Judson Palmiter
JUDSON PALMITER, publisher of Shelby Independent, is a resident of Hart village, and was born in Warren, Trumbull Co., Ohio, June 10, 1827. When twenty-seven years of age, he removed to Noble Co., Ind., and in 1869 came to Hart, having been since 1858 almost continuously engaged in newspaper work. Mr. Palmiter commenced April 30, 1869, the publication of the Oceana County Journal, at Hart, and in the Fall of the same year bought out the Oceana Times, of Pentwater, in which he gave a small interest to Amos Dresser. He susbsequently sold the Times to Platt & Matthews, who removed it to Fremont Centre. In 1874 he sold the Journal to B. F. Saunders, removing to Newaygo, where he started the Tribune. After two years, leaving the Tribune with his eldest son, he returned to Hart, and repurchased the Journal, takin in Prof. S. Edson as a partner. In two years he parted with his interest in the Journal to Mr. Garver, and having two other printing offices on his hands, he took one - the Times, of Pentwater - and removed it to Shelby, commencing the issue of the Independent, April 10, 1880. Mr. Palmiter married, in 1851, at Braceville, Ohio, Miss Harriet S. Stow, and they have three surviving children, Easton, E.S., born June 20, 1854; Minnie, born June 3, 1859, and Henry, born April 15, 1870.