James C. Townsend, of the firm of Townsend and Gannon, grocers and butchers at White Cloud, was born Jan. 26, 1845, in England, of which country his parents were natives. He was the son of John and Elizabeth (Brooks) Townsend. Mr. Townsend left his native country in the spring of 1874; arriving in America, he first located in Kansas. Three months afterward he decided to prospect for a while, and he spent a year in travel, after which he located in Shelby, Oceana Co., Mich., and engaged in selling meat. He disposed of his business a little less than two years later and removed to Fremont, where he pursued the same calling for five years. He again disposed of his business interests, and in the fall of 1881 came to White Cloud and entered into business relations with Richard Gannon, with whom he was engaged in the prosecution of a lucrative trade. Mr. Townsend was married in Hart, Oceana County, Aug. 25, 1878, to Henrietta, daughter of William and Mary Jane Mills. She was a native of Canada. Two children were the issue of this marriage, viz.: Beatrice, born Oct. 8, 1879, and Elizabeth J., Jan. 16, 1883. Mr. Townsend belonged to the Knights of Honor, Fremont Lodge, No. 741.