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Contributed by Nute Chapman,Jim Hall,Sally Beatty, and Jo Doran |
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This school was originally located in Section 26 of Case Township on the east side of
Phelps Rd. about half way down. It was established in 1888 on land owned by Charles
Case and completed about March 11, 1889. Malcolm McDonald plastered the walls for
$13.50 and twelve cords of wood was purchased from Charles Case for 75 cents per cord.
Another $125 was raised to pay the teacher and for other expenses. In 1906 the
original log cabin school burned but a new school was built within a month. The board
decided to buy a piece of land from Emil Lang for $75, which was free of trees and
stumps, and return the original land the school had been to Charles Case. The new
school house was built of cement blocks which were made on site and was also located
in Sec. 26. It was 24 x 40. The Case Township #5 �Cement� school consolidated with
the Millersburg School in 1940.
Charles Case � Moderator
James Inglis, Sr. � Director
George Inglis - Assessor
John Inglis
Thomas C. Englin salary $105 for April � June 1890
Jennie Bunton � 1891 salary $30 per month; 1893 salary $26 a month for 5 months; 1894
(fall term)
No School for the year 1892
Orpha Doolittle of Ocqueoc � 1895 (spring term)
Belle Shaley of Alpena � 1895 Salary $30 a month
Ed Wilson � 1896; 1897 (3 months)
Vevi Rice of Rogers City � 1897 (4 months), 1898, 1899 (most of the year)
William Kitchen of Rogers City � 1897 (1 month)
Belle Revi of Alpena � 1898
Kate McMullen � 1899 (1 month)
H. W. Thomas � 1900 10 month term
Sara Husted -1901
Effie Staley 1902?
Miss Ethel Stevens - 1902? ($40 per month)
George Stevens - 1902? ($40 per month)
Miss Kilpatrick � 1903 (1 month)
Miss Grace Whitely 1903 (rest of the school year)
Lucy Steele 1904 (4 month term at $35 per month)
Mabel Steele � 1905 (4 months for 35 per month)
Fannie Gifford � 1906 (10 months at $40 per month), 1907
Madie Case � 1908
Miss Tracey � 1908
Miss Johnston � 1909
Miss Jennie Craig - 1910
Lewis Steel � 1911 ($35 per month), 1912 ($45 per month)
Miss Frances Johnston � 1913 (10 month school)
Miss Agnes Inglis � 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, (Salary $45 per month)
Mrs. James Wright � 1919 (8 month term and salary was $55 per month and $5 for
janitorial services; 1920 ($75 per month and $5 for janitorial services, 1921
Miss Edith Martin from Onaway � 1922
Miss Helen Ennes from Tower � 1924
Miss Ellen Collins from Onaway - 1925
Miss Ruth Trafelet - 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933
Miss Pearl Hart from Onaway � 1934
Miss Ruth Mills � 1934
Miss Viola McDonald � 1935
Bertha Tulgetske � 1936
Jerry Eldridge � 1937, 1938, 1939
Avery, Clifton
Banks, Elmer � about 1913
Banks, Harold - 1925
Banks Helena � about 1913
Banks, Hilda - 1925
Banks, Erwin � about 1913
Case, Bertha � 1893 age 6
Madie Case � 1893 age 5
Inglis, Ann - 1890
Inglis, Belle - 1890
Inglis, Gifford � about 1913
Inglis, Mamie � 1890
Inglis, Maxwell - 1925
Lang, Margaret - 1925
McDonald, Clinton � about 1913
McDonald, George � 1925
McDonald, Marjorie - 1925
McDonald, Viola - 1925
McIntosh, Alfred � 1893 age 4
McIntosh, John � 1893 age 6
Minier, Gershan � about 1913
Minier, Wilton - 1925
Smith, Alice � about 1913
Smith Ardell � about 1913
Smith, Beatrice - 1925
Smith, Genevra � about 1913
White, Charity - about 1913
White, George � about 1913
Inglis, Beatrice Smith, �Case Township School�, Village of Millersburg, est. 1901
Millersburg Centennial 1901-2001.
Other information was compiled and contributed by Nute Chapman, Sally Beatty, Carole
Dunston, and Jim Hall.
Contributed by Jo Doran:
Case School- Fifthieth Anniversary- hope you can find a spot for this.
Show Details
Case School District No. 5 Celebrates Its Fiftieth Anniversary Saturday Night
Saturday evening, March 11th, Case School District No. 5 celebrated its fiftieth anniversary. Early in the year 1889 Charles E. Case, one of the few residents of the school district at that time, received notice from the board of school inspectors of the formation of Case School District No. 5, a petition for which the residents had made some time previous.
A meeting was called and held at the home of Mr. Case. Four pioneer residents were present, Mr. Case, James Inglis, Sr., Geo. Ingalls and John Inglis, and the first school board was elected, Mr. Case as moderator, James Inglis director and George Ingalls assessor. The new board went at their job with enthusiasm. A bond issue of $300 was authorized, payable in three years. The board was authorized to act as a building committee and to build a school house, and the board was authorized to locate, lease or buy an acre of land for a school house site and to clear the same.
As near as is shown by the records the school house was completed March 11th, 1889. The section was clothed with a dense forest growth and the acre of ground had to be cleared. The first school building was of logs. It does not appear that the bond issue was ever made and the first money received was the sum of $184.00 which was used to build the school.
The first annual meeting was held Sept. 3rd, 1889 and the school officers continued in office. It was voted to raise $125 for teachers wages and other expenses, apparently by taxation. School started the following spring, a three months term and was held in April, May and June. There were only three pupils, Belle, Mame and Ann Inglis. Thomas C. Eglin was hired as teach and received for his three months term the sum of $105.00. Seating capacity in the school was 36. There were eight slates and no blackboards. Subjects taught were spelling, writing, geography and physiology.
Free text books were voted at the next annual meeting, and have been furnished since that time. This meeting was held at the home of George Ingalls. Two hundred dollars was voted for school purposes, to be raised by taxation. Miss Jennie Bunton was the teacher that year. She taught three months and received $30.00 per month.
In 1892 the school district was in debt $19.60. There was no school as the district had no children. James Inglis, whose family had provided the school population, moved from what is known as the George Ingalls farm, now the George Crow place. But in August the McIntosh family moved into the district.
It was voted the following year to have three months of school, or more if finances would permit. The assessor was allowed $1.50 for each time he had to go to the treasurer for funds. The district was a part of Ocqueoc township at the time and it was a full days trip to travel from one section to another. C. E. Case was given the job of cutting the thistles on the school property and was paid 75 cents for the job. The district had 58 cents on hand but was out of debt. Mrs. Case was elected moderator and Mr. Case was elected as director.
In 1893 Miss Bunton again taught the school and the term was extended to five months. The teacher was paid $26.00 per month. The first census was taken that year as follows: Bertha Case, age 6; Madie Case, age 5; John McIntosh, age 6; Alfred McIntosh wasn't five, but he was put down on the list anyway.
In 1894 the term was increased to eight months, a fall and spring term. Winter months were too cold for the youngsters. Miss Bunton taught the first term. At that time she was living on the Bunton farm near Hawks. In more recent years, after living in Detroit for a time, Miss Bunton made her home in Rogers City. Miss Orpha Doolittle of Ocqueoc taught the second term. Miss Doolittle is now Mrs. Robert Johnston of Onaway. Miss Belle Shaley of Alpena was the next teacher.
High spots of the annual meeting of 1895: Motion by James McIntosh, supported by George Ingalls, that the following rules be adopted: All teachers are required to be in the school room at least 15minutes before the fixed time for the morning session and at least 5 minutes before time for the afternoon session. Teacher shall as far as practical maintain a personal supervision over their pupils during the time of recess preventing any ill doing and counseling them to engage in such sports as may be healthful and innocent.
The following year Ed Wilson was the teacher and 1897 the school had three, Ed Wilson, three months; Miss Vevi Rice of Rogers City, 4 months; William Kitchen, Rogers City, 1 month. Miss Belle Reivi of Alpena and Miss Rice taught the next year, and 1899 Miss Kate McMullen opened school, taught one month, failed to pass the teachers examination and gave way to Miss Rice. Mrss Bertha Clark followed her.
By this time the district had begun to grow. There were eleven families in the district and17 pupils in school. Among these were Mable, William and Florane Little, George, Emma and Anna Sage, John, Alfred, Annie, Norman and Pearl McIntosh, Bertha and Matie Case, George and Myrtle Spalding, Alonzo Wallace and Ellen Inglis.
Ten months of school were started in 1900. H. W. Thoms was the teacher. Miss Sarah Husted and Miss Effie Staley followed on the teaching staff in subsequent years. In 1901 there seems to have been a real battle for school director. Seven ballots were taken to make a choice of Henry Lange and C.E. Case. The board was now John Inglis, moderator; Geo. Ingalls, assessor; Henry Sage, director.
Interesting items of expense in those days were some of these, wood $1.25 a cord, kindling $2.00 per cord, cleaning school $2.00, etc.
Miss Ethel Stevens, now Mrs. Harry H. Whiteley of Dowagiac, taught the school in 1902 and was followed by George Steves, who had been teaching Millersburg. Mr. Steves' salary was $40 per month Al White was elected assessor of the district over Geo. Ingalls at this time, bringing a new member to the board.
Miss Kilpatrick taught a month of school in 1903, failed on a teachers examination and she was replaced by Miss Grace Whiteley for the balance of the year. Miss Whiteley was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Henry Whiteley of Millersburg, a sister of Harold Whiteley of Rogers City and Harry Whiteley of Dowagiac. Miss Whiteley passed away some years ago.
Robt. Kimball went on the school board in 1904 as director. Miss Lucy Steele,now Mrs. Frank B. Mills, taught the school. In 1905 Miss Mable Steel, now Mrs. Archie Williams of Flint, was the teacher. The school board members were Adolph Banks, Gust Lange and Al White.
School started in 1906 with Miss Fannie Gifford as teacher. A week after school started the school house burned. A month later a temporary school was built and school resumed. This building cost the district $156.91, the books, furniture and equipment $154.00. The children sat on improvised benches and black oilcloth was used as a black board. Len VanGuider and Angus McDonald went on the board this year.
1907, Miss Gifford, teacher, school census 57.
1908, Miss Madie Case, teacher.
1909, Miss Tracy Johnston, teacher. At Thanksgiving time she returned to teach as Mrs. Pat McGinnity.
1910, Miss Jennie Craig, now Mrs. R. O. Thompson of Rosebush, teacher. We regret to say that Mrs. Thompson has been in very poor health of late years.
1911, The school board, John Inglis, Al White and A. McDonald, purchased an acre and a half of ground from Emil Lange on which a new cement block school house was erected. School was held there that fall. The old school was sold to George Farrar and moved to his farm. At present it is a part of Walter Inglis' home. The new school building cost the district $1685.21.
1911-1912, Lewis Steele, teacher.
1913, Miss Frances Johnston, now Mrs. Gust Trapp of Hawks, teacher.
1914-1918, Miss Agnes Ingalls, now Mrs. Aubry Browning of Case, teacher.
1918, school board, Clyde McLellan, A. McDonald, A. White.
1919-1922, Mrs. James Wright, teacher.
1924, Miss Edith Martin, now Mrs. Cadeaux of Pontiac, teacher.
1925, Miss Ellen Collins, now Mrs. Kelley of Onaway, teacher. We understand Mrs. Kelley has been in ill health the past several years.
1926, Miss Helen Ennes, teacher. Miss Ennes passed away some years ago.
1927, School board, D. Smith, director, Emil Lange, moderator, James Inglis, treasurer. Miss Ruth Trafelet, now Mrs. Clinton McDonald, taught two years.
1929-1933, Miss Pearl Hart, now Mrs. Harry Stilwell of Flint, teacher. In '32 Alex Phelps and Mrs. Wilda Wright became members of the school board.
1935, Miss Viola McDonald, now Mrs. Court Houghmaster, teacher.
1936, Miss Bertha Tulgetske, teacher. Miss Tulgetske met death in a car accident last year at Mt. Pleasant.
The present teacher, Jerry Eldridge, who has taught the past several years, is highly thought of in the district and the district is glad to have him again next year. The school house has been modernized in recent years and today is one of the best equipped schools in the county.
The present board is D. D. Smith, moderator; Roy McIntosh, treasurer; Gifford Inglis, director.
Saturday's celebration was indeed a very happy occasion. In spite of the sickness in many families in the district, by the time the program was started the school house was filled to capacity and cars were lined up for a quarter of a mile. The school was beautifully decorator in gold.
At nine p.m. the program opened with the unveiling of an old clock with the running time in reverse. Roy McIntosh read a brief poem, Backward, Turn Backward, O Time In Your Flight." The assembly followed with "Schooldays" and nearly raised the roof with the swing of the song.
A unique feature of the program, which is usually given by the little folks, was rendered by some of the older ones when Mrs. Dan Smith, Mrs. James Wright, Clinton McDonald, James Wright and Mrs. Gifford Inglis each gave a short recitation, the crowd applauding loudly and enjoying their embarrassment. hen to show how easy it can be done, little Janet Inglis, age four years, recited a short poem which made quite a hit. The history of the school, as given above, then followed.
Mrs. Frank Mills, Lewis Steele, Mrs. James Wright and Mr. Jerry Eldridge were among former teachers who were present at the anniversary and spoke interestingly.
Gifford Inglis read a number of letters from former pupils and teachers who had been apprised of the anniversary but who were unable to be present. Among them wee Mrs. Gus Trapp, Mrs. R. O. Thompson, Mrs. Harry Whiteley, Mrs. Myrtle Everling, Mrs. C. Harr.
D.D. Smith made a presentation of gifts to John Inglis, the only living member of the group who organized the original district, and to Mrs. James McIntosh, one of the pioneer women of the early days. following a short talk by County School Commissioner Fred Heron, the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing and the enjoyment of a bountiful lunch.
We are indebted to Mrs. Gifford Inglis for notes on the history of Case School District and on the anniversary celebration, for which our readers will be very grateful. It s a lengthy article and we may possibly have made some errors but we have endeavored to make it as correct as possible. Editor.
Published in Presque Isle Advance - March 1939