2012 Photos of the Church Before It was Torn Down
Hudsonville Protestant Reformed Church and Parsonage
The Hudsonville Protestant Reformed Church was organized in 1926
and the church building was erected in 1927. The land was donated for the
church and parsonage by Cornelius Spoelman and his funeral was the first held in
the church when it was almost completed in April, 1927. (NOTE: The land was originally owned by Hiram Drew and his farm house was moved to Madison Avenue where it was in use until the Hudsonville Junior High School was renovated and change to the Freshmen Campus.) The church grew slowly but eventually a new edifice was built on Beech Tree Avenue. The church building then became Hudsonville Methodist Church. The church's membership did not grow and it disbanded in 2005. The City of Hudsonville purchased the building and parsonage. Currently, it is being rented to a new congregation who are looking for a permanent, larger facility. The building is being used for classed in acting, etc., and for having special community events. The church is now called the "White Church" which really has no meaning historically. NOTE: 2013 the church was torn down to make room for more parking at the Gary Byker Memorial Library. |
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Created: 12 April 2006