County Officials

In the Fall of 1879 the following officers were elected, their term of office commencing on the 1st of January, 1880, and closing on December 31, 1882: Judge of Probate, David JOhnson, sheriff, William R. Colier; county clerk, Edgar D. Richmond; register of deeds, Edgar D. Richmond; treasurer, John R. Butler; prosecuting attorney, L. G. Rutherford; circuit court commissioner, L. M. Hartwick; county surveyor, John Beau, Jr.; coroners, William J. Tennant, of Elbridge, and Ambrose Mason, of Hart.>BR>
The superintendents of the poor are Caleb Davis, of Mears, appointed in 1880; William J. Sprigg, of Hart, vice D. Johnson, resigned in 1881, and Charles McClave, of Maple Range, reappointed in 1882.