OTTAWA COUNTY, MICHIGAN There are three cemeteries in Park Township. 1) LAKEWOOD CEMETERY - The plat of "Lakewood Boulevard Cemetery" is described as being that part of the SE 1/4, NE 1/4, Section 21, Town 5N, Range 16 West. Commencing 526.7 feet west, and 33 feet north, of the E 1/4 corner of said section running thence west 275.6 feet, thence north 159.7 feet, thence east 275.6 feet, thence south 159.7 feet to place of beginning. 2) LAKESHORE CEMETERY – Located in the SW ¼ of Section 29. The southwest side of 168th Avenue and north of Riley Street 3) VENTURA CEMETERY (a.k.a. Vanden Berg Cemetery)- Part of NW fraction 1/4 of NW fraction 1/4, Section 3, Town 5N, Range 16 West, described as follows: From the northwest corner of said Section east 3 degrees, 21 rods, 3 links, thence south 1 degree east, 11 rods, 9 links, thence south 87 degrees west, 21 rods, 3 links, thence north 1 degree west, 11 rods, 9 links to place of beginning. ABBREVIATIONS: LU=Location Unknown, TS=Tombstone, TDR=Township Death Register Path on outside is 8 feet wide. Compiled by Evelyn M. Sawyer, 1995 Transcriber: Evelyn Sawyer |