James Edwin Reed

JAMES EDWIN REED was born in Sharon, Conn., on April 28, A.D., 1816, where he lived until he was eighteen years of age, when he went to Ohio, and remained there until he was twenty-one years old. Then he returned to Connecticut, and remained until 1840. On June 1 of that year he married Phoebe A. Sardam, of Salisbury, Conn., and in the following October they went to Ohio, and commenced farming, in which he was generally successful. In 1866 he sold his farm in Ohio and moved to Jackson, Mich., where he engaged in the drug business, and had a good business, but for some reason not accounted for, was not successful. From Jackson he went to Oceana County, in 1867, and bought a piece of wild land, where he now resides. Having cleared his land of the forest, he has continued the farming business to this date.