Robert Steenson Family
By Mrs. Grant Almas
extracted from History of Sanilac County 1934-1954


Mr. & Mrs. Robert Steenson were among the very earliest settlers in the Marlette vicinity, moving from Canada to Marlette in 1853.  To this union were born ten children; Robert, Mary, Elizabeth (Eliza), Almira, Almena, Anne, Maria, George, Josephine, and John.

Almira married Calvin Burton.  To this union nine children were born (one died in infancy).  One daughter, Eva, married Linwood Williams in 1898.  They had two children, Almira, born in July, 1906 and Donus, born Nov., 1914.  Linwood passed away in 1917, Eva in 1960.

Almira Williams married Grant Almas Sept.9, 1925.  They had two children, Eva Onalee, born Nov.13, 1928 in Pontiac and Grant Jr. (Bud), born July 31, 1931 near Cass City Where we had to relocate when the depression hit and Fisher Body closed where Grant was employed.  He bought a truck and hauled milk to Deford from Cass City area.

In late 1931, we moved to a 40 acre farm southeast of Clifford.  In 1932 we moved to a larger farm west of Clifford where we farmed and hauled milk until 1943.  We then moved to a farm 2 1/2 miles north of Marlette.  We added to this 160 acre farm until we had 400 acres.

Grant Jr. married Lois Boyne in 1949 and to this union four girls and one boy were born; Bonita, Charleyne, Theresa, Colin, and Monica.  He farmed with Grant Sr. for a few years.  We sold the last 160 acres on Cochrane road in 1965, but retained the house and grounds around it where we now reside six month of the year and spend six months in Florida.

Eva Onalee Almas married George Avery in 1949.  to this union was born five boys; Aaron, Michael, Rex, Earl, and Timothy.

Donus Williams married Martha  Pandrea in 1936 and and they have on daughter, Donna.  In 1944 they moved from Clifford to a farm three miles north of Marlette.  donna married William Denton of Snover and they have three daughter; Wendy, Anita, and Jody.

Grant Sr.'s first car was a 1924 Ford Coupe.  His first tractor ws an International purchased from Frank Vizard in Marlette about 1933.  Grant served on Marlette Community School Board for nine years.


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