E. A. Benjamin

E. A. Benjamin was born in Green County, N.Y., June 19, 1822. Settled in Lorain County, Ohio, in 1831; thence to Wayne County, Ohio, in 1843, and to Weare Township, Section 27, Oceana Co., Mich., in 1867. Is extensively engaged in farming and fruit growing, owning 240 acres of land, and cultivating fifteen acres of fruit. Married May 21, 1851; to Margaret Gray, who was born in Montral, Can., December 18, 1830. Eight children - DeWitt Clinton, born February 26, 1853; Abby L., born September 29, 1853 (married E. M. Roberts, December 23, 1875); Mary S., born September 12, 1855; clara J., born August 28, 1857; and died May 21, 1859; James G., born October 2, 1859; E. A. Jr., born December 2, 1863; Effie J., born June 10, 1867; died June 15, 1879; Margaret, born June 13, 1873. Mr. Benjamin's father's name was B.V. Benjamin, born in Chatham, N.Y., in 1800; married in 1821, and died at Pike's Station, Ohio, April 4, 1874.