James Williams

James Williams was born in Gloucester, Eng., October 6, 1820. Settled in Canada, in 1857, from thence to Aurora, Ill.; thence to Whitehall, Mich. Finally, in 1871, he made Shelby his home, and engaged in mercantile business being perhaps the first to sell goods in the immediate vicinity of the present village of Shelby. Subsequently he built a sawmill, which he operated until his death, which occurred June 16, 1881. Mr. Williams was married October 13, 844, to Paulina Prichard, who was also born in Gloucester, Eng., October 12, 1822. Five children - Jeremiah, James H., Walter S., George F., Albert A., and three that have died - Elizabeth, born December 13, 1846, died October 21, 1880; Rose, born September 30, 1851, died July 12, 1852; William W., born February 9, 1849, died January 21, 1870.