Charles W. Fisher Biography

Contributed by
Jan Cortez

Charles W. Fisher was born in Carbon Co., PA., July 24, 1842. His parents were Jacob and Mary Fisher. At the breaking out of the war he enlisted in Co. C., 3rd Penn. Cav. as a private and served three years and one month, In 1866, Dec. 19th, he married Miss Hannah J. Selser, and three children, one boy and two girls, now constitute their family.

In June 1867, he came to Oceana Co., spending about a year at Pentwater, then returning to Pennsylvania where he became the Asst. Supt. of the Lehigh Valley Coal. Co. He continued in that business for about ten years when he returned to this county, locating at Shelby and engaging in the hotel business, and for four years was known as landlord "Wes", being a popular landlord with all classes.

About a year ago Mr. Fisher quitted the hotel business to engage in the general mercantile business in which he still continues, and is meeting with fair success.

He has been elected Constable of his township, and in March, 1890, was elected a Trustee of Shelby village. He is an ardent G.A.R. man, a warm-hearted citizen, and a kind husband and father. He enjoys as much as any man in Shelby the esteem and friendship of his neighbors.