F. M. Bowman |
F. M. Bowman, a citizen of Fremont and one of the leading and enterprising businessmen of that village, was born in Ohio, Dec. 5, 1852. His parents, Solomon and Rebecca (Jones) Bowman, were natives of Pennsylvania, and were reared amid the rugged surroundings of the old Keystone State, but under the ennobling influences exerted by the genuinely good people of that commonwealth. After their marriage they came West as far as Ohio, and, after living there for a time, thought to still better their fortunes by moving further westward. They came to DeKalb Co., Ind., where the father died and where the mother continues to reside.
Mr. Bowman lived at home until he was 18 years of age, and as his father, whose death occurred previously, had left him little or no means, he started out in life relying wholly upon his own exertions. Often such seeming misfortunes are the greatest of blessings. Faculties, which otherwise might have lain, dormant, are brought into action by force of all of our most eminent and successful business men have begun their career in life without any help or assistance from others.
Our subject came to Fremont in April 1879, and embarked in business. He formed a co.-partnership with James F. Hart, under the firm name Hart & Bowman, for the livery business. In his business enterprises Mr. Bowman was remarkably successful. By strict attention to his affairs he had gained a competency and enjoys the confidence of those with whom he came in contact. In the spring of 1888, in company with Mr. Hart, he began the erection of a fine business block on North Division Street. This was completed before the close of the year and was used as a music hall.
Mr. Bowman was united in marriage, in Fremont, May 1, 1880, with Miss Harriet Schweitzer, of Lawrence, Kansas.
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