Kishman, George, Coopersville, Observer, August 16, 1895

Drowned Near Lamont

A sad drowning accident occurred near Bridge Street ferry crossing Sunday morning. George Kishman, a young man eighteen years of age, whose home is at Elgin, this county, while bathing

In Grand River, was suddenly seized with cramps and sank in about twelve feet of water. A companion, named Smith, attempted to rescue him, and in so doing almost lost his own life. Kishman is said to have been a good swimmer, having swam across the river a number of times, but his skill in this direction failed to help him on this occasion. His body was found an hour afterwards, when efforts of resuscitation were made, but all in vain—his life had vanished and death now claimed him as its victim.

Deceased had, for four years, resided with his brother, who operated a threshing machine, while George acted in the capacity of engineer. He was highly esteemed by all his acquaintances, who paid their last respect to him on Tuesday, when Undertaker Van Allsburg conveyed the remains to Lamont Cemetery, Rev. Brownell, pastor of the M. E. church of that place, officiating. Upwards of fifty vehicles were in the precession, which was one of the largest ever witnessed in that section. The family and relatives of the unfortunate man are almost prostrated with grief over the sad event, and much sympathy is expressed in their behalf.


Transcribed by Joan Van Spronsen
Created: 24 August 2010