Freeman Mallory
Freeman Mallory was born in Columbia Co., N. Y., Feb. 8, 1823. His parents, Stephen and Maria (Waldorf) Mallory, were natives of the State of New York, but moved to Connecticut in an early day, and afterward came to Hillsdale County, this State, where they lived until their death. Freeman lived at home until 30 years of age. He bought 80 acres of land in Hillsdale County, which he managed until the spring of 1868, when he came to Newaygo County and located in Dayton Township for one year, and then bought 80 acres of wild land on section 32, where he resided; he had 50 acres under cultivation.
Mr. Mallory was married in Waterbury, Conn., in October, 1853, to Sarah Allen, a native of Connecticut, and they had two children. Mr.Mallory was a member of the Democrat Party.
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