Helen Barnes Stone |
Helen A. Barnes was born in Sharon, Litchfield County, Conn., September 12, 1846. The daughter of Arron and Harriet "Dickinson" Stone. While still quite young the family moved west and settled in DeKalb county, Ind., where they lived for about three years. In the late fall of 1856, they came to Newaygo county, Michigan and soon after located on a 40 acre homestead in the township of Dayton.
During the civil war she was marred to George D. Barnes who was back from the war on a furlough. Their married life was of short duration as Mr. Barnes was killed in the battle of Lookout Mountain shortly after his return to the war.
On September 24, 1865, Mrs. Barnes was marred to Daniel L. Barnes, a brother of her deceased husband. They had two daughters; Orlie "Barnes" Emerald and Frances Adella "Barnes" Reed. Her brother, Chester A. Stone was the only surviving member of her family. She was a pioneer member of the Church of Christ in Fremont.
Since the death of Mr. Barnes last October, Mrs. Barnes health has failed and she passed away Thursday, June 8, 1916 and was buried in the Bull Cemetery, from the Denver Methodist Episcopal Church, Sunday afternoon, Rev. R. A. Thibos, pastor of the Christian Church officiating.
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