Corydon M. Alger |
Corydon M. Alger, farmer, section 6, Grant Township, was born Sept. 14, 1844, in Ontario Co., N. Y., and is a son of J. D. and Mary Alger. Both parents are natives of the State of New York, and in 1854 became residents of Michigan, settling in Paris, Kent County, where they now reside.
In 1875 Mr. Alger purchased 200 acres of land, where he has since been engaged as a farmer. He now has 70 acres under cultivation, with good farm buildings and accessory fixtures. In addition to his agricultural interets he is extensively engaged in lumbering. He is an adherent to the principles of the National Greenback party.
Mr. Alger was married Dece. 24, 1872, to Lucinda, daughter of Horace and Ruth Reed, of Paris, Kent Co., Mich. She was born April 1, 1845 at Grand Rapids. Her parents were both natives of New York, and her father is now living in Sparta, Kent County. Her mother died Jan; 16, 1878. Of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Alger, two children have been born: Ralph M., July 29, 1877; and Archie R., Feb. 10, 1880.
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