1852 - 1952
Martha Van Koevering

Notice of first meeting call:

“To William A. Smith of the Township of Jamestown
        Sir:  - You are hereby notified that the School Inspectors of the Township of Jamestown have formed a School District in said Township numbered as follows:  District No. 3, Commencing at the S.W. corner of Section 31, running North 3 miles to the N.W. corner of 19 then East to the N.E. corner of 21, then South to the S.E. corner of 33, then West to the place of Commencement (Nine Sections).  The first meeting of said District will be held at Wm. A. Smith on the 29th day of March, AD 1852, at six o’clock P.M.; And you are hereby instructed, in pursuance of the law relating to Primary Schools, to notify every qualified voter of said District, either personally or by leaving a written notice at his place of residence, of the time and place of said meeting for the election of officers and the transaction of such other business as may be necessary.  Augustus Donelly, Clerk of Board of School Inspectors.  Dated at Jamestown this 19th day of March, 1852.”

Apr. 6, 1852 - The officer appointed at this meeting comprising the School Board of District 3, were Moderator - John B. Prescott; Assessor - Jessee Braman; William A. Smith - Director.  All certified their acceptance of office.  notice to Supervisor - “The District Board for School district No. 3, do hereby certify that the following tax have been voted in said District during the school year just closed - viz:  Seventy-five dollars for the purpose of building a school house; Fifteen dollars for the purpose of buying a stove and other necessarys, which you will please assess upon the taxable property of said District as the law directs.”
Dated at Jamestown this 24th day of September, 1852.

May 28, 1853 - The Township Board of School Inspectors thru James M. Brown, Town Clerk, appointed James Baker as Moderator of District No. 3.

Feb. 4, 1854 - A meet of the qualified voters in the District was held at 1 P.M. at S. L. Gitchel, and it was resolved unanimously that the following act as members of the School Board: Wm. A. Smith - Moderator; Norman Chamberlin - Director; S. L. Gitchel - Assessor; W. Fris - Township Clerk.

Feb. 22, 1854 - At a special meeting held at Wm. A. Smith, the voters resolved unanimously “to choose a site for a schoolhouse on NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Sec. 29, one-half acre in the SE corner of the above described.” (About 1/4 mile south of Bok’s corner on the west side of the road now owned by Arnold Nyenhuis.)  1952; The schoolhouse was built here without the district buying the lot, which at the time was owned by John Prescott from whom it was leased.  While it was building, the first term of school was held in Nathan Odell’s house.

“Resolved unanimously that we let a job to build a log schoolhouse; the logs to be 18 x 20 feet long with four 12-lite windows, and to be done off inside the same manner as the house in the Kronkright District, and to clear a spot to set the house and the job to be let to the lowest bidder.  The job was struck off to N. Chamberlin at $100.”  Dis. No. 3 agrees to pay N. Chamberlin, or order, $75 when the house is finished, and $25 when taxes are collected in 1854.

The following accepted their various offices in writing:  Lewis Hunt, Director;  Wm. A. Smith, Moderator;  Lyman Nobles, Assessor.  “Were to raise $1 on a scholar which will make $23.  And to raise $3.68 to defray the expenses of the past school year and $6.32 for the ensuing year.”
Account against the Dis. No. 3 in 1854:  District Book - 31 cents; 1 day to hire a teacher $.75; to going after a teacher, self and team one day and a half - $1.50; to 1/2 day going after books - $.37; to 1 day to Biron to obtain a lease for the schoolhouse site - $.75; a total of $3.68.

1854 - James Baker was appointed Moderator in place of Wm. A. Smith who resigned.  The first teachers mentioned in the records were Anna Stilwell and Matilda Jaques.

 Sept. 24 1855 - E. G. Morris - Moderator; John Woodward - Director; Norman Chamberlin - Assessor.  To raise $30 to pay teacher for winter school. To raise $11 to defray expenses of District.  Pay John Woodward $. 56 to repair schoolhouse.

1855 - "Expenses included changing of Library from one home in the district to another - $. 50; making return to Supervisor - $.25; looking for and hiring teacher - $1; going after teacher - $1. 75; teacher of 3 months of winter school, Maria Jaques. received $18. 00 and on Feb. 28 for taking the teacher home, the Director received $1. 25.  " The place of residence and distance is not mentioned.  Always included in the list of annual expenses were: pail and dipper; a broome; supply of chalk (chock, chawk, cholk, chok - various phonetic spellings of the article as noticed in different
reports).  There were also phonetic spellings. mostly wrong, of proper names of many pupils on the census rolls as furnished by the Director.

1856 - Maria L. Gitchel received $18.75 for teaching 3 months of Summer School.  School Board officers - Hiram Lovejoy, Moderator; Norman Chamberlain, Director; John Woodward - Assessor. 35 were enrolled in the district; $4. 00 was raised for wood at 40-1/20 per cord.

1857 - Dexter Stillwell taught winter school for $46. Penelope Jacques received $18. 55 for teaching 13 weeks of summer school.  The Primary teacher was not required to teach on alternate Saturdays.  David Gitchel was paid $2.87 for repairing schoolhouse.  Lyman Nobles, Director; Rolin Jacox, Moderator.

1858 - Marilla W. Stiles taught 13 weeks of winter school @ $4. 00 a week. 41 enrolled.

Sept. 27 1858 - Specifications for repairing schoolhouse -,'To be painted on inside with good lime mortar, with good clay mortar; the work to be done in good workman-like  manner; banked on north side 1 log, west side 1 log, south side 2 logs, and banking on  east side of the house; 7 panes of glass put in with putty; door sawed off on the lower end and a threshold made and put in one-half inch thick, one good block under each end of the log that lies on the door-posts; the whole to be done and schoolhouse to be washed out by Oct. 20, 1858, for $4.12-1/2 by John Woodward.”
S. L. Gitchel was Director; Daniel Hollis, Moderator; Hiram Lovejoy, Assessor.  Marilla Stiles was able to visit this district just fifty years later and told the pupils of some incidents that happened during her teaching career here.  At the close of her remarks the pupils sang the song, "The Old Log Schoolhouse".

1859 - Mary E. Brown taught Summer School @ $6.50.  S. L. Gitchel, Moderator; John Woodward, Director; Elisha Morris, Assessor.

1860 - Horace H. Keyes taught 3 months of Winter School @ $20.00.

May-Aug. - Mary Tuttle was teacher of 13 weeks of Summer School @ $1.75 a week.  School board members were often changed - now Norman Chamberlain, Moderator; Hiram Lovejoy, Assessor.

1861 - Esther Stiles taught 3 months of Winter School @ $2 per week.  At their annual meeting it was "Resolved" that every man that sent to school shall get 1/2 cord of wood per scholar for winter use.

1862 - William E. Keyes had 3 months of Winter School for $50.36 enrolled. Nancie Garrett taught 4 months of  Summer School for $26.  The tax payers voted to raise $50 to apply on new schoolhouse.  Nelson Friz, Director.

1863 - Lois Boice taught 13 weeks of Summer School at $1.75 per week.  38 enrolled in   district. Nancie Garrett received $26 for teaching 13 weeks Winter School.  There were 15 different teachers listed from 1853 to 1863. Spelling contests helped to pass many evenings here pleasantly and profitably.  Occasionally a picnic was enjoyed near this school by all living in the district.

1864 - A missionary brought to this district by Sjoerd Yntema organized a Community Sunday School.  Robert R. Wilkinson was appointed Superintendent, and Hiram Lovejoy as Assistant Superintendent.  The Superintendent proved to be an efficient leader, and a good singer, thus encouraging many even from surrounding districts to attend and join in.  Mr. Beaumont, the first
singing school teacher in Jamestown met here with both the old and young people of the vicinity for singing and instruction in music.

1864 - Julia Solomon taught 13 weeks Summer School @ 17 shillings a week. The "job of repairing the schoolhouse was let to Chas.  Zach; painting with lime inside and plastering with clay outside; fill windows with glass puttied in where panes are missing so as to make it comfortable" - for $2.00.  Hiram Lovejoy, Director; Ebenezer Garrett, Assessor.  R. D. Jacox got the job of getting wood, 3 cords of hard sound body beech or maple wood at 6 shillings per cord.

1865 - Helen Bacon was teacher of 13 weeks of Summer School @ $2.50. Norman Chamberlin, Moderator; S. L. Sanford, Assessor; H. R. Lovejoy, Director to buy or lease a site for school.  Voted $300 for building fund. Repair bill was $5.00; Wood $7.00; Assessed $.75 on each scholar for teacher's wages. Chamberlin, Wilkinson, & Woodward comprised Building Com. and the schoolhouse was to be finished before Nov. 1, 1866.  Thirty dollars were voted for a stove and “findings” and $17 for insurance.

In the winter of 1864-65 the log schoolhouse burned.  They decided to build the new school on the S. E. corner of the S. E. 1/4 of Section 20.  While it was being built by George Coats and Henry Chamberlain, a term was taught by Cornelia Griffith in David Sweet's cooper shop across the road just east of the site of the present building.  This shop was built of logs and, of course, was not chinked like a dwelling would be.  This gave the pupils a chance to look out and watch the squirrels running up and down the stumps. A fine grove of maple trees around this new building gave it its name - "Maple Grove Schoolhouse".  There the Community Sunday School activities were renewed.

1866 - Cornelia Griffith taught 13 wks of Summer school, and 13 weeks of Winter School by B. F. Sanford @ $6.00.  During this year the number enrolled in the District (5-20) was 51, including the name of George Gitchel.  There was an epidemic of whooping cough closing school for 2 weeks with various cases afterwards.

1867 - Matilda Randall had 12 weeks of 'Winter School @ $5. 00 and the list of 56 enrolled persons included the name of five-year old Clyde Hollis, who is still with us in his ninetieth year.  Ten cords of wood @ 70 cents furnished by D. SweetS. L. Gitchel was appointed Director; and assessment was $1.00 per scholar.

1868 - Adelia C. Davis was the teacher of both Winter (12 wks) and Summer school (14 wks) @ $6.75.  Among the 63 enrolled were the names of Herman Vande Bunte and Rein and William Van Bronkhorst who had recently come from the Netherlands, and also those of Schober brothers.

The District Board had voted to lease one-half acre of land of John Woodward in the S. E. corner of Sec. 20, the present site.  Norman Chamberlin was to build two privies for $34; also repair the  ventilator and the seats for $13.65, specifications for seats:  "Fastened to hardwood boards 6xl in., “champered off' on each edge of upper side to run whole length of each row of seats except the back seat on each row which is to be raised 1 in. higher and fastened down again. 11 18-1/2 cords of wood bought of J. W. Gitchel for $15.  Raise $1.25 per for 63 scholars.  Paid $45.00 for building.  John B. Millard, Director.

1868 - At a Board meeting it was voted to have 4 more weeks of winter school and Adelia Davis was to board free at Sweet, Millard, Chamberlin and Woodward.

1869 - Francis H. Wilson taught 13 weeks of summer school @ $4.50. Boarded around.  Libbie Davis taught 16 weeks of winter school @ $7.25 and boarded around.

1870 - Jesse Pratt taught 16 weeks of winter school @ $8.75.  He had many pupils of all ages.  There was nothing to prevent a man or woman from attending the school if they so desired.  They were not graded then as now.  Generally they were not far advanced and only came when the work at home was slack.  They looked upon the days spent in the schoolroom as a pleasant way to spend the time.  Fortunate indeed was the pupil if the teacher succeeded in arousing a deep interest in the work.

Edwina Arnold taught 12 weeks of summer school @ $5.00.  10 cds. wood from D. Sweet for $9.89 - lowest bid.  The Record said "that the 22 in. good body wood should not be used (yoused) for no other purpose than schoolhouse.”  The $20.00 voted in 1868 to buy a school site addition was used to build a fence as follows:  "Fourteen rods of board fence to be 4 boards high; bottom board 1 ft. wide, 3 boards 6 inches wide with a good 6 in. cap.  All  knolls to be leveled and hollows to be filled up.  Posts to be white oak and faced facing on every post.  Also two 3-foot gates to be put on with strap and eye hinge with good latches; Said fence and gates to be built of good common pine for $27.43.

1871 - Edwina Arnold taught 16 weeks of winter school @ $6.00.  Wm. Odell was Moderator. Eliza Evans taught 16 weeks @ $7. 15 of summer school.

1872 - Isabell Hammond taught 16 weeks summer school @ $5. 00. Belle Anderson taught 16 weeks winter school @ $9. 00.  John Woodward resigned as Director. M. T. Hollis was  appointed to fill 1 year vacancy.  $25.00 was voted to put down a well or a cistern.  Teachers were paid $125 for 7 months.

1873 - Mary Smith taught 12 weeks @ $7.00.  John M. Woodward - 16 weeks @ $10.00. John Green, Assessor.  A. E. Stillwell furnished 10 cords of wood for $10.00.  H. H. Chamberlin, Director.

1874 - Matthew Koleyn taught 12 weeks @ $7.00 winter school.  6 cds. wood of G. Hyman @ $.98.  Jennie A. Day taught 3 months summer school.  "Fence was to be repaired and moved.  West fence moved 1 rod west; north fence two rods north - this extra land to be leased from J. M. Woodward for one dollar annually as long as the schoolhouse is used for its purpose."
(Lease still holds.)

1875 - Jennie A. Day taught 20 weeks of winter school @ $10 and also 12 weeks of summer.  There were 64 enrolled on District census.

1876 - Mary E. Bailey taught 20 weeks of winter school.  Do janitor work and no vacation. Jennie Day had summer school from April to July.  Job of getting 6 cords of 20 inch wood was let to “N.  Sealstraw" (Phonetic spelling) (Zylstra, correct spelling).

1877 - Jennie L. Day taught 12 weeks in summer for $78.  Pauline L. Hall had 20 weeks, winter @ $7.50.  72 enrolled in District.  The line fence job was let to H. H. Chamberlin @ $1.35 per rod.  12 ft. long pine boards.

1878 - Pauline L. Hall was teacher for 12 weeks with 6l enrolled.  10 cords wood @ $.75 - D. Sweet.  "Job of building a board fence along the road for school yard was let for $1.24 a rod to E. Kirtland with 1 gate on West side hung on good hand-wrought iron hinges; painting schoolhouse job let to Arend Bos for $20.50;  The old fence was sold to E. Garrett for $2.35. New
stone walls under outhouses - $25; painting and repairs to same $5.

Nineteen different teachers from 1864 to 1878.

1879 - Pauline L. Hall received $74 for teacher 3 months summer school. Pauline L. Hall later married George Gitchel and in 1925 compiled the history of Jamestown from which some excerpts were procured for this historical sketch.  She passed away in 1942.

Cyrus B. Stevens was paid $200 for five months of winter school.  Voted on "that if teacher could not control school the Board could instruct them to resort to corporal punishment.”  10 cords of wood @ $.70 - Alb. Daining. "Voted to build a Woodhouse 12xl6 - 8 feet high; balloon frame; sheeted inside; boards outside - 10 or 12 in. with 3 in. battens to be painted white; surface red; slide door on rollers.”

Oct. 26 1879 - At a special meeting called by Director C. Struik, on motion made by Wilkinson supported by J. Strick, voted that J. Pheifer who had built the woodhouse be required to take off the strips and put on pine strips, paint the whole building with good paint and linseed oil, two
coats; put in tie girts to every rafter; either to take off the boards, plane them and turn them over, or put on new pine boards.

Dec. 3 1879 - A special meeting with 40 present was called at which a motion was made by Z. Klooster, seconded by Rein Van Bronkhorst, asked that the proceedings of the meetings be translated into the holland language for the benefit of recent emigrants from The Netherlands.  Rev.  J. Vander Meulen, first pastor of the local church, did the translating.  E. Vander Wall, J. Pikaart and B. Gitchel addressed this meeting.

1879 - Committee on Building and Inspection consisted of Wilkinson, Hollis, Arend Bos, and J. M. Woodward.  The meeting was called at the written request of G. Hyman, E. Drost, Jas. Brandt, Arend Bos, Rein Van Bronkhorst, A. Lubbers, J. Tiesenga, Herrnan Vande Bunte, D. Smallegan, E. Kremers. Z. Klooster, A. Poffhausen, showing the growing influx of Hollanders.

1880 - Cyrus Stevens and Lucy Bates were the teachers.  A new Pictorial Dictionary
($8. 50) was purchased and the old one sold for $.35 to A. Paffhousen.

1881 - Florence Stillwell taught 5 months and was deemed a failure by the Board.  J. H. Keeney taught 4 months for $136.  Miss Mary Visscher was asked to resign.

1882 - John B. Troy and M. J. Coburn taught 3 months and five months respectively.  It was during this year, between Sept. 4 and Oct. 23, (no definite date named) that the schoolhouse burned, $100 was voted towards a well fund; also voted for a new stove, the old one, salvaged from burned schoolhouse, being sold to Walter Struik for $1.25.  Clock sold to Tuttle Garrett for $.50.  Voted to build a new schoolhouse, 30 x 46 ft with a 6 ft. entry partitioned on the inside with a cupola for a bell; balloon frame, brick outside.  Building Committee comprised E. Garrett, T. Brown, J. Strick and D. DeVries and J. Haverrnan.  A library was established and books were purchased by the Committee - Jas.  Brandt, and J. M. Woodward.
To borrow $1035 for building.

1883 - Celia Boice and Grant Ide (latter termed a failure) taught for 3 months for $90 and 5 months for $200 respectively.  G. Avery, Director; Wm. Van Bronkhorst, Moderator and I. DeVries, Assessor comprised the School Board.  Iron seats were put in.

1884 - Sara Leonard taught successfully for nearly seven months for $232.50.

1885 - Peter M. Stegenga, deemed the best in the Township, taught 9 months for $340.00.

1886 - Peter M. Stegenga was re-engaged for 9 mos. for $405.  Additional library books were purchased by Woodward, Brandt and G. Struik.  Date of the Annual School meeting was changed from Sept. to July (2nd Monday).

1887 - Albert J. Dann taught for 9 months.  Mrs. Baron was appointed Librarian.  An epidemic of measles in January closed school for 1 week or more.

1888 - Mr. Alva Sriver taught for nine months and enrolled as five-year-olds were Lulu Rynbrandt, Maude Struik, Clara Hunderman, Henry H. M. Vande Bunte, Grace Vande Bunte, Jacob Haverman, and Martha Van Bronkhorst.  Necessary grading was done in front of the schoolhouse and new steps made.

1889 - William Strait taught for three months and was considered a failure so George Hatch finished the remaining 6 months for $285.  They voted to repair the well, whose water was very brackish and contained much iron rust.  It was also decided to repair the old privies or build new ones. The school children, especially the girls, enjoyed See-saw or Teeter-totter on the east side fence.  A proposition to hire an assistant teacher for the Primary room and one to have free text books, both lost out at the Annual meeting.  Voted to insure the schoolhouse.

1890 - Samuel B. Smith taught for one term.  Wm. Van Bronkhorst was Librarian, and the family set aside an upstairs room for the purpose.  The assessed valuation of the District No. 3 was set at $103, 050 by the Township Clerk, Albert Whitney, 15 cords of wood bought of J. Woodward @ $1.05.

1891-92  Seth Coburn who was considered very strict and not too well liked by the older boys was the teacher here during these years.  On one occasion when a fire was necessary for warmth, some mischievous boys went up on the roof and covered the chimney-hole with a board causing so much smoke in the schoolhouse that we were given a special recess waiting for the smoke to
clear out.  Board fences were placed around the two privies for obvious reasons.

1893 - Hugh D. McDougall taught for nine months.  At District meeting it was voted to charge $1.00 tuition annually for each non-resident pupil. Also to fill the ditch along the south side of the yard or to build a bridge over it.

1894 - George E. Cook, tallest teacher we ever had, noticed mostly when he was out on the playground taking part in the children’s' games, taught in 1894. Elvin Gitchel from Gitchel Dis., studied bookkeeping here.  It was voted to make this a graded school and to hire an assistant teacher for five months of the term.  An east and west partition with two sliding doors was to be put in, also some new windows.  12 seats, 2 chairs and 2 new tables and new blackboards were to be purchased. Dena Bos, Evelyn Van Bronkhorst, Sylvia Struik, John Bok, Dick E. Smallegan, Lewis Vande Bunte, and G. John Vande Bunte were enrolled at 5 years.

1895 - Jennie Woodward was the first Primary room teacher with Geo. Cook as Principal.  Much mason and carpenter work was done in the schoolhouse in 1895, and a new well 92 ft. deep was driven by Wm.  Ferner for $250. There was a controversy between school board and teachers as to length of term to be taught.  Herman Vande Bunte was appointed Truant Officer.  There were nineteen different teachers from 1878 - 1895.

1896 - Benjamin F. Borton was engaged as Principal for 9 months with Jennie Woodward as Primary teacher for five months.  In November of 1896 the school board allowed Singing School to be held one evening a week, and those young persons living in adjacent districts were allowed to come in at a nominal cost.  Homer Freeman was the teacher.

1897 - Nelson R. Stanton for 9 months and Rena Doctor for 5 months comprised the teaching staff.  Work of painting the cupola, cornices, outside windows and privies was let to Wm. Vander Zee for $7.00.  A weather vane, eave troughs and 2 thermometers were purchased and floors were repaired.

1898 - Nelson R. Stanton again engaged as Principal and Lizzie Goozen as Primary teacher.  A new flag and a new clock were purchased.  Jno. Tiesenga appointed Librarian.  On March 4, 1898 teachers and pupils enjoyed a sleigh ride to Drenthe, Vriesland and Zeeland schools.  Had refreshments in Zeeland.

1899 - Nelson R. Stanton together with Ida L. Edson as Assistant, taught for 9 months.  A new school bell was purchased; well and seats repaired. 

1900 - J. Marian Richardson, Assistant, and Nelson R. Stanton, Principal, taught 9 months.  A new windmill was purchased.  School closed for 2 weeks in May on account of a mumps epidemic.  Interior of school was repapered.

1901 - Emma Irvette Avery began her long term of service in her home school which she served so faithfully and lovingly for 26 years.  Miss Avery, a native of this place, previously taught school in Ada, Mitchel, and Gitchel; and had tutored two boys in their home in Grand Rapids after an
injury to her knee in a run-away accident which troubled her for some time afterwards.  She was the best-loved and longest here in terms of service. Second is Mrs. B. Klinesteker.  School was closed at noon on Sept. 19, 1901 for the funeral of Pres. Wm. McKinley when our church held fitting memorial services.

1902 - N. R. Stanton and Miss Avery again reigned in this school.

1903 - N. R. Stanton and Miss Avery again taught.  School closed for 2 weeks in February on account of mumps with additional cases in April and May.  School property valued at $1500.

1904 - George Rookus was hired as Principal with Miss Avery as assistant. New Arithmetic and Geography books were purchased and furnace repaired.

1905 - Anthony Ver Hulst taught 9 months except for 2 weeks' illness. Miss Avery, Assistant.  $765 combined salaries.  A new furnace was installed
windmill erected; outhouses repaired.

1906 - J. S. Brouwer was engaged as Principal and Miss Avery Assistant. The Census Roll contained the names of the following 4th graders:  Henry Bok, Reynold Van Bronkhorst, Clarence Vander Wall, Marian and Effie Struik, David Van Ommen, Henry J. Poppen, Edw.  Boone, Lester Vande Bunte, Henrietta Keizer, Albert Kiekover, John Brink, Dena Palmbos, and others. Those who were promoted to 8th grade were:  G. John Vande Bunte, Neal Tiesenga, John Bok, Alice and Dick Smallegan, John Nyenhuis, Ross VanderWall and Garret Bos.

1907-08 - George Van Rhee and Miss Avery composed the teaching staff here.
At the 1906 District meeting, "it was agreed to open the schoolhouse for all moral and elevating meetings, if teachers will make up the time lost thereby.  11 School officers were allowed $30 salary.  It was agreed to buy one-half acre of land from Walter Van Dam on the west side for $200 to enlarge the yard.  Also to insure the building for $1500; and to buy and erect a new flag pole.  To buy a new desk with a drawer that would lock for Miss Avery.

1909 - Fred Wagner was engaged as Principal and Miss Avery Assistant.  An organ was secured, the walls papered and schoolhouse repainted.  The Board agreed to pay $10 for the last days' entertainment and treats.  The 8th graders who took the County Examination included Gerrit Keizer, Hattie Vande Bunte, John Shoemaker, Zenas Vande Bunte, Ross Vander Wall, and Josie and Jennie Kooman.  Five out of that class have already passed on.

1910 - Henry Hunderman was hired as Principal, Miss Avery as Assistant. An archway was built over the basement door on the west side.  The schoolhouse was re-shingled and re-painted.  Tuition was paid to Zeeland High School for 6 applicants: Henry Bok, Stuart Untema, David Van Ommen, Ida and Effie Struik, Marian Struik.

1911-12 - Peter J. Roon and Miss Avery were hired as teachers.

1912 - Harry C. Kremers acted as substitute teacher for two weeks for Mr. Roon, when the latter was ill.  New flag, $4; Desk, $7.25; Papering in schoolhouse, $51. 78; Well repaired, $15; Tuition to Zeeland, $100; Cleaning school, by Jennie Schuchard $5. 00, were listed among the
expenses.  Old flag pole sold for $2.45 to D. Shoemaker.

1913 - Dick H. Vande Bunte and Miss Avery were the teachers.

1914 - Plans were discussed to enlarge or remodel the basement. Water fount cost $15. 00.

1915 - Motion to bond district for $2500 to build new school was lost. Dictionary and stand, $17. 00.  Board decided to allow Bert H. Ter Haar children to attend here @ $1.00 mo. tuition.  1915 - Clarence Vander Wall received $9.75 for building fires.

1916-17 - David Hoffman was engaged as Principal with Miss Avery as Assistant.  New teacher's desk was bought.  Non-resident pupils to pay $6.00 each per term.  The school board officers' salary was set at $48. There were 1 bunch bananas, 1 box oranges for last day treat.  School closed during November and December because of flu epidemic.

1918-19 - Jacob Van Dyke, Mrs. Fannie Van Dyke and Mrs. D. E. Smallegan with Miss Avery as Assistant teacher were the teaching staff.  During 1919 the District issued bonds for $5500 for erecting and furnishing a new schoolhouse, the present building built in 1919.  Old seats sold at auction.  J. Timmer, $1000, mason work; J. Wichers, $1900, lumber and mill
work; carpenter, Holland furnace, $600; 2 organs, $60.

1920-21 - Henry Bos and Miss Avery were the teachers.  Voted to have non-resident pupils pay $9 per term.  Organ stool cost $3. 25. $190 tuition paid to Zeeland High School, Hudsonville, Gary DeWitt was among the enrolled pupils.

1922-23 - Miss Elsie Peets taught for 2 terms with Miss Avery as Assistant.  Rooms were redecorated and doors put in basement.  Ed Van Dam received $48 for building fires.  Tuition paid Hudsonville, $60; Zeeland, $20, Jamestown $510.

1924 - Chester Van Koevering was Principal teacher and Miss Avery Assistant.  New history and geography text books were purchased.  Tuition paid to 3 high schools.  20 volume Book of Knowledge purchased for $65.35.

1925 - Dale Curtis was engaged as Principal and Miss Avery as Assistant. Almon Van Dam, janitor.  New books were sold at cost to pupils.  New seats cost $29.50.  Bibles $5.20.

1926 - Mrs. George Veltema was engaged as Principal, Miss Avery as Assistant.  Swings were erected and other playground equipment bought. Wiring was installed for electricity for lighting.  Mrs. Van Dam cleaned school for $30.

25 different teachers from 1895 - 1926.

1927 - In October, 1927, after several weeks of illness, Emma Irvette Avery passed away at her home about 1/2 mile east of this schoolhouse.  During her lifetime, three generations of the George Brown family attended the same school with her.  George Brown, a friend and neighbor, as a schoolmate for several years; his daughter, Hazel, now Mrs. Francis Tuffs, as a
pupil; and later, his grand-daughter, Muriel Tuffs, as a Primary room pupil. There may be other families in this district that can make this same claim, but no investigation was made.  Carl Schermer then took over the work of a Principal with Miss Cornelia DeKleine engaged as Assistant.  Julia Van Dam, Clifford Kole attended Hudsonville H. S., 10 local students to Jamestown, 8 local students to Zeeland.

1928 - Mr. Schermer and Miss DeKleine were re-engaged as teachers.  It was at the District meeting in July of last year that mention first was made in the report of Prayer being offered at aforesaid meeting.  Harvey VanDam was janitor.

1929 - Carl Schermer had Verna Whitacre for his teaching Assistant. Voters agreed to re-shingle the schoolhouse; buy chains for swings instead of ropes; buy a piano for $25. $480 tuition was paid to 3 High Schools.

1930 - Carl Schermer was re-engaged together with his former Assistant who had married and was now Mrs. Verna ReishJohn Ensing received $26.50 for cleaning the schoolhouse.  Books from primary room burned because of scarlet fever.

1931-36 - Marie Hildebrand was engaged as Primary teacher with Carl Schermer as Principal.  She continued here as Assistant for 3 years with Gerrit Veenboer, Principle, who taught for 3 years and for two years with Bernard Klinesteker.  During this time new toilets ($345) with 2 septic tanks and a new water system ($182) with a motor were bought and installed.  In 1933 the schoolhouse was cleaned by WPA workers at no cost to District except for materials necessary.

1937-38 - Bernard Klinesteker commenced his third year of an eleven-year period of teaching here.  The Assistant teacher for two of those was Janet Lammers.  A fire extinguisher; a new furnace ($300); new text books ($271.46); and new library books were purchased.

1939 - Mrs. B. or Margaret Klinesteker began her first year here as Assistant with her husband; together they taught for seven consecutive years.

1944 - Mrs. Henry Cook took over the teacher's duties for three days when he had his tonsils removed.  At a public meeting held in the schoolhouse one evening, a W.S. flag was donated to the school by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smallegan in memory of their son, Willis.

Two and one-half acres of land north of original site for additional playground area was purchased from Gerrit Van Dam for $337. 50.  Steel posts and wire fence, $68, and gravel for the proposed ball diamond, $317, brought valuation to $225, 175.

1945 - Both Mr. and Mrs. B. Klinesteker taught this term.  During the years 1939-43 a merry-go-round was purchased; also storm windows; a duplicator; curtains; towels; library and school books.  In 1941, new cement steps, $123.64, and a well cover improved the looks of the building; and then the Kellogg Foundation Plan for the betterment of school buildings was agreed
to and much remodeling and refinishing was done.  New furniture and movable seats were secured as well as light fixtures; and two new toilets.  In 1944 a building was erected to protect the well and a new14 ft. ladder was purchased.  48 enrolled.  Assessed valuation of District No. 3 in 1943 was
$218,025.  School officers' salary set at $100.

1946-47 - Mrs. Dick E. Smallegan was engaged as Principal.  Attendance 46 out of District census 78.  The buzzer system was installed in the school; an electric clock was purchased, also new seats ($88) and additional school books.  Mrs. Gerald Smith was substitute teacher for Mrs. Smallegan for a time.  Valuation $230,775.

1948 - Mrs. George Veltema taught together with Mrs. Klinesteker as Assistant.  Four new outside doors were hung, $160; new slide, including freight and cement for base, $173.50; volley ball and net, $12.60; piano; magazines; and books; tuition to Zeeland High School, $540; to Hudsonville High $260.  Officers' salary $150.  Schoolhouse was ?? inted for $276.
Assessed valuation $288,750.

1949 - Mrs. Henry Ver Meer ($260) was Principal and Mrs. Klinesteker, primary rooms, Beloved Boss.

1950 - Mrs. Ver Meer with $260 per month was the highest paid teacher here of the past century. Mrs. Klinesteker, primary rooms.

1951 - Loren Renkema was engaged as Principal; Mrs. Klinesteker, primary rooms.  Cleaning $80 - lowest bid.

11 different teachers 1927 - 1952

1952 - Loren Renkema was re-engaged for term 1952-53; Mrs. Klinesteker, primary rooms.  Teachers' wages and officers' salaries have increased greatly during the past decade as well as the cost of books and equipment. And all the necessities even the luxuries of every day life are rising in cost.

1952 - The following have served as School Board Members in various capacities during the past century:

        John B. Prescott                 Jesse Braman
        William A. Smith                James Baker
        Norman Chamberlin           S. C. Gitchel
        Lyman Nobles                    Lewis Hunt
        R. R. Wilkinson                  R. L. Sanford
        A. E. Stillwell                     John M. Woodward
        Hiram Lovejoy                   Rolin Jacox
        Daniel Hollis                      J.Woodward
        David Sweet                     J. B. Millard
        Wm. Odell                        M.D. L. Hollis
        Ebenezer Garrett               John Green
        H. H. Chamberlin              Nelson Friz
        Isaac De Vries                  Wm. Van Bronkhorst
        Gardner Avery                  Hiram Vande Bunte
        C. Struik                           Arend Bos
        Dr. H.J. Poppen                J. Smallegan
        Herman Vande Bunte         B. Schoemaker
        J. J. Nyenhuis                    Wm. Van Zee
        Albert Lubbers                  Dr. M. Baron
        L. Pikaart                         A. Vander Wall
        Peter J. Roon                     D. H. DeKleine
        Reynold Van Bronkhorst  John Van Dam
        Gerrit Yntema                   Albert Karsten
        Lester Vande Bunte           John Cotte
        Hilbert DeKleine                Henry Cook
        Jacob Nyenhuis                John Al. Bos
        George Veltema              George Newhouse
        Henry Ver Meer             John P. DeWitt

        If any names have been omitted in this list or any errors made, I humbly beg pardon of anyone particularly concerned.

Martha Van Koevering
July - August, 1952

        In conclusion, the foregoing sketch is the result of long hours spent in reading and examining the reports of the various School Board meetings held in District No. 3 in Jamestown Township, Ottawa County, Michigan, during the past century.

        Although our District cannot boast of any great outstanding personage, such as a President or a General, as having been listed on its records, we can still name some as ministers, doctors, and missionaries, or their wives
- viz:

Dr. Ed.  J. Strick now of California. formerly a medical missionary in China;  Mrs. Jennie Pikaart Vruivink of New York, a former mission worker among the Indians in Oklahoma, as was also Evelyn Van Bronkhorst Kremers; Nellie Smallegan Van Vranken, missionary in India for many years; also her sister Alice Smallegan McLaughlan in India; Rev. Alex. Van Bronkhorst now in Washington, formerly in mission work in Japan; Mildred Vander Wall
DeVries, missionary in India for many years; Henrietta Keizer, former missionary in Japan, now a teacher of voice and music in outstanding schools here in various states; Theresa Smallegan Russcher, one-time mission worker in Kentucky; John (deceased) and Cornelius Vander Meulen, who both became leaders each in his own chosen profession of teaching and
preaching and law; Rev. Gary DeWitt, successful minister now in Chicago; Dr. Stuart Yntema of Saginaw; Dr. Garret Cotts (deceased) of Chicago; Rev. Dennis Shoemaker of New Jersey,  Dr. Tiesenga of Holland; Dr. E. Hunderman of Grand Rapids; Dick H. Vande Bunte (deceased) and Iva Stanton have both held the honorable office of Ottawa County Commissioner of Schools.

        A number of successful teachers have obtained their elementary education in the local school:  our own Miss Irvette Avery, Henry Bos, Cornelia DeKleine, Julia Van Dam, Walter DeKock, Martha Visser, Martha Vande Bunte Olendorf, Chester Van Koevering, Harvey Van Dam, Marvin Smallegan, Marian Smallegan, James Cotts, Theresa Smallegan, Evelyn Van Dan and Arlene Shoemaker.  There are also several nurses, and a number who are proficient each in their own chosen work who have attended classes here.  But the
greater proportion are honest, hard-working, hand-calloused, God-fearing tillers of the soil or their helpmates.

        If any names are omitted from this list of our more prominent, but younger generation which deserve mention, we humbly beg pardon for this oversight and assure you it was not intentionally done.

                                                        Martha Van Koevering
                                                        Forest Grove, Michigan
                                                        August 2 1952 
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This Data made available by  David Myaard, son of Iris Vande Bunte. January 1999