Maria O'Hanlon Biography

Contributed by
Jan Cortez

Maria Goldie was born in Dawn, Patrick County, Ireland, Mar. 10, 1816. Removed to Glasgow in 1826. Was married to John Haughey, shoemaker in Glasgow, on the 8th day of Aug. 1831. There were two children born to them, one William J. Haughey, and one Maria, who died in Glasgow. Her husband died in Memphis, Tenn., after their removal to America. Removed to America in 1848. She was amarried again in Milwaukee in the summer of 1852 to Jas. O'Hanlon, and shortly thereafter removed with her husband to Claybanks, Oceana Co. Mr. O'Hanlon was born in Lurigan, Ireland, and came to Claybanks in 1849, which after his marriage became his permanent home. He was prominently identified with the early history of the county and held many of the local offices. It is said that Mrs. O'Hanlon owned the first cow brought to the county, taught the first two terms of school in Claybanks, and was the person for whom the township of Golden was named. Mr. O'Hanlon died April 9, 1887, and Mrs. O'Hanlon March 14, 1888.