Henry H. Fellows |
Henry H. Fellows, farmer, section 24, Ashland Township, was born in Allegany Co., N. Y., Dec. 16, 1840. His parents, Erastus and Ruth (Smith) Fellows, were natives of New York and New Jersey, and came West to Ohio when the son was in infancy, locating in Seneca County. The father died in 1846, and the son soon became master of his own fortunes, and passed his earliest years in employment suitable to his tender age. At 14 he engaged as a farm laborer by the month, and continued thus to operate until the fall of 1860, when he came to Michigan, and a year later secured 80 acres of Government land, which has since been in his possession.
He enlisted March 31, 1864, in the 27th Mich. Vol. Inf., Co., E., and was attached to the army of the Potomac, under Col. Fox. He was in every engagement from that at Spottsylvania to the surrender of Lee's army. In August, 1864, he was attached to the command of the forces engaged in the destruction of the Weldon railroad, and was struck in the left side by a minie ball, which passed entirely through a song book in a pocket opportunely placed, and embedded itself midway in a copy of the New Testament, which he also carried. He sustained to injury beyond the shock of concussion and a cracked rib. He was honorably discharged Aug. 9, 1965.
He returned to Ashland Township and busied himself in improving his property, being the first man to cut timber on the section where he is located. He passed the summers in farm labors and during the winter engaged in the lumber woods. He has also operated extensively in real estate, holding for speculative purposes a comparatively large acreage. He is a skillful and successful apiarist, having been engaged in bee-culture three years.
He was married in Ashland in 1862, to Melissa, daughter of Apollos and Lucinda (Gibbs) Lambson. She was born in Coldwater, MI, and came to Newaygo County with her parents. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Fellows are seven in number: Oramel H., born May 5, 1864; Allen, June 29, 1866, Ancil, July 15, 1868; Minnie M., May 21, 1870; Paulina M., March 4, 1872; Apollos M., June 8, 1875; Ethel L., Dec. 11, 1882. Mr. Fellows is a decided Republican and himself and wife belong to the First-Day Adventists.
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