Michigan Soldiers

From the Book
"Michigan in the World War"
Contributed by Sue DeHaan

HAROLD D. MacGREGOR, 9257, private, first class, Section No. 591, Ambulance Service. French Croix de Guerre with bronze star, under Order No. 12.424 "D" dated December 20, 1918, General Headquarters, French Armies of the East, with the following citation: "Courageous, ardent and eager to go into the front line. He distinguished himself during the combats of September 14 & 15, 1918, in being everywhere in spite of the fatigue and dangers." Residence at enlistment: 1103 South University Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

FRANK S. MAREK, 281493, corporal, Company M. 126th Infantry, 323d Division. For extraordinary heroism in action at Romagne, France, October 14, 1918. With another soldier Corpl. Marek crawled 200 yards ahead of his company and reduced a machine-gun nest, which had been holding up the advance, killing three of the enemy and capturing 18. Residence at enlistment: 526 Emerald Avenue, Grand Rapids, Mighigan.

RUSSELL F. McGUIRE, 2031462, wagoner, Company A., 310th Engineers, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. Residence at enlistment: R.F.D.No. 2, Rosebush, Michigan.