Class Program for the Gaylord High School Graduating Class of 1929 submitted by Vicki Kullik Girard
Thursday Evening, June 13, 1929
Class Song: Graduation Days
Salutatory: Mary Schreur
Class Poem Gladys DeLaMater
Class History Adelaide Hamilton,
Dorothy Goodrich,
Mary Lozen,
Henry Libcke
Piano Solo: Helen Spreeman
President's Address: Ammon Schreur
Class Will: Tracy Andrews,
Pearl Gray,
John Niergarth,
Juanita Ely,
Carleton Marquardt,
Anthony Kukllik,
Charles Welch
Vocal Solo: Cora Lewis (with John Niegarth at the piano)
Class Prophecy: Maurice Fitzpatrick,
Marion Allis,
Naurine Schuyler,
Orily Myers,
Clifford Miller,
Archie Fox
Valedictory: Louise Allen
Commencement Program - Friday Evening, June 14, Eight O'Clock
Invocation: Elder Allen Schreur
Solo Neale Greene
Duet: Mr. Olmstead and Mr. Greene
Solo: Leland Olmstead
Duet: Mr. Olmstead and Mr. Greene
Address: M. R. Keyworth
Presentation: (Name not legible) and C. B. Hurd
Benediction: Elder Allen Schreur