Terry E. Wantz

Home Post Office was established on Oct. 7th., 1867. Edwin Pettibone was the first Postmaster. In 1874 they change the name of post office to Woodville. A year later, 1875, this post office, name and all, was moved to Monroeville which was five miles south. Harry Monroe had settle here in 1860 and is credited with putting Monroeville or Woodville, as the name we now know the settlement by on the map. This move was at the time that the railroad came through from Muskegon to Big Rapids and it was better to get the mail by train.

Incidentally, when the "Woodville Post Office" moved in 1875, Home got a new post office all its own. At one time Homes was nice small settlement. They had a general store, a sawmill, a lumber yard, a hotel and several small business there. Justus C. Chaplan was the last Postmaster of "Home", when the office was discontinued on Nov. 18th., 1882. The mail then went to Woodville Post Office.