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Freemasonry in Oceana County is in a flourishing condition, and on a solid basis. It embraces within its fold the foremost and most substantial citizens, and has long held a prominent place in society. The Masonic Bodies now in active existence are: 1. Oceana Council, No. 27, Royal and Select Masters, which was established in 1879. The officers (1882) are: Comp., W. E. Dockry, T. I. M., A. N. Randall, D. M., Fred Nielsen, P. C. W., A. Sorenson, Treas. J. H. Benton, Rec.: W. E. Ambler, Capt. G.; G. W. Imus, Con of C.; Wm. Webb, Steward, I. N. Lewis, Sentinel; Past T. I. M. Comps., J. Boynton, J. M. Rice and F. Nielsen. Hall over Sands & Maxwell's store. Meeting every second Monday in the month. 2. The next body is Oceana Chapter, No. 56, R. A. M., of Pentwater, which was instituted in 1868. The Past High Priests are: B. F. Doughty, J. M. Rice, W. E. Dockry, L. G. Rutherford. The officers (1882) are: Comp., W. E. Dockry, H. P.; S.A. Browne, King; F. Nielsen, Scribe; A. Sorenson, Treas.; A. W. Newark, Rec.; G. W. Imus, Capt. of H.; W. E. ambler, P.S.; J. Thompson, R.A.C.; H. Brink, M. 3 V.; J. H. Bouton, M. 2 V.; A. N. Randall, M. 1 V.; A. Palmer, Sentinel. Meetings every third Monday in month. 3. Next comes Oceana Lodge, No. 200, F. and A. M., Pentwater, instituted 1866. The Worshipful Masters have been: J. Boynton, E. E. Edwards, L. D. Grove, J. M. Rice and W. E. Dockry. The officers (1882) are: W. E. Dockry, W.M.; G. W. Imus, S. W.; O. H. Thayer, J. W.; E. B. Clark, Treas.; J. Grover, Sec.; W. A. Rounds, S. D.; R. C. Faxon, J. D.; H. P. Kelly and J. Hagestrom, Stewards; J. J. Kittridge, chaplain; J. Brooker, Tyler. Meetings Tuesday, on or before full moon. 4. The next body is Wigton Lodge, No. 251, F. & A. M., of Hart, instituted 1868. The Masters of the Lodge have been successively: J. M. Rice, B. S. Pratt, W. H. Walker, L. G. Rutherford, D. JOhnson, W. Coolidge and W. J. Britton. The present officers (1882) are: D. Johnson, W. M.,; E. D. Richmond, S. W.; G. L. Crumb, J. W.; L. A. McIntyre, Sec.; W. E. Thorp, Treas.; C. W. Slayton, S. D.; N. Miller, J. D.; W. Thorp, Tyler; J. Carey and T. Carmer, Stewards; Rev. James Draper, Chaplain. Hall over Chadwick & Sons. 5. Benona Lodge, No. 289, shelby, instituted 1871. Past Masters are: C. E. Howe, H. Heffman, R. E. Cater and John Thompson. The present officers (1882) are: A. Z. Moore, W.M.; M. C. White, S. W.; A. Oleson, J.W.; E. J. Shirts, Treas.; W. E. Barry, Sec.; E. F. Coon, S. D.; H. Johnstone, J.D.; G. Getty and P. Foster, Stewards; O. B. Smith, Chaplain, and H. W. Reed, tyler. Hall over Van Wickle's drug store. 6. Hesperia Lodge. OCEANA LODGE, NO. 200, F. & A. M., PENTWATER. At a meeting of Master Masons, in good standing, residing at Pentwater and vicinity, held on June 12, 1866, for the purpose of forming a Lodge of F. & A. M., at Pentwater, the following brethren were present: J. Boynton, Charles W. Deane, W. H. Sibley, George Goodsell, J. W. Perry, O. Day, S. W. Pomeroy, A. B. Judd, Wm. B. O. Sands, George D. Lee, H. H. Woods. Brother J. Boynton was chosen chairman, Charles W. Deane, J. W. After which J. Boynton took the credentials and visited the Grand Lodge for the purpose of procuring the necessary dispensation for the establishment of Pentwater Lodge, in which he succeeded, and Aug. 14, 1866, the lodge was duly instituted, at which time the W. M. appointed George W. Goodsell, Treas.; A. B. Judd, Sec.; David C. Pelton, S. D.; W. B. O. Sands, J. D.; John W. Perry, Tyler. Time of the meeting fixed on the second Tuesday in each month, since changed to Tuesday on or before the full of the moon. The subjoined have been Worshipful Masters since the organization: J. Boynton, E. F. Edwards, R. L. Hardy, J. M. Rice, L. D. Grove, W. E. Dockry. Present officers are: W. E. Dockry, W. M.; George W. Imus, S. W.; Oscar H. Tayer, J. W.; E. B. Clark, Treas.; James Grover, Sec.; Wm. A. Rounds, S. D.; Jacob Fisher, J. D.; Wm. Kuhn, Tyler. Wigton Lodge, No. 251, Hart. The preliminary meeting was held April 2, 1868. The following brethren were charter members: J. M. Rice, 1st W.M.; S. B. Pratt, S.W.; J. Elliott, J.W.; W. Wigton, S. D.; W. H. Walker, J. D.; M. R. Chadwick, Sec.; W. H. Leach, treasurer; W. A. Blanchard, tyler; also E. J. Reed, J. E. Williams, W. Coolidge, Ambrose and H. C. Mason, A. E. Palmiter, D. Benham, S. Inman and L. G. Rutherford. The following have been masters since: B. S. Pratt, W. H. Walker, L. G. Rutherford, W. M. Wigton and D. Johnson; and the following have died since the organization: W. Wigton, J. D. Ballou and O. C. Perry. The following are the present officers: D. Johnson, W. M.; E. D. Richmond, S. W.; G. L. Crumb, J. W.; L. A. McIntyre, secretary; W. E. Thorp, treasurer; C. W. Slayton, S. D.; N. Miller, J. D.; J. Cary and T. Carmer, stewards; W. Thorp, Tyler. Hesperia Lodge, NO. 846, was chartered and commenced under dispensation November 23, 1875; charter dated Jnauary 24, 1877, Charter Members: P. H. Weaver, S. Atherton, L. S. Weaver, N. Heath, S. Tibbitts, Jacob Carlisle, J. W. Dunning, Alva Decker and J. W. Sweet. The first officers were: P. H. Weaver, W. M.; S. Atherton, S. W.; L. S. Weaver, J.W.; J. F. Howard, secretary, and P. Monroe, treasurer. The officers for 1882 are: J. W. Dunning, W.M.; Charles Stark, S. W.; W. Fleming, J. W.; O. A. Rowland, secretary; E. Utley, treasurer; past masters, P. H. Weaver and J. W. Dunning. ODD FELLOWSHIP. The first lodge of this benevolent organization in the county was instituted in June 1879, at Hart, and called Oceana Lodge, No. 327, I. O. O. F. The first Noble Grand was H. J. Holmes; Vice Grand, J. A. Collier; secretary, T. S. Gurney. The next Noble Grand was J. A. Collier; Vice Grand, T. S. Gurney; secretary, C. A. Gurney. Next Noble Grand was T. S. Gurney; C. A. Gurney, V. G. and James McVean, secretary. The next Noble Grand was C. A. gurney: J. McVean, V.G., and D. Calkins, secretary. The next Noble Grand was James McVean; D. Calkins, V.G.; H. J. Holmes, secretary. Then came D. Calkins, N.G.; E. P. Wigton, V.G.; and J. H. Holmes, secretary. The last Noble Grand is J. McVean; A. S. Killin, V.G., and J. Brassington, secretary. The lodge is strong and flourishing, with fifty-four members, and a surplus of $350 in treasury. They meet Saturdays in Huff's Hall. There are two other lodges, one at Shelby and another at Hesperia. Hart Encampment, No. 12, I. O.O.F., was established in 1880; first Chief Patriarch, J. A. Collier, followed by A. H. Hoisington, D. Calkins and T. S. Gurney. Membership about twenty. Meetings, first and third Thursdays of each month, and it is the only encampement in the county. Hesperia Lodge, No. 334, was organized on Thanksgiving Day, 1879, with the following charter members: W. S. Stevens, G. R. Boyer, P. Monroe, W. S. Millard and Isreal Clark. the first officers were: W. S. Stevens, N.G.; W. S. Millard, V.G.; G. R. Boyer, recording secretary; P. Monroe, treasurer; J. W. Dunning, permanent secretary. The Noble Grands in succession have been: W. S. Stevens, W. S. Millard, John Smith, I. Clark, H. C. Hawley and George R. Boyer. There are now thirty-seven members. Meetings every Saturday evening. There are twenty-three scarlet, one green, three pink, and initiate members. Total funs $332.71. THE GRANGERS. This society, which has played so important a part in the organization of the agricultural element, and is somewhat of the nature of a co-operative society, has of late years been an important factor in developing this county. Agriculture being in its infancy, and not yet widely extended, it has been found more difficult to make the society "go," then in some of the older and richer counties. However, although the society has had its ups and downs, it is now on a solid basis and has many leading and enthusiastic farmers in its ranks. It has not tried to do all kinds of business, as in some other counties, but it is enabled by comparison of rates, and holding out the alternative of co-operative trading, to get reasonable rates to its patrons. The first grange that was formed in the county was in 1874, at "Town Corners," a mile and a half west of New Era, and is called Sylvan Grange. W. F. Lewis was the first Master, and has been prominently identified with the lodge ever since. It has an average of forty-one members. The next was "Oceana Grange," at Hart, E. T. Mugford first master. Prominent as masters of the grange have been A. D. Van Vickle, James Reed, Mr. Rector and Mr. Yates. It has an average of twenty-five members, and, like former grange, was formed in the Fall of 1874. The same Fall there was formed Fraternal Grange, No. 406; A. Maples, first master. With the exception of one term, when E. W. Moore was master, G. W. Woodward or W. H. Barry have held the office of master. This grange has an average of twenty-eight members, and was first at Blooming Valley, but it now meets in Shelby Village. The same year, 1874, a grange was established in Ferry, now dormant, and another at Crystal Valley, which still flourishes. All these granges were founded by Charles King, of Kalamazoo, General State Deputy, and a good organizer. In 1876 a grange was formed at Flower Creek, in Claybanks. The leading masters have been Mr. Baker, H. Tower, and S. and A. Houston. It has thirty members. There is also a county grange, organized in 1880, with W. F. Lewis as first master; next year E. T. Mugford was master, and in 1882, O. K. White is county master, G. W. Woodward is lecturer, George C. Myers, secretary, and Thomas Twinning, treasurer. |