Alex S. Anderson Biography

Contributed by
Jan Cortez

Alex S. Anderson, a man who exerted a positive influence in the early affairs of this county, was born, as nearly as can be ascertained, in the State of Maine, on the 23nd day of March, 1811. Of his early life nothing is known excepting that he resided for some time in his native State and spent considerable time in traveling about over the United States. In Dec. 1849, he came to Oceana County, and from that time his history can be traced. He began work for Dr. Phillips who was then building a mill at Stony Creek for Rev. W. Ferry. He worked for Mr. Phillips until the fall of 1850, when he went to lumbering for Mr. Ferry. A year later he took charge of the mill and continued to run it for two years. He then moved to Claybanks and commenced farming which he followed until his death, which occurred December 29, 1879. He was buried in the Claybanks Cemetery. Mr. Anderson was politically a democrat. He was known as a man of positive opinions and exerted an influence in all the affairs of the county, and more especially in his locality. In 1855 he was elected Supervisor of his township and held that office for eleven years almost continuously. Upon the Board of Supervisors he possessed an influence as great as any other member. He was Treasurer of his township for three years. In 1858 he was elected Clerk and Register of Deeds of the county; and it was his mistake while in that office that caused the people so much trouble and money in their title suit mentioned on page 88 of this book. In 1860 he was elected to the office of County Treasurer, holding that office one term.