David A. Reed

David A. Reed was born in Norfolk County, Ont., September 10, 1854. Early learned the trade of blacksmith, and settled in Shelby, Oceana County, in 1877, where he carries on business in connection with wagon making. Married, Jult 31, 1874, to Mary charlotte Geddes, who was born in Norfolk County, Ont., Jult 29, 1860. One living child, Mary ann, and has lost two by death; viz.,Jennie Belle, born January 22, 1879, died July 19, 1880; William A., born March 11, 1881, died August 9, 1881. His father Robert still lives in Ontario; one brother, Samuel C., born March 16, 1846, residing in Allegan County, Mich., is also a blacksmith by trade.