William Whitman |
William Whitman, proprietor of the Newaygo House, at Newaygo, was born June 28, 1840, at Brandon, Franklin Co., N.Y. He is a son of Chauncey Whitman, and was reared on a farm. His mother died in 1842, and in 1851, his father transferred his family to Muskegon Co., Mich. In 1863 they came to Garfield Tp., Newaygo Co., where the father and son bought 120 acres of land in joint partnership and engaged in lumbering. Mr. Whitman came to Newaygo in 1867 and spent two seasons lumbering in the woods. In 1869 he bought the hotel, which he has since continued to manage. The establishment has accommodations for 25 guests, and is doing a good business. He was married July 4, 1864, in Muskegon Co., to Susan, daughter of Charles and Sarah Carr, who was born in Steuben Co., N.Y., Aug. 20, 1848. Edward and Charles are the children born of this marriage.
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