Isaac Haggerty Biography

Contributed by
Jan Cortez

Isaac Haggerty, a son of Orra and Rebekah Haggerty, was born in Oneida Co., N.Y., Aug. 10, 1828. He left New York State in 1856 going to Chicago where he remained one summer, then coming to Oceana County in the fall of 1856. He immediately commenced clearing up a farm and continued upon the farm until '61, when he enlisted in Co. B, 5th Wisconsin Infantry and served three years. At the expiration of his term of enlistment he returned to this county to his farm. Since then his occupation has been farming. Mr. Haggarty is a man much respected by his neighbors, and has been two years Treasurer of Claybanks township. Oct. 10, 1852 he was married to Miss Elizabeth Salmon, a daughter of Heman and Betsey Salmon, who was born at Hamburg, Erie Co., N.Y., Jan. 13, 1830. They have one child, a son, who is now living at home and assissting his father with the farm work. Mr. Haggerty's present residence is on the SW1/4 of the SW1/4 of Sec. 25, Claybanks, which he has under fine improvement with a large, comfortable house and commodious barns and out buildings.