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Contributed by Nute Chapman,Jim Hall,Sally Beatty |
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Vilburn is located in Ocqueoc Twp. on the SW corner of Ocqueoc Rd. & Twin
School (T.35N.-R.3E. Sec. 32, NE �, NE �). It was opened in 1884. It was
originally a log school and had been Mick Fitches home and serviced the
children of the Vilburn , Reiger , and Meadow families, all of whom were
early settlers. This school still stands and is now a private residence.
Bertha Case - 1906
Felix Heron � 1920
Olive Kerr � 1927
Margaret Haskill � 1938
Esther Storms-Dean
Ethel Bigelow � 1906
August Bruder - 1906
Hattie Bruder � 1906
Push Bruder
George Campbell - 1906
Edmund Gilbert � 1906
Acie Lampkin - 1906
Edgar Lampkin � 1906
Ethel Lampkin
Arthur Luft � 1906
Rose Mason � 1906
Bob Middaugh - 1906
Johnny Middaugh � 1906
Henry Rose � 1906
May Vilburn - 1906
Mamie Windsor - 1906
Rollin Windsor - 1906
The following is information given to us by Margaret Haskill in October
�My first year was at Vilburn was 1938 and I think it was a failure. I was
fresh out of PICN. Most of the children were larger than I�85 lbs. 5�2� in
heels! Most children grades 7-8 were boys skilled in farm chores and hunting
so sitting in a classroom was a bore! After that year I declared never to
teach again but WWII changed my mind and I found teaching to be fun,
rewarding, and a joy. A few years of growing made a difference in attitude
and ability.
In the winter time, we would have a hot lunch, although not at Vilburn. I�d
walk to school and was boarded by the Meadows. An 8th grade boy always built
a fire in the winter months We had an outdoor toilet and had to carry water
in a pail to drink.
One of my saddest memories was hearing on the radio in November of 1958,
�SOS This is the Bradley�, SOS and learning Dennis Meredith (Metz School)
had not survived.
My happiest memory was keeping in contact with Sherryl Altman ( Grambeau
School) a sixth grader and niece of Beth Johnson.
Our time of computers, TV, etc, is a great learning advantage, but the one
room school also gave meaning to education. Not only did it stress the 3 R�s,
it added one more called responsibility. The older children cared for the
little children and in an emergency; the teacher could leave the room in
charge of an 8th grade student.
The children played such games as Run Sheep run, Anti-Over, Fox and Geese,
Prisoners Base, Softball, Tag and Dodgeball .�
The Grambeau School was the last one room school in 1956 and after a family
of four moved away, we were a group of 6. We had a great time and often on
Friday afternoons we went to the Metz School, taught by Clara Corriveau . We
had spell-downs, ball games, and film strip movies. We also joined their
group and had our Christmas program.
Schaedig , Cynthia, The history of Ocqueoc, 1976.
Margaret Haskill , October 2011.
Compiled and Contributed by Nute Chapman, Sallie Beatty, & Jim Hall