Michigan Historical Collections
By Michigan Historical Commission, Michigan State Historical Society, Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society, Pioneer Society of the State of Michigan
Published by Michigan Historical Commission, 1903
Vol.32 1902
Original from the University of Michigan
Digitized Jun 20, 2006 - Google Books - http://books.google.com
Page 247
*Lucius E. Gould is a native of Shiawassee county. He was born September 8, 1847, in Antrim township, on a farm lying about one mile west from Knaggs bridge. His father, Col. Ebenezer Gould, and his mother, Irene Beach, were both pioneers of Shiawasee county. In 1849 the Gould family left their farm in Antrim and moved to Owosso. Here their son attended public school until he was eighteen years of age, when he went to Olivet college where he remained for two years; returning to his home in Owosso he there began the study of law in the office of his uncle, Judge Amos Gould. In the fall of 1869 L.E. Gould entered the law department at Michigan University, where he was graduated June, 1871. He was admitted to the bar in the same year and at once began to practice law in company with Judge Gould. In 1872 Mr. Gould was appointed attorney for the First National Bank of Owosso, which position he held for several years. This same year he was elected for the first time to the office of circuit court commissioner, and reelected four successive terms. About the year 1886 Mr. Gould bought the Vernon Herald and he owned and managed this newspaper for one year, when he removed the office to Owosso and established the Owosso Times. In 1888 he was again elected circuit court commissioner and held this office for two more terms. He has now discontinued the practice of law, but has devoted himself to literary pursuits for several years. He is now serving his third term as secretary of the pioneer society of Shiawassee county. The accompanying series of papers on the early history of Shiawassee county were prepared during this time. They have been widely read by those persons interested in "Historic Michigan."
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