Nathaniel Graham was born on the Townland of Creevamoy, near the Village of Broughshane, County Antrim Ireland in 1822 to William and Mary (Moffat) Graham.

Nathaniel Graham was married in 1841 to Miss Rose Gordon, d/o Thomas and Nancy (Craig) Gordon who was born c.1823 on a nearby Townland called  “Drummuck”, a stones throw from the Townland of Creevamoy, near the Village of Broughshane, County, Antrim Ireland ~ now apart of Northern Ireland.

Thomas Gordon, father to Rose Gordon Graham, was married to Grace (?).  Thomas Gordon was a descendent of the old Gordon Clan of Scotland…upon many of the old tombstones located in the ancient burial grounds located in Racavan, County Antrim Ireland of Thomas Gordon along with his Gordon ancestors bear the Crest of the Gordon Clan.

The mother of Nathaniel Graham who was Mary (Moffat) Graham was, in Ireland , born b. 1795 died by 1846.  The father of Nathaniel Graham was William Graham s/o of John & Margaret Graham of Creevamoy, who married a second time, after the death of his wife Mary Moffat Graham.  William Graham was married to Miss Sarah “Sally” Morton, who was born c.1822 and lived with her parents Mr. and Mrs. David Morton in the Kirkinriola Parish of County Antrim prior to her marriage.

Nathaniel and Rose Gordon Graham’s eleven children, seven of which were born in County Antrim, left Ireland with their parents and sailed from Ireland to Liverpool England, leaving Liverpool in November of 1858 arriving at Castle Garden, New York on Christmas Eve of December 1858.  Hence, proceeding directly to Ontario Canada…living over the course of 27 years in both Middlesex and Elgin Counties of Canada before coming in May of 1887, to live in Applegate, Washington Township in Sanilac County, Michigan.  This is where they passed the remainder of their lives. 

Nathaniel “Nat” and Rose’s eleven children were and in order of birth was: William M.  Graham b: 1843/Ireland, who never married, Nancy “Agnes” Graham b: 1845/Ireland who married George Bennett, Mary “Rose” Graham b: 1847/Ireland who married Gideon Corneil Jr., Thomas Gordon Graham b: 1849/Ireland who married Elizabeth Clark d/o Nathaniel/Sarah (Huston) Clark, Margaret Graham b: 1851/Ireland who married William Griffin, Grace Elizabeth Graham B: 1853/Ireland who married Charles I. Bryant, Jane Graham b.1857 and died 1859, Rebecca Jane Graham B: Canada in l860 who never married, John Craig Graham B: Canada in l862 who married Miss Anson of Port Huron, James Graham b: Canada in l864 who went west and never heard of again, Nathaniel Graham Jr. b: Canada in l867 who married Ethel “Effie” Bunker and who have many descendents living in the Croswell, Michigan area today, 2003.

Obituaries for Nathaniel Graham and his wife Rose (Gordon) Graham are included/listed below:



"Gone to his Rest" June 4, l899

Sanilac County Times News of Peck, Michigan
By Thomas Gordon Graham

Died: At his home west of Applegate, on Sunday the 4th inst., Nathaniel Graham aged 77 years. Son of William and Mary (Moffatt) Graham.

Deceased, who was the father of the writer, T.G. Graham of this paper was born in the
County Antrim Ireland near the Village of Brougshane . He immigrated to Canada in l859 and lived in the counties of Middlesex and Elgin for 27 years. Twelve years ago he came to Michigan and bought a farm west of Applegate.

Fifty-six years ago he married Rose Gordon, my Mother, who survives him, although in very delicate health. They had eleven children, three of whom William, Mary and Jane are dead and the following eight living; Mrs. George Bennett, Rodney Ontario; T.G. Graham, Peck; Mrs. William Griffin, Bothwell Ontario; Mrs. Charles Bryant, Battle Creek; John C. Graham, Port Huron; Nathaniel and Rebecca, at home and James who went West seven years ago and has not since been heard of.

Our words are weak to attempt to give our estimate of his goodness. Our earliest recollection of him runs back 45 years ago when we can remember being carried on his back and never living far from him at any time, since we had a continual feast meeting him from time to time and now that he is gone the world has a different appearance and only for other family ties we would almost wish that we could, hand in hand, accompany him to the great beyond, for all the men that ever lived we think he was the best. Reverses and trouble he had his share but he always met every difficulty cheerfully and made the best of it without grumbling. He was never rich in lands or money but his large family was always well provided for and decently educated and welcomed home at all times with open arms. No living person can say that he or she ever went from his door hungry. He had a splendid constitution and always enjoyed good health until about January 1st last, when he had an attack of la grippe which settled in his kidneys, but his great vitality battled with this for months and all the family and friends hoped that he would get over it and live a few years but eight days ago he had a relapse and when we were called home on Wednesday evening last we had a presentment that we heard the death kneel, which was only too true.

We have continually asked, while talking about his illness this winter, if he was a very old man. Would say that he was 77 years of age but until of the hour of his death we saw no difference in him, he never was old to us. He had a jovial disposition, was fond of a joke and always considerate of others. Such men never get old.
Friday morning he told my sister Rebecca, do not weep for he heard a voice calling him home and that he had lived his time in this world. Saturday when another sister came he joyfully called her by name and said to her, "you are looking well" and to the writer and brothers, John and Nathaniel, he then said: "Do not leave me." He was very affectionate towards Nat, who is the youngest of the family and lovingly waited on him all winter. Although he could not converse up to the last he appeared to know everything that was going on around him and died with a smile on his face.

He is gone, and our grief and that of our dear brothers and sisters, that is just as deep, in time will abate as the responsibilities of life have to be fulfilled, but we would say to others who have fathers and mothers living that they cannot be too kind to them for when you see the cold, cold forms of those who carried you when you were little, who gloried in all your successes, who was on your side through adversity no difference if every other person was against you, it brings back the remembrance of every undutiful act.

On Tuesday at 2 o’clock funeral service was held at the house by Rev. Mr. Hutchison, after which the remains were followed to
Washington Cemetery by a large number of weeping relatives and friends.
All the members of the family give their heartfelt thanks to the many friends who kindly assisted during his illness.


September 30, 1901 "The Daily Herald" Newspaper Port Huron , Michigan .

"Mrs. Graham Dead"

Mother of
John C. Graham Passes Away at Applegate.

Attorney John C. Graham has been at Applegate for a few days at the bedside of his aged Mother, who died Monday morning at 5 a.m. The funeral will be held on Wednesday at 1 p.m. The deceased had been a terrible sufferer from rheumatism, having been confined to her bed for six years. She was a woman of rare intelligence and although she had been a constant sufferer for six years she died with her faculties un-impaired. She was born in Antrim County , Ireland . Her maiden name was Rose Gordon daughter of Thomas & Nancy (Craig) Gordon. She is survived by the following family: Mrs. G. Bennett, Rodney Ontario; Mrs. Charles Bryant, Port Huron; Miss Rebecca at home, Thomas of Peck, J.C. Port Huron, Nathaniel and then James supposed to be in Idaho although not heard from in 10 years. Also by the following brothers and sisters, James Gordon of Missouri , Joseph Gordon of Highgate, Ontario and Grace and Agnes Gordon of Toronto , Ontario and Mrs. Matthew Stewart of Chatham Ontario . Her husband Nathaniel died 2 years ago.

*Note from County Coordinator*

Thomas Graham was Owner/Publisher/Editor of the "Sanilac County Times" (bought by the Jeffersonian in 1948) ....the first issue being distributed May 12, 1899.  The Sandusky Public Library does have issues dating from 1899 through 1940's on micro film that was donated by the Graham family. 

Early Settlers