Sanilac County, MI - Fire Deaths of 1871 & 1881

The following information was abstracted from the State of Michigan, County of Sanilac, Record of Deaths, Sanilac County Clerk, Volume1, Pages 17-20 (1871) Pages 100-114 (1881).  LDS film #0979463.  Special thanks to Kernie L. King for his research time.


Fire of Sunday night, October 8, 1871 through October 10, 1871.

In reviewing the 1871 death records it is apparent that all deaths occurring in that year were not recorded or reported to the County Clerk. There are only 73 deaths recorded for that year and several townships are not listed. Of the deaths recorded, none occurred on the days of the fire.

Townships reporting deaths are: Austin, Bridgehampton, Elk, Forester, Fremont, Greenleaf, Lexington, Maple Valley, Marion, Marlette, Minden, Speaker and Worth.

Townships not reported are: Argyle, Buel, Custer, Delaware, Elmer, Evergreen, Flynn, Lamont, Moore, Sanilac, Washington, Watertown, and Wheatland.

There are 26 townships in Sanilac County, only 13 were recorded in 1871.


Fire of September 5, 1881

Extracted from Portrait and Biographical Album of Sanilac County, Chapman Brothers, 1884; pg. 531.

IRA HUMPHREY was a mail-carrier during the autumn of the fire, and his is a sad record of devotion to duty. Along the route for several miles before reaching the spot where he met his fate, Mr. HUMPHREY was warned by the people not to proceed further, as his road would lead him through terrible danger. But to every one he made the same reply---he must go; he was carrying the U.S. mail, and must make connections. When within a short distance of the fatal spot, he was halted by Mrs. SNELL, who told him that the fire had blockaded the road just ahead, and that it would be impossible to proceed. He only repeated his former declaration that he must go. Yielding to her earnest importunities, however, he turned about and drove back a few rods, where a number of people were gathered, hitched his horse and went forward to examine the road. Returning, he said he thought he could get through, and started, against the protests of all. For a few rods two or three persons accompanied him, but an awful wave of flame rolled toward them, and the men separated. Mr. HUMPHREY ran forward a few rods, turned one side into a field, and fell. When he started to run his clothes were on fire. He pulled off his vest, containing his watch, and threw it on the ground. When found, the crystal of the watch had melted. His horse was found by Mr. S. MOORE, who could not leave home on account of the fire, but fixed a note to the horse's neck and started him home to carry the sad news to the family.

Extracted from Portrait and Biographical Album of Sanilac County, Chapman Brothers, 1884; pg. 530.

SYLVESTER RICHMOND'S house, four miles west of Forestville, cough fire. In an eight-foot well, nine rods from the house, there was about two feet of water. Mr. RICHMOND placed his wife and six children in this, then fought the fire until the heat could no longer be endured, when he himself took refuge in the well. The terrible force of the wind soon lifted the roof of the house, carrying it off toward the well, over which it was dropped. Suffocation followed, and in this condition they were found two days later!


The following are the deaths caused by fire on September 5, 1881 unless otherwise noted. Extracted from the Sanilac County Death Records, Vol. #1.

BIZMACT, Mary pg. 112, #260 died October 15, 1881; Female/White/Widow, 89y, Minden, Burned, born in Austria Parents: (not listed)
COLE, Henry pg. 110, #223 Male/White/Married, 68y, Delaware, Burned, born in Canada, Farmer Parents: Unknown
DENISON, Elisa pg. 107, #155 Female/White/Married, 22y, Moore, Fire, born in Michigan Parents: Gothfred and Maria TEMPLE, res. Canada
DENISON, James pg. 107, #156 Male/White/Single, 2y, Moore, Burned, born in Michigan Parents: Frank DENISON, res. New York
DIBERT, Christina pg. 101, #26 Female/White/Married, 36y, Watertown, Burned, born in Germany, Farming Parents: John and Christina SWEET, res. Germany
DIBERT, Frederick pg. 101, #27 Male/White/Single, 10y, Watertown, Burned, born in Canada Parents: Wm. and Christina DIBERT, res. Michigan
DIBERT, William pg. 101, #28 Male/White/Single, 9y, Watertown, Burned, born in Canada Parents: Wm. and Christina DIBERT, res. Michigan
DIBERT, James pg. 101, #29 Male/White/Single, 2y, Watertown, Burned, born in Michigan Parents: Wm. and Christina DIBERT, res. Michigan
DIBERT, John pg. 101, #30 Male/White/Single, 6y, Watertown, Burned, born in Canada Parents: Wm. and Christina DIBERT, res. Michigan
EARHEART, Mary pg. 100, #19 Female/White/Married, 19y, Wheatland, Burned, born in Canada, Housewife Parents: Wm. and Anna PALMER, res. Wheatland
EARHEART, Cornelius pg. 100, #20 Male/White/Married, 27y, Wheatland, Burned, born in Michigan, Farmer Parents: Unknown
EARHEART, Wm. R. pg. 101, #21 Male/White/Single, 1y-2m, Wheatland, Burned, born in Michigan Parents: Cornelius and Mary EARHEART
EARHEART, Emma J. pg. 101, #22 Female/White/Single, 8d, Wheatland, Burned, born in Michigan Parents: Cornelius and Mary EARHEART
HALL, Elias W. pg. 101, #44 Male/White/Single, 11y-6m, Lamotte, Suffocated by fire, born in Michigan Parents: Hiram A. and Angeline A. HALL, res. Lamotte, Mich.
HOWARD, Clara Mary pg. 101, #23 Female/White/Single, 8y-4m, Wheatland, Burned, born in Canada Parents: John and Mary HOWARD, res. Wheatland
HUMPHRAY, Ira pg. 103, #73 Male/White/Married, 50y-7d, Moore, Burnt, born in York State, U. S. Mail Parents: Unknown 
KROCTSCH, George pg. 101, #32 Male/White/Married, 28y-5m-27d, Argyle, Burned, born in Canada, Farmer Parents: (not listed), res. Argyle, Mich.
LEICH, James L. pg. 108, #168 Male/White/Married, 24y, Flynn, Burned, born in Canada, Farmer Parents: Noah and Martha LEICH, res. Canada
LEICH, Hannah pg. 108, #169 Female/White/Married, 24y-7m, Flynn, Burned, born in Michigan, Wife Parents: Cardow and Enlice HENRY, res. Flynn
MAHAN, John pg. 112, #254 Male/White/?, 18y, Marian, Burned, born in Canada, Laborer Parents: James MAHAN, mother Unknown, res. Marian, Mich.
McLELLAN, Thomas pg. 108, #170 died September 6, 1881; Male/White/Single, 1/2d, Elk, Fright, born in Elk Parents: Joseph and Emelin McLELLAN, res. Elk, Michigan
PALMER, Anna S. pg. 100, #18 Female/White/Married, 53y-6m, Wheatland, Burned, born in England, farming Parents: Unknown
PRATT, Rachael pg. 107, #153 died November 24, 1881; Female/White/Married, 34y-4m, Moore, Fire, born in Michigan Parents: Ely KIRBY, res. Michigan
RICHMOND, Sylvester pg. 110, #211 Male/White/Married, 43y, Delaware, Burned, born in Canada, Carpenter Parents: Unknown 
RICHMOND, Elura pg. 110, #212 Female/White/Married, 37y, Delaware, Burned, born in Canada, Housewife Parents: Mr. and Mrs. SHORT, res. Canada
RICHMOND, Edward pg. 110, #213 Male/White/Single, 12y-9m, Delaware, Burned, born in Canada Parents: Sylvester and Elura RICHMOND, res. Delaware, Mich.
RICHMOND, Adeline pg. 110, #214 Female/White/Single, 10y, Delaware, Burned, born in Canada Parents: Sylvester and Elura RICHMOND, res. Delaware, Mich.
RICHMOND, John pg. 110, #215 Male/White/Single, 8y, Delaware, Burned, born in Canada Parents: Sylvester and Elura RICHMOND, res. Delaware, Mich.
RICHMOND, Oliver pg. 110, #216 Male/White/Single, 6y, Delaware, Burned, born in Michigan Parents: Sylvester and Elura RICHMOND, res. Delaware, Mich.
RICHMOND, Maud pg. 110, #217 Female/White/Single, 4y-4m, Delaware, Burned, born in Michigan Parents: Sylvester and Elura RICHMOND, res. Delaware, Mich.
RICHMOND, Jane pg. 110, #218 Female/White/Single, 1y-6m, Delaware, Burned, born in Michigan Parents: Sylvester and Elura RICHMOND, res. Delaware, Mich.
RONALD, William pg. 103, #71 Male/White/Married, 46y-11m-28d, Moore, Burnt, born in Canada, Farmer Parents: not known
SHARKEY, Anna pg. 107, #149 Female/White/Single, 12y-8m-10d, Forester, Fire, born in Ontario Parents: Barney and Mary SHARKEY, res. Michigan
STRONG, Annie pg. 107, #160 Female/White/Married, 46y, Moore, Burned, born in England Parents: Unknown
STRONG, Geo. H. pg. 107, #161 Male/White/Single, 14y, Moore, Burned, born in England Parents: Henry STRONG, res. England
STRONG, Annie C. pg. 107, #162 Female/White/Single, 7y, Moore, Burned, born in Michigan Parents: Auciel(?) STRONG, res. England
TEMPLE, Nettie pg. 107, #157 Female/White/Single, 12y, Moore, Burned, born in Michigan Parents: Elisa DENISON, res. Michigan
THORONTON, Abel pg. 107, #150 Male/White/Married, 53y, Forester, Fire, born in Ontario, Farmer Parents: Unknown
THORONTON, Christopher pg. 107, #151 Male/White/Single, 22y, Forester, Fire, born in Michigan, Farmer Parents: Abel and Margaret THORONTON
THORONTON, Margaret pg. 107, #152 Female/White/Married, 50y, Forester, Fire, born in Ontario, House Keeper, Parents: Unknown
WEITZEL, Marie pg. 101, #34 Female/White/Married, 36y, Argyle, Burned, born in Canada, House Work Parents: Geo. and Barbara KROCTCH, res. Argyle, Mich.
WEITZEL, Maggie pg. 101, #35 Female/White/Single, 12y, Argyle, Burned, born in Detroit, Mich. Parents: Mary Powl WEITZEL, res. Argyle, Mich.
WEITZEL, Mary pg. 101, #36 Female/White/Single, 8y, Argyle, (nothing else recorded)
WEITZEL, Thersia pg. 101, #37 Female/White/Single, 6y, Argyle, (nothing else recorded)
WEITZEL, Ambross pg. 101, #38 Male/White/Single, 1y-7m, Argyle, (nothing else recorded)
WEITZEL, Julia pg. 101, #39 Female/White/Single, 4y, Argyle, (nothing else recorded)
WELCH, Johan pg. 109, #191 Female/White/Married, 28y, Austin, Burned, born in New York, Farmers wife Parents: Not Known
WELCH, Mary Ellin pg. 109, #192 Female/White/Single, 9y-7m-27d, Austin, Burned, born in Michigan Parents: Moses and Johan WELCH, res. Austin, Mich.
WELCH, Johana pg. 109, #193 Female/White/Single, 6y-4m-5d, Austin, Burned, born in Michigan Parents: Moses and Johan WELCH, res. Austin, Mich.
WELCH, Brigett pg. 109, #194 Female/White/Single, 8y, Burned, born in Michigan Parents: Moses and Johan WELCH, res. Austin, Mich.
WHITE, James pg. 112, #258, died September 16, 1881; Male/White/Single, 5m-15d, Minden, Fire, born in Minden Parents: James and Persis WHITE
WILCOX, (no first name given) pg. 100, #6 Female/White/Single, 7m., Elmer, Suffocated in great fire of Sept., 1881 born in Evergreen, Parents: W. K. and Mariah WILCOX, res. Evergreen
WISENBURGER, Agnes pg. 112, #261 died September 9, 1881; Female/White/Married, 34y, Minden, Burned, born in Austria Parents: (not listed)
WISENBURGER, Albert pg. 112, #262 died September 9, 1881; Male/White/Single, 9y, Minden, Burned, born in Minden, Mich. Parents: Bursell and Agnes WISENBURGER, res. Minden, Mich.
WISENBURGER, John W. pg. 112, #263 Male/White/Single, 4y, Minden, Burned Parents: Bursell and Agnes WISENBURGER, res. Minden, Mich.
WISENBURGER, Aora pg. 112, #264 Female/White/Single, 6y, Minden, Burned Parents: Bursell and Agnes WISENBURGER, res. Minden, Mich.
WISENBURGER, No Name pg. 112, #265 Single, Burned Parents: Bursell and Agnes WISENBURGER, res. Minden, Mich.


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