William Harrison Larabee

by Terry Wantz

Please note variations of spelling!!! Never leave a stone unturned because of variations in spelling.

William Harrison Larabee (Harrison William Larabee) depending on which record you are looking at -- according to the family bible records show that Harrison Larabee was born in Scriba Center, Oswego Co., New York on June 2, 1841, the son of Nicholas and Polly (Green) Larabee. The Larabees must have moved to DeKalb Co., Indiana about 1842 as their next son, John, was born in 1843 in DeKalb Co.

The War Department records show William H. Laribee a private of Co. F, 111th, Ohio Volunteers, enrolled on August 15, 1862. He was wounded in the stomach by a musket ball in the battle of Franklin, Tennessee on November 30, 1864. He was honorably discharged at Salesbury, N.C. on June 27, 1865.

His marriage record shows: William H. Laribe married Clara A. Rhodes on Janury 10, 1867 in Definace Co., Ohio. Their children were Willis Marion, born June 23, 1869; Cyrus Edgar, born Oct. 25, 1867 in Alliance, Ohio; Mary Idelia, born Sept. 12, 1872 and Thomas Allen, born April 5, 1878 in Newaygo Co., MI. The 1880 census records of Newaygo Co., MI, show Harrison Laraby living in Brooks Township. William died on November 15, 1880 and is buried as W. H. Laribee, Lot 120, Grave 4, Newaygo Cemetery.

Clara (Rhodes) Larabee married George Shattuck on February 18, 1881. Clara died on February 14, 1883 and is buried in the Surrerar Cemetery (no marker), Brooks Township, Newaygo Co. leaving four surviving children under the age of sixteen. After Clara died, the Court of Probate of Newaygo Co. appointed William Shattuck, the father of George Shattuck, as Guardian of her four minor children. The names in this record are spelled Edwin Laraby, William Laraby, Mary Laraby and Allen Laraby.

There are several descendants of William Harrison Larabee and Clara A. Rhodes living in and around Newaygo County today.

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