Ebenezer Richardson |
Ebenezer Richardson, farmer, section 5, of Dayton later Denver Township, was born in Madison Co., N.Y., Aug. 30, 1824. His father, Ebenezer Richardson, was a native of Massachusetts and died in Ohio; his mother, Sybil (Eaton) Richardson, was a native of New York and died in that State. The subject of this sketch attended school in his native county, and when 12 years of age went to Lake Co., Ohio, where he completed his education, and worked on his father's farm until 17 years of age. He then commenced life for himself, and worked on a farm until he was 35 years old. During this time he came to this county and located a farm in Dayton Township, which was his home.
He then returned to Ohio, and Feb. 22, 1865, he married Miss Ellen Devine, daughter of John and Mary (Buck) Devine, natives of New York, who was born in Queensbury, Washington Co., N.Y., May 17, 1821. When she was quite young she was taken by her parents to Wyoming County, that State, where she was reared and educated in the common schools of that place, and in 1850 they moved to Painesville, Ohio.
In the spring of 1866 Mr. R. returned to this State and settled upon his farm of 160 acres in Dayton Township, and he later owns 80 acres, and had 35 acres in a high state of cultivation. In politics he was a very zealous Republican, and Mr. And Mrs. Richardson were consistent members of the First Baptist Church at Hesperia.
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