- 1979 - Miss Northeast Michigan Contestants Gather to Prepare...and...Onaway Forestry Office May Close...and...Vehicles Ticketed if They Impede Snowplowing <BR>
1979 - Miss Northeast Michigan Contestants Gather to Prepare...and...Onaway Forestry Office May Close...and...Vehicles Ticketed if They Impede Snowplowing
From Presque Isle County Advance and Onaway Outlook
January 2, 2020

CAPTION: Miss Northeast Michigan hopefuls gathered at St. Paul Catholic Church Community hall, Dec. 27, 1979, and during a lull in the busy evening activities, Jane Karsten, Charleen Rocheleau, Kelly Maurice, Doreen Webb, Mary Schwartz, Annette Grabowski and Kellie Bachelder studied the Miss Michigan Pageant program. The Miss Northeast Michigan Pageant was to be in April 1980 at Onaway High School. In other Onaway news, although final dates had not been set, the Onaway forestry office of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources was on its way to becoming a thing of the past...illegally parked trucks and cars were to be ticketed when their location made it difficult for a snowplow to perform its duties.
From the The Presque Isle County Advance January 2, 2020, page 7B.
Retyped by J. Anderson