1872 - 1902

The original church was destroyed in the historic Holland Fire of 1872 along with much of Holland. The property was sold at sheriff’s auction and later repurchased.

A frame building was constructed on the present site. A picture of that church is on display.

In 1900 money was borrowed from Hope College to modernize the building. It had just been completed when destroyed by an afternoon fire early in Feb. 1902.

A new building was started at once. The bids were for about $8900. When completed the auditorium was about the largest in the city and was used for many civic functions including commencement programs for Holland High.

The parsonage was next built and went thru a number of changes over the years.

The entrance to the church was later changed from the center to the two towers. Water, rest rooms, electric lights were installed during the years.

During the late 1940’s the new wing to the northeast and the heating system were added.

A 40 foot lot to the north had been acquired during the years.

During the late 1950’s discussion was held on building a second church or an educational unit. The membership voted for the educational unit and this resulted in a church split with a loss of about 75 members.

The educational unit was completed at a cost of about $160,000 for building and furnishings.

Before the unit could be built it was necessary to get 80 ft. of property. An old house on 40 ft. just east of the church was purchased. Then another house and lot to the extreme east was bought. Mass furniture owned the middle two lots. They swapped frontage giving the church 80 ft. just east of the church building. Not all of the 80 ft. was required for the educational unit. Mass and the church leased the vacant lots to the city. The city developed the lots and in return get the meter money. This has been a very good arrangement for the Methodist Church as we use the lots and have no expense.

Prof. Van Zoeren lived directly north of the church. He gave his lots to Hope College with the stipulation they sell the lots to the Methodist Church for $1000 a year for 15 years with no interest.


The Rev. T. T. George presided at the first meeting of the Trustees on June 22. Present as trustees were Issac Fairbanks, Ezra Annis, Elmore Annis, Harry Fairbanks and T. S. Purdy. Absent were N. Hansen and W. A. Halley. Mr. Purdy was elected chairman and Issac Fairbanks was elected Sec. The Sec. was instructed to buy a suitable record. (This book contains the minutes of the Official Board and the Trustees for several years).

The parsonage (to the west of the church) needed repairs such as new doors, windows, plaster. No funds were available so Issac Fairbanks was asked to circulate a subscription list to the members present. Between $20 to $30 was subscribed to by the trustees and Rev. George was appointed to superintend the work. Note: It was the usual procedure when funds were needed to contact the church members and have them agree to giving something for the special fund. In some cases the member paid his subscription in labor or supplies which were credited to his account.

One week later the trustees were called to a special meeting. Issac Fairbanks resigned as Sec. And Mr. Halley took over. They reconsidered the work to be done on the lower floor of the parsonage as some felt the roof should be raised first. Due to lack of sufficient funds the projects were tabled.

By the end of August $224.81 had been pledged and paid. The Ladies Aid paid in $86.06 and the SS paid in $10.42. With this amount on hand the trustees felt they could precede with the parsonage and appointed the minister to contract with R. E. Workman to install the doors and windows. The itemized bill was:

5 windows with glass 12x30 16.25

11 windows with glass 12x26 33.00

2 door frames 3.00

1 sash door 2.50

1 common door 2.00


The first meeting of the Official Board was on Sept. 21. The group consisted of Issac Fairbanks, Ezra Annis, Elmore Annis, Nels Hanson, George Souter, A. S. Fairbanks, Charles Fairbanks, Harry Fairbanks, W. A. Halley and Rev. George. Mr. Halley acted as Sec. The financial report showed the Holland Church had contributed to the pastors salary $458.34, another $12.34 was outstanding on subscriptions but considered good and the Ladies Aid had sold a quilt for $5.91 making a total of $478.59 for the pastor.

Note: At this time there was another associate church at Ventura.

Mr. George was replaced by Rev. Jordon who presided at the Oct. meeting of the Off. Board. The parsonage was not in condition for Rev. Jordon to move into and the board decided to rent a suitable home. The seven members present (including Rev. Jordon) gave a total of $5.00 for house rental.


The Off. Board consisted of C. Genshaw, Sr., John Elferdink, Jr., Nels Hansen, C.S. Stillman, .W. Fairbanks, J.A. Kooyers, A.W. Riegel, H. Chandler, I.H. Fairbanks & Rev. C.A. Jacobes, John Baldwin, N. Br. I.H. Fairbanks, reported at the Jan. meeting that $15.50 had been subscribed to for the wood fund and four cords of wood had been delivered in addition to the subscriptions.

At the meeting held Feb. 13 the pastor reported he had been paid only $66 during the past three months. The janitor had not been paid. To settle an old printing bill of J.A. Kooyers the trustees sold him the old Bible.

At the quarterly conference held March 11 the committee to pay the janitor reported they had raised $6.76 by holding a Social and the janitor was nearly paid up. The committee was extended a vote of thanks for their "efficient work".

Statements were made out each quarter and these were handed out at the meetings. However, in July the Off. Board raised 65 cents to mail out the left over statements.

The Rev. Jacobs had received only $50 on salary during June. His son, Clyde had been sick for months and died during June. Dr. Mabbs was voted thanks for his faithful services in caring for Clyde.

It was also voted to appoint a committee to secure a pass for the pastor and his family to travel to and from Macatawa Park on the steamer "Music".

In August the O.B. voted to admit Mr. Peter DeBoe to membership as he had been on probation for over 6 months.

While the pastor was at conference the pulpit secured the service of J. Bergen to preach at both morning and evening services for $5.00. It was reported the pastor had been paid a total of $930 including rent and it was decided to apportion the $70 deficiency over the membership. The P.E. had been paid $1.00 and the $1.00 short would be included in the

apportionments of the members.

Rev. Jacobes returned to Holland after conference and the Board again voted a salary and rent of $1000 with the Ventura church paying $75 and allowing $150 for rent. A new janitor had to be hired and they agreed to have a social at Halley’s house to raise the funds. The pastor and J. Kooyers were asked to repair the hymn books. Later it was necessary to amend the apportionment list and the minister was asked to speak to the congregation about the wood problem. A request from Mrs. K.K. Morse of G.R. to use the church two afternoons. The board also extended sympathy to D. Bertsch on the death of his wife Anna. A declaration of sympathy was drawn to be read at the funeral and a copy was given to Mr. Bertsch and they voted to pay for plants used for decorations at the funeral.


A special meeting of the leaders and stewards were called Jan. 11, 1896. Present were J.A. Kooyers, Dr. J.A. Mabbs, John Baldwin, Austin Harrington, A.F. Harvey, John Elferdink, Jr., W.A. Halley, Nels Hansen, N. Brockway, I.H. Fairbanks and Rev. Jacobes. It was recommended and passed that A.F. Harvey be granted a "local preacher" license.

In Feb. discussion was held on the value of the old bracket lamps the committee was trying to sell.

In March the Epworth League and the SS was holding a revival series and the Off. Board voted to join them and to hold the meetings in the audience room of the church. I.H. Fairbanks was asked to be chorister and to select the organist.

By May the pastor was behind in salary about $186.70 and a special drive was put on

to raise the amount. By June the janitor was behind $10 and the minister was asked to speak to the congregation Sunday morning for their contributions. It was also voted to not hold evening services June 14 so everyone could attend the high school a special service at 3rd . Reformed Church in honor of the gathering class of Holland High.

Rev. Adam Clark became the new pastor in October. The same committees were carried over and the pastor’s salary set at $1000. The pastor had purchased 20 "Probationer Hand Books" at 5 cents each and a new church record book had been purchased for $1.70. Also, a new janitor, George Morrison, had been hired at the rate of $52 per year. The membership was divided. Each member was asked to promise to pay a certain amount to the pastor for his support.

Jan. Trustees: The Trustees insured the church for $2200, Parsonage for $800, Barn for $50 and horse stalls for $50 for three years at a total cost of $62.80 with H. Walsh, the agent. Mr. Walsh donated his entire commission of $9.42 leaving $53.38 to be raised. Mr. Walsh was given a vote of appreciation. Another Social raised $13.13 for the insurance fund and the balance was borrowed. However, by the following July the insurance note was unpaid so another Social was held and this one netted $25.91. During the summer it was necessary to make furnace and roof repairs. They voted to have the pastor sell the old lamps for whatever he could and they purchased a new church clock for $8.00.

In Nov. the Ladies Aid recommended buying a strip of land east of the church from Mr. Boggs and they agreed to pay for it.

At the Dec. meeting the trustees decided to try to sell a half lot in the rear of the church except for the south 10 ft. and buy 10 ft. along the north line from Mr. J. Verschure making a 10 ft. strip along the entire length of the church on the north. And they decided to purchase 25 ft. from Mr. Boggs along the east line. In Dec. the ½ lot north of the church was sold to George Morrison, the church janitor and this sale include an old house on the Boggs property east of the church.


The Jan. meeting asked several members behind in their apportionments pay up so that the pastor could be paid in full.

Feb. 6, 1901 At 2 PM the church was destroyed by fire. (Mr. Wm. Vanderberg, Sr. was at the fire.)

A special meeting of the OB was called at the parsonage that evening to lay plans for a new church. Present were Rev. Adam Clarke, I.H. Fairbanks (sec.), Dr. J. A. Mabbs, John Elferdink, Jr., Dan Bertsch, J. A. Kooyers, John Baldwin, W. Belcher, John Nies, D. M. Shaw, M. Sooyengood. They were offered the use of Wyants Chapel at Hope College and the Opera House for church and these offers were accepted.

In March the Treasurer reported he has sent statements costing 75 cents to collect money to pay the note of $41 at the bank. This had been borrowed to pay the pastor’s salary. He received back just 50 cents making a loss on the mailing of 25 cents.

Arrangements were made with Hope College and also First Reformed church to pay some expenses as light, heat and janitor. In May a request was made to pay the balance of the $41 borrowed the previous August and the members agreed to collect from all the overdue pledges.

The Board voted to inscribe the corner stone for the new church "First M.E. Church 1867-1897" and under between the other dates 1901 in larger figures. His action was taken May 20, 1901.

In July it was announced the pastor was behind $111.00 in salary and the bank note was still showing a balance of $23.00. The pastor asked for and was granted 1 week’s vacation. The pastor was paid in full by conference time in Sept. Rev. Clarke returned as pastor. I. H. Fairbanks continued as sec. and C. Stillman as Treasurer. Mr. Stillman also was the janitor at $1.50 per week.

At a special Board meeting Dec.23, 1901 the Board voted to unite with Hope Church in a series of revival meetings beginning Jan. 15, 1902 the first week in Hope Church and the second week in the new Methodist Church.

TRUSTEES The Trustees met in special session at the parsonage the night of Feb. 6 to discuss the procedures of business following the fire. Many of these men were also on the OB. Dan Bertsch was made a committee to take care of salvage including furniture and Fairbanks and Mabbs were appointed to meet with the insurance company.

The Trustees met again Feb. 13 after the evening’s revival service at the home of I. H. Fairbanks and were told $2434.00 had been subscribed to build the new church. John Elferdink was asked to complete the canvas of the tanneries.


Transcriber: Barb Jones
Created: 26 Dec 2009