Isaac Shick |
Isaac Shick, farmer, Brooks Township, section 10, was born March 8, 1831, Portage Co., Ohio. He is a son of Jacob and Barbara (Swinehart) Shick. His father was born March 8, 1808, in Berks Co., {a., and died May 4, 1863, in Elkhart Co., Ind. He was of German descent, as was his wife, who was born Jan. 21, 1812, in the same county in the Keystone State, and who is still living, in Elkhart Co., Ind. They settled soon after marriage in Portage Co., Ohio.
Mr. Shick remained in his native State until he was 14 years of age, when his parents went to Indiana. He interested himself in acquiring a good education, and as he designed to fit himself for teaching he became signally proficient as a student. During his last term of school he was called on to take the place of his teacher, who was suffering from a temporary illness, and officiated in the capacity of a school-teacher, for the short space of one month. The experience wholly exterminated his aspiration to make teaching the business of his life. He is characterized by the clannish instincts of the nationality from which he has descended, and lived with his parents until he was 32 years old. He was one of 14 children, all of whom survived their parents, the youngest being eight years old when the father died. The father's death occurred soon afterward. Mr. Shick was married in the course of a few days thereafter, and continued to pursue agriculture in that State for ten years, when he came to Michigan. He settled on 240 acres of land in Brooks Township. He sold 80 acres of this, and has by his inherited thrift and good management cleared and put in first class condition the remaining 160 acres. The place is of increased value and made attractive by good farm buildings and a small orchard. Mr. Shick is a Democrat and has served his generation as Justice of the Peace, Highway Commissioner and School Director. He is a member of the F.&
A.M. fraternity and belongs to Newaygo Lodge, No. 131.
He was married in Springfield, Ohio, May 1, 1863, to Sarah, daughter of Samuel and Catherine (Weyrick) Garl, both of whom were born in Pennsylvania. Mrs. Shick was born December 10, 1840, in Summit Co., Ohio. Samuel Garl was born in Portage, Ohio, July 22, 1818. He died March 29, 1873. His wife Catherine, was born Aug. 27, 1819 in Mercer Co., Pa., and is still living in Ohio.
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