F. G. Reading

F. G. Reading was born at Detroit, Mich., September 14, 1833. He early learned the trade of carpenter and joiner, which he has followed in connection with contractor and builder, but at present (1882) he couples farming with his trade, living on Section 9, Hart Township. He has been township treasurer, justice of the peace, etc. Served in the army in the quarter-master's department for two years, Army of the Potomac. Married January 1, 1860, to Matilda Baxter, who was born in Charleston, N.Y., July 24, 1837. Six children, all girls. His father, H. H. Reading, was born in Somerset County, England, December 4, 1800. Settled in Oakland County, Mich., in 1832; lost his wife March 4, 1881; now lives with his son in Hart, and is engaged in life insurance.