Lucius W. Pickett |
Lucius W. Pickett, farmer, section 32, Ashland Township, was born Aug. 23, 1835, in Onondaga Co., N. Y., and is a son of Peter and Theda (Norton) Pickett. The parents were born in New York, the one of a descent which as been of such long standing in American as to be lost in regard to European nationality; the other of English lineage. They came to Michigan in 1842, and engaged in farming in Eaton County.
Mr. Pickett remained under his father's care until he was 18 years old, busy on the farm and obtaining his education at the common schools. In 1853 he came to Casnovia, Muskegon Co., Mich, where he followed agriculture until the year made memorable by the rebellion of the Southern States. He enlisted Aug. 12, 1961, in the Second Mich. Cav., Co. E., the regiment going at once to the front, and joining the Army of the Cumberland, under Gen. Buell. Mr. Pickett enrolled at Grand Rapids, his command rendezvousing at Detroit, whence the regiment proceeded to Mississippi and afterward to Kentucky where he was in the fight at Perryville, June 2, 1862. While doing patrol guard duty near Franklin, Tenn., he was wounded by a "bushwacker," the shot taking effect in his right arm between the elbow and shoulder, and shattered the bone to such an extent as to require summary amputation. This ended his career as a military man, and Aug. 9, 1862 he received an honorable discharge and returned to his farm.
Mr. Pickett was married Jan. 1, 1860, at Casnovia, to Maria S., daughter of Oliver and Parthena (Smith) Walkley, both of whom were natives of Connecticut. After their marriage they located in Ohio, where the daughter was born Oct. 29, 1942. The parents came during the first year of her life to Hillsdale Co., Mich., and afterward to Muskegon County. Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Pickett, as follows: Mary C., Oct 22, 1860; Lauren, Nov. 14, 1862; Ola, Nov. 19, 1875. Mr. Pickett is a member of the National Greenback party, and belongs to the Order of Odd Fellows, Lodge No. 302, at Trent, in which he has "passed the chairs", and is now holding the post of R. S. V. G. Himself and his wife belong to the Patrons of Husbandry, Lodge No. 372, at Trent.
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