This page is in great need of people to volunteer to do lookups. If you would like to volunteer, please email me. Thanks so much!
Please put LOOKUP along with the topic in the subject line of your request.
This page will change as new volunteers are acquired. Please visit us often and feel free to contribute in the future!!
I can search numerous records that are on microfilm at the Alpena Co. Library, death, birth and marriage up to about 1920 concerning PI County, but you will need to verify those specific dates.
I can also access the 1903 Plat book for Alpena, Presque Isle and Montmorency counties.
And obituary lookups in the Alpena News dating back to about 1880, although the older obituaries listed in Alpena's newspapers are rare for residents of Presque Isle Co.
I would like to limit the look ups to 3 per request, and please be very specific on the dates. If you would like an original copies of the obituaries I hope you can cover the copy and mailing costs.Please contact : jjjhoppe@yahoo.com and put "Presque Isle Lookup" in the "subject" line.
You can order filmed copies of the Presque Isle Advance 1878 -1891, 1893 - 1898, 1901-1976, 1978; Onaway Inter-Lake: Bob Wright's News Weekly 1902 - 1905; Onaway News 1939 - 1972; Onaway Outlook 1900 - 1939; Millersbur Tribune 1900; Presque Isle Co. News 1901-1913;Presque Isle County Democrat 1891 - 1893 from the Library of Michigan for free.
J. Hoppe |
Index to the 1903 Plat Book of Presque Isle County
Jill Olmack |
St. Paul Lutheran, Metz
St. John's Lutheran, Hagansville
Old St. Dominic, Metz
New St. Dominic, Metz
Jill Olmack |
Cheboygan Co. Cemeteries:
Loyalist List of Ontario, Canada
Terrie Olson |
French-Canadian Records Translation
James LaForest |
Visit the Alpena County Lookup Page. Death Indexes especially contained many Presque Isle ancestors.
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