Homes |
Henry Homes, farmer, section 5, Dayton Township, was born in Ontario
Co., N. Y., Nov. 3, 1832. His parents, William and Dennis (Winchell) Homes,
were natives of Berkshire Co., Mass. They came to Lenawee Co., Mich., in
1853, and lived there about three years, then moved to Hillsdale County,
where the father died in 1858 and the mother in the fall of 1865. Henry
lived with his parents during their life, and for a long time was their sole
support. He was the 12th child of a family of 13 children. In the fall of
1864 he sold his farm in Hillsdale County, and worked at various occupations
until the fall of 1878, when he came to Newaygo County and bought 80 acres
of partly improved land in Dayton Township, where he now resides. In
politics he is a Republican, and cast his first vote for J. C. Fremont.
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