John Hedges

John Hedges was born in Otsego Co., N.Y., March 19, 1801; moved with his father's family to Yates County, N.Y., in 1808. From thence to Erie County, in 1847, and in 1858 made Springville, Erie County, his home, and engaged in the hardware business. In 1877 he retired from active business, and made Shelby, Oceana Co., Mich., his home, and attends to loaning money, collecting rents, etc. He has a large property for Oceana County. Married July 16, 1825, to Mary A. Hoagland, born August 20, 1801, and died January 4, 1862. Second marriage to Elmira Eaton, who was born in Erie County, N.Y., September 28, 1819. Two sons - A.D., born July 18, 1827; Clement C., born April 20, 1835, and died December 6, 1864, from disease contracted in the army.