Jibson Family

Robert Jibson was born at Hive, Yorkshire, England in 1821. In 1849 he and his wife,Ann Buttle, emigrated to the United States where they founded the Jibson family in America. They first settled in Muskegon, Michigan, where Robert obtained work in one of the many lumber mills of Muskegon. An 1860 census taker recorded Robert's profession as "shingle maker".

By 1861 Robert has accumulated enough wealth to apply for and receive a land patent on two pieces of land in Bridgeton Township in Newaygo County. The patents are recorded in the Greenville, Michigan federal land office on April 1, 1861. The papers bear the signature of W. O. Stoddard signing for then President, Abraham Lincoln.

The land is flat and well timbered. The soil is clay loam, suitable for farming. Robert's interest in the land, near the eventual village of Sitka, is the lumber. By 1880 the Jibson holdings in Bridgeton township total 440 acres, including land to the east and south of the original patent that give the Jibson family access to Brooks Creek, a steam large enough for the transportation of logs to the Muskegon River and the mills on Muskegon Lake. This is around the time of The Great Chicago Fire. Large stands of Michigan's virgin white pines are in demand for the rebuilding the city.

Robert lives until 1893. The Platt Book of 1900 shows that the land, mostly cleared by now, is in the hands of several of the next generation of Jibsons. Robert and Ann produced 10 children; Ann, Mary, Robert, John, George, Sarah, Richard, Prince, Elijah and Martin. Land is bought, sold and traded. The Jibson holdings are divided among Prince, Elijah (E.T.), John, Richard, and Martin. Some of the sons turn the land into farms after the lumber is gone. By 1920 others sell off their shares and move on to other jobs.

The two Jibsons who stay in Bridgeton Township the longest are Richard and Martin. Both farm until their deaths. Martin's farm passes to his son, Lloyd. It is the last 80 acres of Jibson land.

For a more detailed Jibson family history visit: Jibson Family History

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