Michigan Soldiers

From the Book
"Michigan in the World War"
Contributed by Sue DeHaan

FRED CLAY, (Distinguished Service Cross) 263425, corporal, Company K. 125th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near Sergy, France, July 31, 1918. After all runners had become casualities in attempting to carry out their missions, Corpl. Clay voluntarily assumed the duties of company runner. His efforts were materially responsible for success gained during the day, during the course of which he repeatedly exposed himself to direct enemy artillery and machine-gun fire. Residence at enlistment: 513 South Porter Street, Saginaw, Michigan.

FRED CLAY, 263425, corporal, Company K, 125th Infantry, 32d Division. French Croix de Guerre with gilt star, under Order No. 16.103 "D", dated April 16, 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: "A soldier of admirable courage. All the runners having been disabled while carrying messages he volunteered for that duty and contributed personally to the success during the entire day, fulfilling his functions with the greatest contempt for danger in a zone swept by the enemy fire." Residence at enlistment: 513 South Porter Street, Saginaw, Michigan.

LYLE L. CLEMMER, 641645, private, first class, Section No. 600, Ambulance Service. Italian War Service Robbon. Residence at enlistment: 121 Champion Street, Battle Creek, Michigan.

GEORGE E. COMSTOCK, 2021117, first sergeant, Company E, 339th Infantry, 85 Division. For extraordinary heroism in action near Kadish, Russia, December 30-31, 1918. Sergt. Comstock went forward 200 yards in advance of our lines and guided back a man who had been blinded by shell fire, and was stumbling around in full view of the enemy, who were sniping at him. On two other occasions he went forward in advance of our lines, exposing himself to heavy enemy fire, and returned with a wounded man. Residence at enlistment: 1261 Brooklyn Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

ALVA COOK, 13974, private, Company K, 125th Infantry, 32d Division. French Croix de Guerre with silver star, under Order No. 14.517 "D", dated March 16, 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: "He kept up the liaison between his company and battalion post of command in spite of a violent fire of machine guns and artillery. Was seriously wounded in accomplishing his duty." Residence at enlistment: R.F.D. No. 5, Ithaca, Michigan.

LOUIS C. COVELL, brigadier general, 63d Infantry Brigade, 32d Division. French Croix de Guerre with palm, under Order No. 16,659 "D", dated April 20, 1919, General Headquarters, French Armiesof the East, with the following citation: "At the combats of August 28, 1918, around Juvigny he acquired the finest title to glory in commanding the 63d Brigade composed of the 125th and 126th Regiments of American Infantry. He surprised the enemy who was demoralized by the rapidity and the vigor of his attack and came out victorious in spite of the enemy counter-attacks. He drove the beaten enemy to the edge of Terny Sorny by efficiently supporting the neighboring French troops during the attacks from August 30 to September 1, 1918." Residence at appointment: 449 Pleasant Street, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

LYMAN T. COVELL, 281136, sergeant, Company L. 126th Infantry, 32d Division. Belgian Ordre de Leopold II (chevalier), by Royal Decree of February 27, 1920: "In recognition of meritorious service rendered the Allied cause." French Croix de Guerre with silver star, under Order No. 12,373 "D", dated December 15, 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: "By his magnificent coolness and courage he gave a fine example to his company. He exposed himself on open ground under the fire of machine guns in order to aid a great number of wounded." Residence at enlistment: 1519 North Second Street, Muskegon, Michigan.

GEORGE S. CRABBE, captain, 125th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near Cierges, France, July 31, 1918. While advancing with his company he wrenched his leg severely in the crossing of the Ourcq River, but continued in the advance. Later he was severely wounded by machine-gun bullets in the left high, but again refused evacuation, and continued in command of his company until the objective had been reached and the position consolidated, remaining nine hours with his company after having been wounded. Residence at appointment: 709 Sheridan Avenue, Saginaw, Mich

EDWIN ARCHER CABLE, 261471, corporal, Company F, 128th Infantry. 32d Division. Frank Croix de Guerre with bronze star, under Order No. 14.383 "D," dated March 15, 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: " A liaison agent full of courage and energy. Under the most difficult circumstances, he succeeded in delivering orders to his company.", Residence at enlistment: 297 Delaware Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

HARRY LESLIE CALVIN, captain, Battery F, 12th Field Artillery, 2d Divi- sion. French Croix de Guerre with palm, under Order No. 12.233 "D," dated December 10, 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: "On October 2, 1918, near Somme-Py; he displayed coolness, capacity, and remarkable bravery in putting his battery in position under a heavy harassing fire. He also distinguished himself at Blanc Mont under a violent bombardment." (Address: 2017 Caton Avenue, Brooklyn, New. York). Entered Military Service from Michigan.

HARRY LESLIE CALVIN (Distinguished Service Cross), captain, 12th Field Artillery, 2d Division. For extraordinary heroism in action near Tigny, France, July 21, 1918. With utter disregard for personal danger, he passed for 200 yards under intense artillery and machine-gun fire to rescue a wounded officer. Finding the wounded officer could only be moved on a stretcher, he placed him in a shell hole and started back for one. He was severely wounded in the head, falling unconscious. Recovering a half hour later, he tried to go back to rescue the wounded officer, but again fell senseless. Address: Care of the Adjutant General of the Army, Washington, D.C. Entered military service from Michigan.

GEORGE J. CAMPAS, 2041500, bugler, Company A, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal.' Residence at enlistment: Charlotte and Greenwood Streets, Detroit, Michigan.

EDGAR H. CAMPBELL, major, Infantry, adjutant, 63d Infantry Brigade, 32d Division. French Croix de Guerre with gilt star, under Order No. 14.382 "D," dated March 14, 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: "Thanks to his military knowledge and his complete devotion to duty during the operation to the north of Soissons from August 28 to September 4, 1918, he kept up a perfect liaison between the staff of the l0th French Army and the 32d American Division." Residence at appointment: 624 Parkwood Street, N. E., Grand Rapids, Michigan.

MARTIN H. CAMPBELL, (Distinguished Service Cross) 2338312, band sergeant, Headquarters Company, 4th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near Le Charmel, France, July 24, 1918. Sergt. Campbell frequently requested and was granted permission to render aid to the wounded. Making his way into an open field swept by a withering machine-gun fire, he rendered first aid to many of the wounded. While performing this highly meritorious work he himself was wounded by grenade fire. Residence at enlistment: 622 Baker Street, Flint, Michigan.

WILLIAM 0. CAMPBELL, 120619, corporal, 75th Company, 6th Regiment, United States Marine Corps, 2d Division. French Croix de Guerre with bronze star, under order No. 11.548 "D," dated November 14, 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the North and Northeast, with the following citation: "He displayed indomitable zeal during the bombardment of Belleau Wood, fearlessly exposing himself to the fire of the enemy in order to keep up the transmission of information which was of the greatest importance for his comrades." Residence at enlistment: Tekonsha, Michigan.

JOHN CANAVAN, 264743, private, Supply Company, 125th Infantry 32d Division. French Croix de Guerre with bronze star, under Order No. 14.426 "D," dated March 14, 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: "During the battle of Juvigny, he kept up the liaison for four days and accompanied a wounded man to the first-aid station under an enemy barrage." Residence at enlistment: 488 Junction Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

OLLIVER 0. CANNON, 811755, sergeant, Medical Department, Camp Hospital No.4, Services of Supply, American Expeditionary Forces. French Medaille d'Honneur des Epidemies (bronze), by Ministerial Decision of January 24, 1919, Minister of War. Residence at enlistment: 537 Third Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

ERWIN E. CARL, 303339, private, first class, 128th Ambulance Company, 32d Division. French Croix de Guerre with bronze star, under Order No. 14.523 "D," dated March 16, 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: "Wounded by the explosion of an enemy spell, he continued to care for his comrades in spite of his dreadful wounds." Residence at enlistment: 520 Cass Avenue, Bay City, Michigan.

HARRY CARLIN, 12830, private, first, class, Medical Department, Base Hospital No.36, Services of Supply, American Expeditionary Forces. French Medaille d'Honneur des Epidemies (bronze), by Ministerial De- cision of March 18,1919, Minister of War. Residence at enlistment: 300 Fourth Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

CHARLES A. CARTON, 128334, corporal, Headquarters Company, 12th Field Artillery, 2d Division. French Croix de Guerre with bronze star, under Order No. 13.175 "D," dated February 3, 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: "On October 3, 1918, near Blanc Mont, his officer having been killed, he performed the duties of liaison officer and obtained information that was of great value to his battalion commander." Residence at enlistment : Windsor, Canada. ( Accredited to Michigan, )

FREDERICK P. CASE, 641701, private, first class, Section No.601 Ambulance Service. Italian War Service Ribbon. Residence at enlistment: Corner Arch and High Streets, Marquette, Michigan.

WILFRED V. CASGRAIN, first lieutenant, 95th Aero Squadron, Air Ser- vice. French Croix de Guerre "with gilt star, under Order No. 12.058 "D," dated November 29,1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: " An excellent pursuit pilot, very serious and conscientious. On May 30, 1918, during a severe combat he was obliged to land between the lines under perilous conditions." Residence at appointment: 575 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

WILLIAM R. CASSADY, 123155, private, 97th Company, 6th Regiment, United States Marine Corps, 2d Division. French Croix de Guerre with gilt star, under Order No. 11.400 "D," dated November 8, 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the North and Northeast, with the following citation: " Although wounded on the battlefield he refused to be evacuated and went forward with his platoon in an attack on a village strongly occupied by the enemy", Residence at enlistment : Plymouth, Michigan.

DANIEL W. CASSARD (deceased), first lieutenant, 147th Aero Squadron, Air Service. French Croix de Guerre with palm? under Order No. 12.027 "D," dated November 29, 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: " An incomparable pursuit pilot who has always displayed the greatest courage and the finest audacity. On July 16, 1918, he engaged in combat with an enemy superior in number and forced one of his adversaries to land." (Next of kin: Mr. Morris Cassard, father, College Avenue, Grand Rapids, Michigan). Residence at appointment: same.

HARRISON H. CASWELL, first lieutenant, .3d Machine Gun Battalion, 1st Division. French Croix de Guerre with silver star, under Order No. 14.735 "D," dated March 22, 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: " An officer who always displayed initiative and courage and particularly during the active opera- tions of Soissons, St. Mihiel and the Argonne." Residence at appoint- ment: 913 South Clay Street, Greenville, Michigan.

JAMES O. CATHCART, (Distinguished Service Cross), major, 126th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near Gesnes, France, October 14-19, 1918. Finding two companies of another battalion badly disorganized, he effected a reorganization and ordered them to advance, personally assuming command of these troops, of his own battalion, which had been in support, and of another battalion. He conducted the successsful attack on Cote Dame Marie, exhibiting extraordinary initiative and bravery and showing utter disregard of his own personal danger. Residence at appointment: 16 Marietta Street, Detriot, Michigan.

ALPHONSUS CAVANAUGH ( deceased) , 2305459, corporal, Company C, 128th Infantry, 32d Division. French Croix de Guerre with bronze star, under Order No. 14.383 "D," dated March 15, 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: "He carried messages to the battalion across terrain violently swept by the enemy machine guns and artillery." (Next of kin: Mr. Thomas Cavanaugh, father, 614 West Bridge Street, Big Rapids, Michigan) Residence at enlistment: Big Rapids, Michigan.

DOMINICK CEOMO, 2305525, private, first class, Company A, 128th In fantry, 32d Division. French Croix de Guerre with bronze star, under Order No. 14.383 "D," dated March 15, 19~9, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: "He advanced under a terrible machine-gun fire' and reached the assigned objective displaying continually the most absolute indifference to danger and an admirable coolness." Residence at enlistment: 650 Riopelle Street, Detroit, Michigan.

ISAAC CHANDLER, 263881, corporal, Company L, 125th Infantry, 32d Division. French Croix de Guerre with palm, under Order No. 12.335 "D," dated December 15, 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: "In spite of severe wounds re- ceived near Cierges on July 31, 1918, he displayed heroic courage in refusing to be bandaged and in continuing to carry the messages to the battalion commander." Residence at enlistment: Menominee, Michigan.

ISAAC CHANDLER, (Distinguished Service Cross), corporal, Company L, 125th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near Cierges, France, July 31, 1918. While his company was leading a battalion attack Corpl. Chandler presisted in carrying messages to the battalion commander and carrying rations to the line under intensive machine- gun fire from the front and flanks, after he had been severely wounded. Residence at enlistment: 332 Kirby Street, Menominee, Michigan.

CHARLES R. CHASE, 10004, private, first class, Section No. 18/70/636, Ambulance Service. French Croix de Guerre with bronze star, under Order No. 11.999 "D," dated November 29, 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: "He set a fine example of coolness and courage on July 29, 1918. His ambulance having been disabled in the Chazelles ravine, he went on foot to the first-aid station to obtain another. After having transported the wounded to the field hospital; he went back to get the first ambulance, which he brought in under a violent bombardment." Residence at enlistment : 878 Lake Street, Petoskey, Michigan.

WALTER L. CHELLIS, 264174, sergeant, Headquarters Company, 125th Infantry, 32d Division. French Croix de Guerre with silver star, under Order No. 12.373 "D," dated December 15, 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: "Near Fismes on October 4, 1918, on his own initiative and accompanied only by his brother he made a reconnaissance of the zone beyond the front and executed it with great courage and much skill." Residence at enlistment : Ellsworth, Michigan.

HANS P. CHRISTENSEN, 683368, private, first class, Company B, 107th Engineers, 32d Division. French Croix de Guerrewith silver star, under Order No. 14.522 "D," dated March 16, 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: " At the Juvigny Farm he served from August 30 to September 2, 1918, as runner between the advanced reconnaissance detachments and the advanced post of command of the company. He made several trips through a violent enemy infantry and machine-gun fire displaying great bravery and zeal. On many occasions he aided the wounded to regain the rear and remained at his post for four days." Residence at enlistment: Hancock, Michigan.

WALTER T. CHRISTENSON, (Distinguished Service Cross), sergeant, Machine Gun Company, 28th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near Sedan, France, November 7,1918. After his platoon commander and the second in command had become casualities, Sergt. Christenson (then a private) took charge of the platton, reorganized it, and let it forward, set up his machine guns and artillery, and successfully silenced four enemy machine guns which were impeding the advance of the infantry. Again he volunteered and carried a message from his company commander to the battallion post of command and brought back an answer without loss of time through a terrific enemy fire. After his company was relieved he returned to the former position with a detail of men and brought back all the wounded of his platoon, personally seeing that they were properly cared for and evacuated. Residence at enlistment: R.F.D. No. 2, Bridgman, Michigan.

OTTO R. CHURCH, 50272, private, first class, Company D, 23d Infantry, 2d Division. French Croix de Guerre with bronze star, under Order No. 13.315 "D," dated February 8, 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: "During the offensive operations near St. Etienne-a-Arnes from October 3-9, 1918, he displayed remarkable coolness and courage under a violent fire of artillery and machine guns." Residence at enlistment: Kent City, Michigan.

STEVE W. CIESLAK, 280202, corporal, Company G, 126th Infantry, 32d Division. French Medaille Militaire, by Presidential Decree of March 16, 1919, under the following citation: "Corpl. Cieslak established and maintained an observation post in front of our lines at Juvigny after his leader and other soldiers of his unit had been killed or wounded. This man remained at his post for 36 hours in front of our lines, leaving it only give the necessary information." Residence at enlistment: 660 Tillman Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

BENJAMIN B. CIESLINSKI, 303384, private, 128th Ambulance Company, 32d Division. French Croix de Guerre with,silver star, under Order No. 14.522 "D," dated March 16, 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: " A very brave litter bearer, who though wounded in the performance of his task, refused to be put under shelter until the wounded man whom he was carrying was sent to the rear." Residence at enlistment: Bay City, Michigan.

GEORGE E. CILLEY {deceased), 120815, sergeant, 76th Company, 6th Regiment, United States Marine Corps, 2d Division. French Croix de Guerre with silver star, under Order No. 13.504 "D," dated February 14, 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the follow- ing citation: "On October. 9, 1918, near St. Etienne-a-Arnes he displayed remarkable courage and bravery and with the greatest contempt for danger he bandaged the wounded under an extremely violent fire of artillery and machine guns." {Next of kin: Mr. George Cilley, father, Harmony, Maine). Residence at enlistment: Detroit, Michigan.

JULIAN CISEK, (Distinguished Service Cross) 48445, sergeant, Company M, 18th Infantry, 1st Division. For extraordinary heroism in action near Exermont, France, October 4, 1918. After his company had suffered very heavy casualities, Sergt. Cisek, then private, first class, reorganized a group of about 35 men, under heavy artillery and machine-gun fire, and led them forward in the attack, a distance of about two kilometers, to the objective. Upon the capture of the objective he assisted in the consolidation of the position taken. Residence at enlistment: Bessemer, Michigan.

CHALMERS CLARK, 123160, private, 97th Company, 6th Regiment; United States Marine Corps, 2d Division. French Croix de Guerre with bronze star, under Order No. 13.585 "D," dated February 16, 1919, Gen eral Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following cita- tion: "During the combats in Champagne from October 3-9, 1918, he carried messages in the front line without respite continually exposing himself to the fire of artillery and machine guns. His unfailing heroism and abnegation in the execution of his duty were beyond all praise." Residence at enlistment: Detroit, Michigan.

CHALMERS CLARK, (Distinguished Service Cross) 123160, private, 6th Regiment, United States Marine Corps. For extraordinary heroism in action hear St. Etienne, France, October 3-9, 1918. Displaying remarkable devotion to duty, Pvt. Clark remained on duty as a battalion runner for six days and nights, almost without rest, continually risking his life in crossing fields swept by machine-gun and shell fire on liaison and reconnoissance missions, for which he volunteered. Each night he organized and guided carrying parties, bringing food and water to the men in the front lines. Residence at enlistment: Detroit, Michigan.

CHARLES ELLIOT FRAZER CLARK, first lieutenant, Infantry, aide-de-camp to Division Commander, 37th Division. Belgian Croix de Guerre; "For faithful and meritorious service during the operations of the 37th Division, United States Army, in Belgium." French Croix de Guerre with silver star, under General Order No.221, dated August 31, 1917, 32d French Division, with the following citation: "Enlisted as a volunteer, brave, courageous and very high spirited. He reenlisted to participate in the attack of August 20 and under all circumstances rendered his officer the most intelligent and devoted assistance during the period from August 20-25, 1917. (Then private, Section No. 15/633, Ambulance Service). Residence at appointment: 51 Holbrook Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

FRED CLAY, 263425, corporal, Company K, 125th Infantry, 32d Divi- sion. French Croix de Guerre with gilt star, under Order No. 16.103 "D," dated April16, 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: " A soldier of admirable courage. All the runners having been disabled while carrying messages he volun- teered for that duty and contributed personally to the success during the entire day, fulfilling his functions with the greatest contempt for danger in a zone swept by the enemy fire." Residence at enlistment : 513 South Porter Street, Saginaw, Michigan.

FRED CLAY, (Distinguished Service Cross) corporal, Company K, 125th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near Sergy, France, July 31, 1918. After all runners had become casualities in attempting to carry out their missions, Corpl. Clay voluntarily assumed the duties of company runner. His efforts were materially responsible for success gained during the day, during the course of which he repeatedly exposed himself to direct enemy artillery and machine gun fire. Residence at enlistment: 513 South Porter Street, Saginaw, Michigan.

CHARLES BROOKS CLEARY, first lieutenant, Field Artillery, aide-de-camp to Commanding General, 54th Field Artillery Brigade, 29th Division. Montenegrin Ordre du Prince Danilo Ier (chevalier). Montenegrin War Cross. Residence at appointment: 7. North Normal Street, Ypsilanti, Michigan.

LYLE L. CLEMMER, 641645, private, first class, Section No.600, Ambu lance Service. Italian War Service Ribbon. Residence at enlistment : 121 Champion Street, Battle Creek, Michigan.

STANLEY D. CLEVELAND, 50172, corporal, Company D, 23d Infantry, 2d Division. French Croix de Guerre with bronze star, under Order No. 13.315 "D," dated February 8, 1919, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: "During the offensive operations near St. Etienne-a-Arnes from October 3-9, 1918, he displayed remarkable coolness and courage under a violent fire of artillery and machine guns." Residence at enlistment: R. F. D. No.3, Sheridan, Michigan.

HORACE H. COLE, 261418, sergeant, Company B, 125th Infantry, 32d Division. Belgian Ordre de Leopold II ( chevalier) , by Royal Decree of February 27, 1920 : "In recognition of meritorious service rendered the Allied cause." French Croix de Guerre ,with bronze star, under Order No. 12.372 "D," dated December 16, 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: "During the advance from Cierges to Fismes from July 31 to August 5, 1918, he held his unit constantly in hand although it had suffered considerable losses. His initiative and his qualities as a leader were important factors in the success obtained by his platoon." Residence at enlistment: 880 Beniteau Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.