Jamestown School, District No. 2 The history of the School District No. 2 at Jamestown Center is described inold records as: The four corners of sections 9, 10, 15, and 16 was a swampy place with manyfallen trees with Canadian thistles amidst the standing timber. A schoolhousewas built near this pond. This was in 1852-1853. The schoolhouse was located on the northwest corner ofthe NW ¼ NW1/4 of Section 15. There was a desk around the room on three sides,against the wall, with a seat in front. If one wanted a back to the seat, theyonly had to turn around and lean against the desk. The stove was in the center.The teacher’s table was on the north side and near the door. Some of the earlyteachers were Anise Brown, Elizabeth Friz, Maria Gitchel, Dexter Stilwell, NaomiNorton, Millard Styles, Horace Keyes, Emma Abbott and there were others, forthis schoolhouse was used thirteen years. No records are in existence. All religious and township meetings and funerals were held in this logschoolhouse, besides exhibitions and spelling contests. When the new schoolhouse was built in 1865, the old log building was movedacross the road on section 16. When in readiness, Mrs. Skeels (Aunt Kitty),widow of Spencer Skeels, moved in and lived there a number of years. She didweaving for a living. The first teacher in the new schoolhouse was Charles Christle. Others whofollowed were Mattie Kimball, O. R. L. Crosier, Libbie Cilley, Byron Sweet,Melissa Utter, John Woodward, Rodinthy Stranahan, Frank Carpenter and AliceHess?. This list is incomplete. Today the present generation, riding by this school lot, now improved, canhave no idea that this pond of water ever existed. All that goes in the makingof good roads has been done here. Through its progressive people, now living here, the old frame schoolbuilding has been replaced by a new structure. Present member of the school board are: President, Dr. William Reus,Secretary, Albert Zagers, Treasurer, George VanRhee, and Trustees, Horace Halland Henry Van Noord. The present building was erected in 1886 and a library later was added to it.CWA work in the winter of 1934-35 completed the basement. The school is the center of activities of many kinds for the community. Theschool’s capable band and orchestra are under the direction of Bert Brandt. The pupils of the school are as follows: Tenth graders: Lewis DeVries, Julia Grit, Hobard Hall, Raymond Huizenga,Norman Kellogg, Merlin Klooster, Harry Laating, Benjamin Haterink, KennethRichardson, Justin Schipper, Dick VandeBunte Gerard VanKlevering, LillianVanNoord, Gordon VanRhee, Skiney Venema and Alice Wiers. Ninth graders: Theodore Bowman, Lorraine Brouwer, Alma DeVries, Ernest Ensing,Junior Meengs, Jay Ocoback, Leonard Reus, Sarella VanOss, Elizaabeth VanRhee,John Venema and Julius Zagers. Eighth graders: Fannie DeKliene, Arnold Holleman, Hermina Kunnen, FlorenecRedder, Ivan Sneden, Eugene Tacoma, Gerald VanNoord, Lewis VanRhee, RobertZagers. Elementary pupils taught by Miss Holleman are: Grace Petroelje, Leona Wiers,Howard VandeBunte, Evelyn VanNoord, Beatrice, VanNoord, Mavis DeGroot, GeorgeVanRhee, Curtis Lamers, Myra Sneden, Jane Reus, Evelyn Reus, Priscilla Petroelje,Frederick Tacoma, Nelson Ensing, Joyce Lamers, Creighton DeGroot, JeanetteDyersen?, Leona VanOss, Gladys Meyer, Dick Kuiper, Howard VanKlompenberg, MarvinHolleman, Muriel Hall, Marian Reus, Robert VanNoord, Roswell Stilwill, JeanetteDeKleine, Ruth VanNoord, Donald DeWitt, Florence _________? And Edmund Sneden. Lower elementary pupils teacher was Miss Koster: Arlene Beek, Loretta __,Arlene Bowman, Lois De_, Jason DeKock, Robert De__, Delia DeWitt, Joyce DeW________,_ce DeWitt, Cornie Doesema, ________lyn Doezema, Kenneth Heu__________, PatriciaHollis, Jay H__________, Mary Jean Kruis, Paul ___, Shirley Lanting, James_______, Reuben and Willard Meyers, _____ Ocobock, Anna Mae Petroelje, _______aldPetroelje, Helen Kro________, William Reus, Lorraine_______, Margaret Struik,Walter __________, Bernice Vander Kooi, Carol ______Velde, Wallace Vander Ve______,Dorothea VanDyke, Willis V__________, Dale VanHoven, Jo__ _________Hoven, RogerVanKlompenberg, Martha VanRegenmorter, ___________Van Rhee, Gladys VanNo_______, ___________en and Irwin Van Noord, Edwin Wiers and _____________Zagers. Otto Yntema was the principal, Esther Holleman and Miss ____________Klosterwere the teachers. |
Transcriber: Evelyn Sawyer
Created: 5 July 2003