John F. Cumming Biography

Contributed by
Jan Cortez

John F. Cumming was born in Delaware Co., N.Y., March 11, 1853. He is a son of John and Sarah Cumming. Came to Oceana Co. April 3, '79 and has resided here. From April, '84, for one year was engaged in tending the Little Point Au Sable Lighthouse. He, with Geo. Crandall, started a democratic newspaper, and while he was engaged at other work to procure funds to keep the paper "booming", Mr. Crandall became discouraged and left the State, giving the paper a natural death. He is at present engaged in clearing a farm for fruit. Was Postmaster during the last six months of Cleveland's administration.

Was Justice of the Peace one term and Supervisor in 1889. Married July 4, 1873, to Clarenda James who was born at Birmingham, Eng., Dec. 25, '53, being a daughter of David and Jane James. She came to America when four years of age and lived with her parents at Brooklyn for ten years. Her father was an iron moulder by trade. She was several years a member of the Plymouth Church Sunday School.