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This page contains biographical sketches (full or extract) of former Shiawassee County residents.
Souce citations (pre-1923) are included with the sketch.

H.W. Parker ** W.L. Parker ** Amos Parmenter ** John Parsons ** John J. Patchel ** Samuel C. Patchell
Peter Patchell ** Harvey J. Patterson ** William E. Payne ** Charles M. Peacock ** Fred W. Pearce ** Cad. Benjamin Pelton
Forrest B. Perry ** Frank H. Pettibone ** Milton H. Phelps ** James N. Phillips ** Maxfield George Phoenix ** Carl Pickert
Edwin O. Place ** Daniel S. Post ** F.H. Potter

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The Past and Present of Shiawassee County, Michigan - Historically - Together with Biographical Sketches of many of its Leading Citizens And Illustrious Dead
The Michigan Historical Publishing Association, Lansing, Michigan
Page 421

It is a mark of great esteem to have the confidence of the community in which one lives, because confidence is a plant of slow growth. Emerson says that "Confidence is that feeling by which the mind embarks in great and honorable courses with a sure hope and trust in itself." It goes without saying that the gentleman whose name heads this sketch has the confidence: of those who know him, especially those who know him intimately. The fact that a man holds a government or state office, by appointment or otherwise, does not always imply that he is a man above reproach, because many such appointments, sad to relate, are bestowed upon the merest political tricksters and schemers. This is not the case, however, with H. W. Parker, the popular postmaster of Bancroft. He has "earned his spurs," by a correct business and social life, and is therefore entitled to whatever honors he may have showered upon him in this regard. He is a native of Burns township, Shiawassee county, where he was born June 3, 1870, and is a son of George A. and Florence (Gaylord) Parker.. He received only an elementary education, in the district schools, living on the home farm until he was twenty-five years of age. He then engaged in the grain and produce business with his father, under whom he was assistant postmaster at Bancroft from 1889 to 1897, inclusive. Hence, when he assumed the position of postmaster himself, he was well equipped for the duties of the office. He but recently entered upon a third term as postmaster. George A. Parker, father of our subject, was born in Marion, Livingston county, Michigan, August 24, 1843. February 12, 1862, he was mustered into the Union service at Flint, Michigan, becoming a member of Company A, Tenth Michigan Infantry, under Captain H. S. Burnett. With his command he went to Hamburg Landing, Tennessee, where his regigment was attached to Grant's army. He was in action at Corinth, Shiloh, Booneville, Iuka, Huntsville and Nashville, to Stone river and Chattanooga, and participated in all the engagements of Sherman's grand march to the sea. At Kenesaw Mountain a ball passed through his right elbow, and he was sent to the hospital for treatment. For a year after this he served on detached duty in the post quartermaster's office, at Louisville, Kentucky. He remained in the service until after Lee's surrender at Appomattox, when he was mustered out and honorably discharged. While in active service in the battle at Farmington, Mississippi, in 1862, he was detailed by Colonel Charles McLum to carry a message to Loomis' Battery. While on the way a shell burst near him, knocking him down and, it is supposed, forcing some small fragments into his right eye. This impaired the sight of that member so as to eventually result in its total loss. At the conclusion of the war he returned to the farm and its duties. He was still but a young man, being only a trifle past his majority. During the administration of Governor Rich, who recognized the patriotism and ability of Colonel George A. Parker, the governor gave him the appointment of assistant paymaster general of the Michigan National Guard, which position he retained for the term of four years. To Mr. Parker is given the credit of drafting the resolution which secured to the Grand Army of the Republic in Shiawassee county the beautiful memorial rooms on the ground floor in the new court house, and also of the painting of the corps badges which adorn the walls, in connection with other historic views. It is designed to place in these rooms relics of the war,-a provision that will be greatly appreciated by old soldiers, each of whom will cheerfully contribute something to this collection of ever increasing interest. Colonel Parker has always been prominently identified with the Grand Army of the Republic and other soldier organizations of Shiawassee county, as well as with the state militia. He is a public-spirited citizen who always reflects honor upon the community in which he lives. To such men the public owes a debt of gratitude.

David and Sarah (Rust) Parker, the grandparents of our subject, were natives of New York state, first becoming residents of Michigan in 1829. Thirty years thereafter they located in Antrim township, Shiawassee county. David Parker was a man of strong character and clear convictions of duty and received many marked tributes of the high estimation in which he was held. He served with credit as township clerk, supervisor and later as sheriff, being elected to the office last named in 1868, and holding it four years. For a period of eight years he was a resident of Owosso, where he was engaged in the manufacture of brick. His death occurred January 6, 1888, at the age of seventy-eight years. When the father of George A. Parker assumed the duties of the office of sheriff, the latter was appointed under-sheriff, filling the position for four years. Later, George A. Parker removed to Bancroft and established a large and profitable produce business, his customers being scattered all along the route of the Grand Trunk Railroad. As illustrative of the magnitude of his trade, it may be stated that during a single season he shipped seventy-seven thousand bushels of potatoes and forty-seven thousand barrels of apples. He also became quite an extensive land owner, and he has platted sixteen acres as an addition to the city. His service as postmaster was during Harrison's administration and he also filled the office of justice of the peace for sixteen years. He married Florence L. Gaylord October 10, 1868, his wife being the daughter of John and Hannah (West) Gaylord, who, in 1852, located as the first white settlers on the Indian reserve at Nagg's Bridge. A farmer by occupation, Mr. Gaylord held the postmastership of Burns for a quarter of a century. He was a man of strict integrity as well as of wide personal popularity. He was a member of the Congregational church and a practical Christian, his death occurring in 1886. Mrs. Gaylord, the widow, lives at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George A. Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Parker had two children,-H. W., who is the subject of this sketch, and Ethel, who is unmarried, and who lives at home. H. W. Parker has also been honored with the clerkship of his township for two years. In politics he has always been a sound Republican, is a member of the Congregational church and identified with the Maccabees, and the Masonic fraternity and Knights of Pythias.

September 21, 1899, Mr. Parker married Helen, daughter of Henry Goodrich, a contractor and builder of Bancroft, the place of her nativity. She is the youngest in a family of three children. The other members of the family are Bert F., a traveling salesman, and Jessie L., now Mrs. Eugene Harris, of Bancroft. Mr. and Mrs. Parker have no children.

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The Past and Present of Shiawassee County, Michigan - Historically - Together with Biographical Sketches of many of its Leading Citizens And Illustrious Dead
The Michigan Historical Publishing Association, Lansing, Michigan
Page 423

It was said by a philosopher of the old time that "when he shall have succeeded then will be our time to rejoice and freely laugh." If this remark be a truism, then W. L. Parker has reason to "rejoice and freely laugh" over his success in life, so far as business is concerned at least. Men are largely judged in this life by their business success,-by the amount of money they have accumulated, either by fair means or foul; that seems to make but little difference in the eyes of the world. A Quaker once said to his son upon leaving home, "My son, get rich honestly if thee can, but get rich!" But, then, after all is said and done, are the words of Ben Jonson not true, that

He that departs with his own honesty
For vulgar praise, doth it too dearly buy.

Mr. Parker is a native of Michigan, having been born in Oakland county, January 27, 1860,-one of the most notable years in the nation's history, the year that sounded the death knell of human slavery on this continent, in the election to the presidency of Abraham Lincoln. Our subject's father, W. H. Parker, a native of the Empire state, was born April 1, 1838. The mother was born December 18, 1846, her maiden name being Harriet J. Nichols. W. H. Parker located in Oakland county in 1856. He was a worker in marble, a monument builder, and was engaged in that business in Oakland county. He died, however, in Caro, Tuscola county, November 13, 1902.

W. L. Parker was educated at Vassar, Michigan, and after his school days, engaged in the monument business at Caro, with the purpose, in the words of Hamlet, a trifle changed, that graves shall have living monuments. He remained at that place for seventeen years and then, in 1898, removed to Owosso, that growing city offering a larger field for his operations. At first he began in a small frame building, and he and his son did all the work. At the beginning of the second year, however, he found it necessary to expand his quarters, so leased a large brick building. The third year he added machinery, and the fifth year brought the business to so large proportions that he was forced to build a large factory, which is equipped with all the latest conveniences for conducting a business of this character, such as steam power, pneumatic tools, etc. He employs twelve cutters and, with a single exception, conducts the largest monument works in the state. This represents the result of close attention to business and of square and honorable dealing.

On Christmas day of 1859 Mr. Parker married Ida M. Huston, who was born in Groveland, Oakland county. They have two children: Leslie H., born May 25, 1881, is foreman of his father's business; and Harry G., born May 23, 1887, is the pneumatic-tool worker in the institution. The subject of this sketch was the second of five children. Nora is now Mrs. Drake; R. C. now works on the Grand Rapids Railroad; Leo G. is a barber in Tuscola county; Ray conducts a bicycle and gun shop.

Mr. Parker is a Republican and a member of the First Baptist church, and is identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and the Knights of the Maccabees.

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The Past and Present of Shiawassee County, Michigan - Historically - Together with Biographical Sketches of many of its Leading Citizens And Illustrious Dead
The Michigan Historical Publishing Association, Lansing, Michigan
Page 424

The remark is not uncommon that such and such a man is "lucky." There is positively nothing in this. Good pluck is good luck!and this is all there is of it. Few farmers have made such a plucky and persistent fight as the gentleman whose name heads this sketch, and the result has proved as satisfactory as heart could wish or ambition crave. Mr. Parmenter was born on the farm which he now owns, on section 2, Shiawassee township, February 18, 1853. He is a son of Joseph Parmenter, who was born in the old Green Mountain state, July 5, 1810. He died May 13, 1892, having made the world better for his long and useful sojourn in it. His wife, Mary (Grant) Parmenter, was born in Sodus, New York, April 21, 1814. She died March 16, 1884,-seventy years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Parmenter were married in the Empire state and came to Michigan in 1835, settling in Vernon township, Shiawassce county, where Mr. Parmenter purchased sixty-three acres of wild land, clearing all but a small portion of the tract, erecting suitable buildings thereon and living upon the place about six years. Exchanging this for one hundred and sixty acres of unimproved land at Ovid, Clinton county, he transferred his homestead to that locality and made it the family residence about five years. The Clinton county farm was in turn traded for one hundred and two and one-half acres in Shiawassee township, where Amos was born and still resides. At the time the family took possession of this new home, only about ten acres of the land were cleared, and upon the clearing was a log house and barn. This was the scene not only of our subject's birth, but also of the death of both his father and mother.

Joseph Parmenter was a strong character in more ways than one. He was not only an honest and industrious man, but also had a natural aptitude for the conduct of public affairs, and might have made his mark in politics had his lot been cast in a more populous community. As it was, he was prominent as an Abolitionist in the early days, and as a Republican in the latter portion of his life, holding a number of township offices, in which he served with energy and ability. In his religious convictions and professions he was an uncompromising Baptist.

Amos, the son with whom we are chiefly concerned in this sketch, was one of eight children, his eldest brother having been the first boy born in Shiawassee county. In the order of their birth the children are mentioned as follows:

Austin is at present living in Grand Rapids. Mary and Sarah are twins. Mary is the wife of Levi Rogers, a resident of Petoskey, and Sarah is the wife of Lewis Bogue, of Ypsilanti. Jesse is a resident of Wabash, Indiana. Livonia is the wife of C. Birch of Silverton, Oregon. Samantha is the wife of C. J. Gale, who lives at Corunna. Our subject was the seventh child. Matilda is now Mrs. Bruce Marsh, and is a resident of the village of Vernon.

Mr. Parmenter received his early education in the district school of his localitv and also enjoyed one year's training at the Fenton Seminary. At the age of twenty-one he struck out as an independent farmer, assisting his father for a few years. After the death of his parents he purchased of the heirs the old homestead, and has since doubled the size of the farm; which now consists of two hundred and five acres.

September 21, 1875, Mr. Parmenter was married to Nettie G. Potter, a native of Jefferson county, New York, where she was born November 19, 1858. She is a daughter of William and Charlotte (Scott) Potter, both of her parents having been born in the Empire state. The date of her father's birth was June 24, 1822, and that of his death, January 24, 1898. His mother was born March 21, 1827, and died in 1901. Mrs. Parmenter also is of yeoman stock, her father having been a farmer. Her parents became permanent residents of Michigan thirty-five years ago, and for many years they lived on a farm in Caledonia township. She was the youngest of their three children. The eldest, Charles, who lives in New York, married Delia Hall, and they are the parents of eight children. The second-born was Sarah, now the wife of Newton Allen, of New York, and the mother of one child.

Amos Parmenter devotes his energies to general farming, making the feeding of stock a specialty. He is an upright, progressive citizen and votes the Republican ticket, but his agricultural and domestic affairs occupy so much of his time that he has given no heed to "practical" politics, the extent of his public service having been in the capacity of drain commissioner. Mr. Parmenter is a member of the Masonic fraternity, in good standing, and is identified with the Baptist denomination. His career illustrates what pluck and energy will accomplish for a man. Mr. Parmenter has just entered upon his tenth year of service as president of the Shiawassee Mutual Fire Insurance Company.

In conclusion is entered brief record concerning the children of Mr. and Mrs. Parmenter: Grace C., who was born July 30, 1877, and who was graduated in the Vernon high school, was married, September 2, 1896, to Derward Devereaux, and they have one child, Donald, born January 30, 1898. Floyd A., born March 31, 1879, is associated with.his father in the work and management ofthe home farm. Ruth E., who was born October 31, 1886, also remains at the parental home.

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The Past and Present of Shiawassee County, Michigan - Historically - Together with Biographical Sketches of many of its Leading Citizens And Illustrious Dead
The Michigan Historical Publishing Association, Lansing, Michigan
Page 425

John Parsons, the well known general farmer and manufacturer of cider and vine gar, is a native of Michigan and for fortyfive years has been a resident of Caledonia township. He was born in Lyons township, Ionia county, on the 16th of October, 1843, and is the son of Benjamin Rich and Desdemona (Holdridge) Parsons. His father was born in Vermont, August 4, 1810, and died in the year 1871; his mother, a native of the Empire state, was born June 23, 1811, and died in 1891. Their marriage was solemnized in New York.

Benjamin R. Parsons, the father of our subject, was in many respects a remarkable character. He was not only unusually intelligent, but also was wonderfully versatile. In summer he successfully cultivated his farm, and for thirty-one winters in succession, both in Vermont and Michigan, he taught school, and he was successful in both vocations. A devout member of the Methodist Episcopal church, he was a local preacher, and, although he never had a regular charge, he often officiated at funerals, weddings and church services.

The head of the family became a resident of Michigan in 1836, locating at Spring Arbor, Jackson county, where he lived several years. He then decided to remove to Lyons township, Ionia county, where he had purchased forty acres of wild land. The family was loaded on a scow and by that conveyance came down Grand river, the father himself driving the team to the new home. A log house was promptly erected, but cold weather came on before a regular door could be hung, so a blanket was placed before the opening to keep out the cold. Wild animals frequented the surrounding wilderness, howling wolves prowling around the hut. One morning, while the blanket still hung before the door opening, tracks of six of the fierce brutes were found close beside it.

It was here that our subject was born, and when the boy was six years of age his father sold the farm and removed to Caledonia township. In that locality he purchased another forty acres of wild land, which he cleared and improved, erecting a frame house, which remained the family homestead for more than a dozen years. In 1861 he returned to Jonia county, remaining there three years. In 1864 he came to live with our subject, who, for several years, had been operating the land which subsequently became the homestead of his family, in section 34, Caledonia township.

The boy had been educated in the district schools of that township, and was trained to industrious and economical habits and in the knowledge of the science of husbandry, on the parental farm. He profited so well by both methods of training that at the age of nineteen he purchased eighty acres of wild land himself, and commenced to transform it into the valuable farm upon which he now resides. It must be a matter of just pride to the proprietor to realize that all the improvements, including the buildings, are the result of his own good judgment and labors.

March 21, 1868, John Parsons was married to Katherine Ormsby, a native of Jefferson county, New York, where she was born May 14, 1849. Mrs. Parsons is the daughter of Lauren and Lydia (Mandeville) Ormsby, who were married in New York, the father being a farmer by occupation. The parents were both natives of the Empire state, where the father was born October 6, 1820. and the mother, December 27, 1821. They removed to Michigan in 1863, locating near Saline, Washtenaw county, upon a tract of forty acres. Mr. Ormsby was a soldier of the civil war, and died at Vicksburg, Mississippi, July 3, 1865, of disease contracted while in the military service.

Mrs. Parsons is a child by her mother's second marriage, the children by the first marriage being: Mary J. Bachelor, now Mrs. Stevens, who resides in California, and Franklin Bachelor, who served in the war of the Rebellion, and who died in Oregon in 1902.

Mrs. Parsons is the eldest child by the second marriage. Her brother William H., the second-born, lives in Oregon, and has two children, his wife being dead; Brayton Mandeville, the third, is a resident of Hazelton township; and Ellen T., the fourth child, is Mrs. Andrew Pixley and lives in California, having one child,-a son.

The eight children who have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Parsons are all living. Martha J., born November 18, 1869, is the wife of Andrew Frederickson, of Detroit, and is the mother of one child, Earl. Bertha D., born April 22, 1872, is the wife of Arthur Sackett, of Caro, Michigan, and is the mother of two children, Evart and Mildred. Gilbert, born April 5, 1874, is a resident of Battle Creek, Michigan; married and has one child,-Gilbert, Jr.; Esther, born August 3, 1876, is the wife of Ernest Whitaker, of Caledonia, and is the mother of Alice May. Flora Estelle, born April 27, 1878, is living at home. Edna, born October 11, 1880, is now Mrs. Elwood Oddy, of Belvidere, Illinois. Bessie, born August 12, 1885, is living at home. Bernice, born June 18, 1893, is attending school.

Mr. Parsons has always been a Republican. He has never sought public office an'i has held only such minor local positions as pastmaster and school director. Both he and his wife are identified with the Methodist Episcopal church. Our subject is recognized as a substantial man, both in moral character and worldly goods. He is the proprietor of one hundred and thirty acres of finely improved land, and transacts a flourishing business in the manufacture and sale of cider, apple jelly and vinegar. His products, which are sold at wholesale, find a ready market in Chicago, Detroit, Bay City and other places, and have even been shipped as far west as California.

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The Past and Present of Shiawassee County, Michigan - Historically - Together with Biographical Sketches of many of its Leading Citizens And Illustrious Dead
The Michigan Historical Publishing Association, Lansing, Michigan
Page 426

Although the son of a New York farmer and himself a native of New Jersey, the prosperous agriculturist and honored citizen whose name heads this article is, to all practical purposes, a son of the Wolverine state. When but a boy he was brought to Michigan and to Vernon township, Shiawassee county. Here he was educated in school and on farm, and as a boy and youth hunted through the woods for game, nuts and berries. He married a Shiawassee county girl, in Vernon township; all his children were born here; here he has attained to prosperity and to honors. If all these circumstances do not sufficiently identify him with the township and county to make him a son of Michigan, for all practical purposes, then all that can be said is that mere ancestry and place of birth weigh altogether too much.

John J. Patchel was born in the town of Bloomfield, Essex county, New Jersey, on the 17th of June, 1839. His father, Samuel, was a native of Schoharie county, New York the date of his birth being October 7, 1809. The early portion of his life was spent in his native place, and he afterward removed to Essex county, New Jersey, where he was married. In 1848 he migrated with his wife and family to Michigan. Mrs. Patchel's maiden name was Bridget Garrity and she was a native of Ireland, whence she came when she was eighteen years of age.

Samuel Patchel first located in section 9, Vernon township, purchasing eighty acres of unimproved land and erecting a little log house with one wing. Other necessary farm buildings followed, and in the course of years the rude pioneer home gave place to a residence of modern appearance, so that at the time of his death, March 18, 1891, his homestead was one of the most substantial and attractive in the county. He remained firm in the Democratic faith until the day of his death. His wife, the mother of our subject, lived to be eighty-six years of age, passing away in the year 1900.

John J. Patchel is one of five children. One died in infancy. The others are Peter, Mary E., now Mrs. A. B. Chalker, and William Patchel, of Springfield, Missouri. Our subject came to Vernon township with his parents when he was nine years of age and finished his school days here. He' was persevering, and what he could not get at school he mastered at home, learning much of his algebra through his own unaided exertions and fitting himself for a teacher. He re mained with his father, assisting in the farm work, until he reached his twenty-second year, when he started his independent career-as a farmhand in the summer and a teacher in the winter. This course he pursued four years, purchasing in the meantime eighty acres of the one hundred and sixty acres which he still owns, in section 10.

Mr. Patchel bought the first forty acres in the spring of 1862, and the second forty in April, 1864. He was then in a position to undertake one of the important steps of his life-his marriage to Mary E. Chalker, daughter of Chandler B. and Phebe (Sickles) Chalker, Michigan pioneers, who, as their bridal tour, made the journey to Shiawassee county in 1837, leaving their New York home forever, to give their young strength to their adopted state. Mrs. Patchel was born in Vernon township, Shiawassee county, August 31, 1838, her father having settled in sections 3 and 4. His original purchase was one hundred acres, and to this tract he added forty acres, his property consisting of wild land, which he cleared and improved, erecting two good houses thereon, and otherwise bringing the farms up to a high grade of excellence. Mr. Chalker was a good Democrat, both in the political and moral sense of the word, and held many local offices-an evidence of the unswerving conlfilence which his neighbors and friends had in his ability and unvarying honesty. He was justice of the peace for more than twenty years. Both Mr. and Mrs. Chalker are deceased.

The marriage of our subject to Mary E. Chalker occurred on the 13th of December, 1866, and the young couple immediately commenced housekeeping in a log house built by the "farmer school teacher." The dwelling was sixteen by twenty-five feet in dimensions. Eight acres of the farm were already cleared and he continued constantly to cut away the timber and add to the original acreage. In 1882 Mr. Patchel purchased another forty acres. In 1889 he erected a substantial residence, at a cost of about three thousand dollars, and by the addition of a fourth tract of forty acres, in 1892, became the proprietor of a quarter section of valuable land, of which he is still the holder. He devotes himself to general farming, although he has done much as a successful breeder of improved live stock.

Mr. and Mrs. Patchel are the parents of the following named children: A sketch of their eldest son, Samuel C. Patchel, who is now justice of the peace, will be found in following paragraphs. The second child, Ellen, was born January 13, 1871, and died November 6, 1873. The third, born May 15, 1872 died August 15th of the same year. Helen J. (Harris) was born March 24, 1874. Mary E., the widow of Caleb A. Curtis, who died February 26, 1905, was born June 13, 1875, and is the mother of one son, Harold J. Curtis. John R., born June 23, 1878, is a farmer. Bessie E. (McMichael). Ralph J. Patchel, born September 11, 1882, is a merchant of Lennon.

Unlike the other voters of the parental family, John Patchel has been a Republican during most of his life. He cast his first vote for Douglas, it is true, but after the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion he permanently changed his political views, and has since been a firm and earnest Republican. His fel4ow-townsmen have frequently evinced their appreciation of his ability and sterling worth by calling him to various positions of local service. Among others, he has held the offices of school inspector and supervisor of the township, his service in the latter capacity extending over a period of four years.

All the members of the family are stanch members of the Congregational church, Mr. Patchel himself having for many years been both a trustee and a deacon in that denomination.

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The Past and Present of Shiawassee County, Michigan - Historically - Together with Biographical Sketches of many of its Leading Citizens And Illustrious Dead
The Michigan Historical Publishing Association, Lansing, Michigan
Page 428

Samuel C. Patchell, the eldest son of John J. Patchell, whose biography precedes this article, is not only a rising lawyer and business man of Shiawassee county, but is also justice of the peace and a prominent Republican in local politics. He was born in Vernon township, October 9, 1867, passing his boyhood days on his father's farm and attending the district school, and finally the Vernon high school. He then took a correspondence course in a Chicago institution, teaching school in the winter and working for his father and others, as a farm hand, in the summer and fall. By industry and intelligent economy he was enabled to purchase a farm near his father's homestead, operating it for some time himself. In addition to his other solid accomplishments, our subject also pursued a course of law in the office of E. S. Atherton.

Mr. Patchell's wife was known as Adel Kenyon, the daughter of an old settler of Livingston county. Her father is dead and her mother living. One child has been born to them, Rolland S. Patchel, a Durand student.

As stated, our subject is creditably filling the office of justice of the peace, for which his business and legal training peculiarly fits him. In connection with his court duties, he also carries on a growing real estate and insurance business: consequently his time is fully and profitably occupied. He has already served as school inspector and has been honored with the supervisorship by appointment. He is a member of the blue lodge and chapter of the Masonic fraternity and of the Knights of the Maccabees. There are, in short, few men of his years in Shiawassee county whose standing is more assured or whose prospects are brighter.

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The Past and Present of Shiawassee County, Michigan - Historically - Together with Biographical Sketches of many of its Leading Citizens And Illustrious Dead
The Michigan Historical Publishing Association, Lansing, Michigan
Page 428

The subject of this sketch is a substantial farmer, residing on section 9, Vernon township. Not only this, but he is also a prominent figure in the educational matters of Shiawassee county. The fact that he has taken a deep interest in this subject is evidence of a high order of intelligence and usefulness, because it is education alone that can conduct us to enjoyment which is at once best in quality and. infinite in quantity. Mr. Patchell is also well known in fire insurance circles, having served for eight years as secretary of the Shiawassee County Mutual Fire Insurance Company. He was honored with the superintendency of schools for two terms, and served as township treasurer for two terms. It may also be stated that he is a member of the Knights of the Loyal Guards' Insurance.

Peter Patchell was born in Essex county, New Jersey, August 22, 1844. His father, Samuel Patchell, was a New York farmer, born in Schoharie county, October 7 1809. He spent the early part of his life in his native place, removing afterward to Essex county, New Jersey, where he was married to Bridget Garrity. The wife and mother was born in Ireland, coming to America when eighteen years of age. Mr. Patchell's ancestry on the paternal side is also of Irish derivation, his grandfather, also Samuel by name, emigrating from the Emerald Isle when a lad of twelve years and locating in New York, where he remained until his death. The father of our subject removed from New Jersey to Michigan in 1848, locating in the same section where his son now resides. At that time the land was wild, but he erected a log house and in after years so improxed his farm that at his death, March 18, 1891, it was one of the most highly improved tracts in the county. Both father and mother are now deceased.

Our subject, who is the third of five children, laid the groundwork of his education in the district schools of Vernon township. He taught school for several years and then settled on the land which is still his homestead. It was then fresh from nature, and he sturdily set to work to clear off the forest. This accomplished, he established himself as a general farmer. Within the passing years he set out an orchard, erected substantial farm buildings, including a pretty residence, and brought his homestead to its present high standard.. He is now the owner of eighty acres of valuable land, highly cultivated and very productive. In politics Mr. Patchell gives his support to the Democratic party.

February 19, i868, Mr. Patchell was united in marriage to Ann E. Jones, her father being a pioneer of Venice township, where, in an early day, he acquired his homestead direct from the government. Mr. Jones is now deceased but his widow is still living, at the advanced age of eighty-four years. Mrs. Patchell's natal day was July 25, 1849. Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Patchell: Frank E., born January 30, 1869, married Mina L. Potter March 17, 1897. Mrs. Frank Patchell was born August 1, 1872. Maud I., born April 19, 1871, married Burt 0. Potter, February 27, 1900. They reside on a farm in Vernon township. The) nave two children, Lucene E., born May 26, 1902, and Irene E., born August 21, 1904. The third child of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Patchell is Grace C., who was born March 16, 1892, and who is still at the parental home.

Mr. and Mrs. Patchell are both esteemed members of the Congregational church at Durand and contribute liberally of their means for its support.

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The Past and Present of Shiawassee County, Michigan - Historically - Together with Biographical Sketches of many of its Leading Citizens And Illustrious Dead
The Michigan Historical Publishing Association, Lansing, Michigan
Page 429

This gentleman hails from the Empire state, being a native of Somerset, Niagara county, New York, where he was born January 20, 1848. His father also was born in New York state, in 1825, and died in 1859, on section 15, Hazelton township, the home of the subject of this sketch. The latter's mother, Prudence (Brown) Patterson, was born in Somerset, Niagara county, New York, in 1828. She, too, died at her son's house, in 1902. At the early age of eleven years Harvey J. Patterson started to struggle with destiny. Like the little hero that he was, he worked for farmers until he reached the age of eighteen years, religiously taking every penny of his wages home to his mother-a lasting monument to the memory of any man, and one which.does him credit beyond the power of language to properly describe, so great is its contrast to the conduct of so many young men toward their parents in these latter days. At the age of eighteen years, as already stated, he commenced saving for himself. He worked summers for three dollars per month and saved enough out of that to buy a calf, which he gave to his mother. In 1868 he was twenty years old. He then bought forty acres of land. This is now the corner on which Hazelton postoffice was situated. It is better known, perhaps, as Ratville, a name which he gave it, and since that has been thus called by the residents of this locality. So well known is this title that letters addressed to "Ratville," although not a postoffice name, have reached their proper destination. His father removed to southern Michigan in the '40s, but remained here one year only, returning to Niagara county, New York. In 1852 he came to Hazelton township and traded a span of horses for forty acres. This is where his son Harvey now lives. At that time there was only one-half mile of road in the township, the remainder being solid woods. Two years later he bought forty acres more. He lived on the first purchase a year and then rented a farm near Flushing, Michigan, so that he might earn sufficient money to buy provisions, and thus be enabled to return to his farm, which he did in a year. At the time he located on his land there was a log shanty on it, with some four acres improved. He moved into the shanty. A person could scarcely step about in the woods at that time without seeing deer, so numerous were they. The old gentleman cleared about ten acres before his death. He helped to organize the township. The residents were then so few that one person had to hold two offices. Things are far different now, when there arie hundreds of men ready to take one office! There were only five families in the township when Harvey J. Patterson came here with his parents, and he is now the only one of them left. He has still in his possession a piece of a coffee mill in which he and his brother ground corn for one week when the mill dam at Flushing was washed out. This was the only way they had to make meal. His mother taught the first school in the town I I,. ship. She was married three times-first to the father of Harvey J., second to Daniel B. Holcomb, and third to Levi McCarn, who survives her and lives with Harvey. Mr. McCarn was born in Tompkins county, New York, April 26, 1819. He came to Genesee county, Michigan, in 1850 and bought eighty acres of wild land. He cleared some of it and afterward sold it. He then bought eighty acres, partly improved, and cleared the remainder. He lived there fourteen years, and in 1876 he went to Missouri, where he spent three winters. In 1878 he returned to the home of Harvey J., and has remained.there since. When our subject sold his farm at Ratville, he went two miles west and bought forty acres, ten acres of which were improved and contained a log house and stable. He reclaimed most of the remainder and lived there nine years. He then sold the farm and removed to Oscoda, where he worked in a sawmill one summer. He then returned to Hazelton and bought the grist and saw-mill at Ratville. This he conducted for one and onehalf years, and then traded for forty acres of land north of there. Three-fourths of this was improved. An inferior house and barn were on the place, but he bought a house already built and moved it onto the premises and improved the rest of the land. Mr. Patterson remained on this farm until' March, 1902, when he returned to the old homestead to care for his mother and stepfather. For this he received a deed to fifty acres of the old farm, thirty acres being given to his eldest brother. Mr. Patterson now owns ninety acres. On August 9, 1868, he married Mary Elizabeth Sawyer, who was born April 28, 1852. She is a daughter of Harry Sawyer, who was born in New York state, in 1827, and who died in the army in 1865. Her mother is living in Chesaning, Michigan. Mrs. Patterson's parents located in Ingham county, Michigan, in 1861, and there her father was a hoop-maker. At one time he rented a farm in Ingham township, Ingham county. In the fall of 1864 he enlisted in Company B, Eighth Michigan Cavalry, and died from sickness contracted in the war at Nicholsville, Tennessee, January 2, 1865. Mr. Patterson's wife was the first of five children, a brief record concerning the others being as follows: Ida, born in New York state, June 25, 1857, lives at Oscoda, Michigan. She married Daniel Schultz and they have three children-Erie, Bessie and William. Minnie A., born in New York state, October 17, 1860, lives in Hazelton township. She married James Dillon, and they have seven children-Matthew, George, Grover, Mamie, Harry, Erie and Thomas. Lucinda, born in Ingham county, Michigan, October 7, 1862, lives at Chesaning, Michigan. She married George Nason and has four children-Lulu, Nellie, Robert and Henry. Hattie, born July 25, 1864, lives in Brady township, Saginaw county, Michigan. She married George Smitlh and has three children-Fred, Sophia and William.

Mr. and Mrs. Patterson have three children. Carrie Edith, born August 24, 1869, married Frank King, and they live on the forty-acre farm north of Ratville, owned by his father. They have three children-Hazel, born June 18, 1895; Mildred, born in September, 1896, and Leslie, born March 3, 1901. Hattie, born April 23, 1877, lives in Toledo, Ohio; she married George Golden and they have one child-Harvey J., born April 17, 1897. Eva, born January 13, 1881, lives at Kirby, Michigan; she married Allen Brunson and they have no children.

Mr. and Mrs. Patterson are professors of religion, but not members of any church. He is a Republican and has filled the office of highway commissioner. He has been a member of the Patrons of Industry and the Independent Order of Good Templars.

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William E. PAYNE

The Past and Present of Shiawassee County, Michigan - Historically - Together with Biographical Sketches of many of its Leading Citizens And Illustrious Dead
The Michigan Historical Publishing Association, Lansing, Michigan
Page 433

Commercial life has come to be recognized as a game of chance, and the man who can die before he encounters bankruptcy is considered fortunate. There are but few Napoleons, and whenever a man finds he can do one thing well it will be fortunate for him if he can be content to stand by that solitary thing. In the gentleman whose name heads this sketch we have an example of that pertinacity and push which cannot fail to win in the battle of business life.

Mr. Payne is a native of Isabella county, Michigan, where he was born February 9, 1863-a memorable period in the nation's history, since the greatest war of modern times, if not of all times, was then in progress. He is a son of William F. and Rosanna Payne, both natives of the Empire state. The former was born May 27, 1832, and died November 4,, 1889; his widow still lives and is a resident of Owosso. Our subject received his early education in the district schools in Bennington township, Shiawassee county, and at the age of sixteen years entered the high school in Corunna, where he remained for two years. At the age of eighteen years he associated himself with the First National Bank of Corunna, his object being to gain a practical knowledge of bookkeeping. He continued with that institution six months. For three years after this he was engaged in teaching school, but he did not like this occupation, however, despite the words of the poet, who thought it a
Delightful task! to rear the tender thought,
To teach the young idea how to shoot.

Mr. Payne next removed to the northern peninsula of Michigan, where he entered the employ of the Northwestern Railroad Company, and while thus engaged he learned civil engineering. He remained with that company until the end of 1888, when he severed his connection with it, the illness of his father rendering it necessary for him to return home and take care of his honored father. One year afterward, November 4, 1889, his father died. While thus at home our subject engaged in gardening, in company with his brother, E. J. Payne, who lives in Owosso. In 1895 he sold his interest in that business to his brother. He next engaged in the agricultural implement business in Owosso in partnership with W. L. Crowe, under the name of Crowe & Payne. During the big fire in that city, in September, 1898, their establishment was destroyed, together with nearly all its contents, involving a heavy loss, with little insurance. This, of course, proved a hard blow, but did not dishearten our subject by any means, as he is not the kind to be thus discouraged. However, it seemed to be a turning point in his affairs; for, as Shakespeare says,

There is a tide in the affairs of men
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.

Mr. Payne obeyed the injunction of the immortal bard of Avon and, taking the "tide at its flood," has, since the fire, "rushed on to fortune," for before the embers of the conflagration died out he purchased the lots on which the burned building was situated and constructed the fine brick structure in which he has since done business. The time occupied in erecting this store was just ten weeks. The new building is one hundred and twentytwo feet in depth and forty-four in width, two stories high, with a basement under the whole. The fire did not stop the firm's business, however, as they continued to wait on customers and sell goods under the blue vault of heaven. In February, 1900, our subject purchased the interest of Mr. Crowe in the business and formed a copartnership with George M. Graham, under the firm name of W. E. Payne & Company. This arrangement continued until 1905, when Mr. Payne became the sole owner of the establishment, and he now conducts the business in his own name. He keeps a splendid and varied stock of goods in his line, such as Clark & Company's buggies, the Pontiac Buggy Company's carriages, Pontiac Spring Wagon Company's buggies, Prouty & Glass. buggies, Milburn farm wagons and "'Pon Honor" buggies, cutters, fur coats, beet tools, Planet, Jr., beet tools, the great McCormick machines, Syracuse plows, the Kalamazoo reed spring-tooth harrows, Dunham land rollers, Empire drills, Fleck's condition powders, the best farm fertilizers, the Great Western endless-apron manure spreaders, Maud S. and Red Jacket pumps, cast-iron tank heaters, John Deere Swath or Windrow hay or bean loaders, Dain hay and bean side-delivery rakes, haying tools of all kinds, Birdsell "Monitor, Jr." clover hullers, Advance separators, with compound engine, "Iron Age" garden and farm tools, the "Improved Caledonia" bean harvesters, harnesses, robes, blankets, fly-nets, etc. In short, there is not a more complete establishment of the kind in the entire state and none but the best goods are kept in stock. The volume of business annually is about fifty thousand dollars. Five salesmen are employed, with a lady stenographer. J. H. Payne, a cousin of our subject, is his able and courteous assistant in managing the details of this prosperous and growing concern. Mr. Payne carries a stock of from ten thousand to twelve thousand dollars. The establishment throughout is very conveniently and tastefully arranged, and the office is a model of neatness.

Mr. Payne is one of a family of fourteen children: Ida L., Hazel J., Martha A., William E., Edgar J., Harmon, Allen (died in infancy), Charles (died in infancy), Cora (now Mrs. Burrell Hardy), Ralph E. (now lives in Owosso), Edna, Leora, Lena and Cynthia.

Mr. Payne was married February 15, 1899, to Emma Hicks, of Corunna, Michigan. Two children have resulted from this union-Harold, who died in infancy, and Ruth E., born April 17, 1903. Mr. Payne is identified with several social and fraternal orders, being a member of the Owosso lodge of Elks, No. 753; the Masonic blue lodge and chapter, the Knights of Pythias and the Maccabees. In political matters he acts independently, voting for the best men, as he views them. Our subject is a splendid example of a self-made man, having forged his way to the front by integrity, energy and ability. It is unnecessary to state that he stands high, not only in the city in which he lives, but also in the entire region hereabout.

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Charles M. PEACOCK

The Past and Present of Shiawassee County, Michigan - Historically - Together with Biographical Sketches of many of its Leading Citizens And Illustrious Dead
The Michigan Historical Publishing Association, Lansing, Michigan
Page 435

Scholarly men and those who live retired lives often look with astonishment at the busy, rushing and enterprising life of those business men who are known as "hustlers." Their activities are so vigorous and their push and perseverance so undaunted that the wonder is that they do not wear out during their early years and that so many of them retain their vigor till they have had time to win the success for which they are working.

The gentleman of whom we write is a prominent druggist of the city of Corunna. HIe was born in Wayne county, New York, January 16, 1850, and is the son of Horace and Angeline (Button) Peacock, natives of New York, where the father's birth occurred in March, 1819.

Horace Peacock came to Michigan in 1855 and followed the calling of a contractor and builder until a few years before his death, when he was engaged in the fruit-evaporating business. He was alderman of the third ward of the city of Corunna for nine or ten years, was a Republican in politics, and both he and his wife were members of the Baptist church. He died March 18, 1888, and his widow is living with her son Frank in Corunna.

Our subject is one of eight children, of whom five are now living: Frank is in the office of the register of deeds, in Corunna; James J. is justice of the peace in Corunna; Albert F., born September 20, 1851, married Jennie Mead and they live at South Bend, Indiana, and have two children; Edgar J. lives at Schoolcraft, Michigan; Sarah died at the age of nineteen years and two girls died in infancy.

Our subject was educated in the city schools of Corunna and at the age of nineteen years started out for himself, by clerking in a drug store. Previously to this, however, he was for a, short time engaged in a grocery store. In 1881 he became proprietor of the drug store where he is now engaged in business, and where he has met with continued success.

June 10, 1880, our subject was united in marriage to Catherine, daughter of Joseph N. and Mary J. (Colton) Lemon. She was born in Corunna, June 12, 1860. Mrs. Peacock's mother is dead and her father is living in Corunna. Mrs. Peacock's father was twice married and she was one of four children by the first marriage. By the second marriage there were two children. Mr. and Mrs. Peacock have one child, Louise, who was born February 14, 1884, and who was graduated in the state normal school at Ypsilanti in June, 1905.

Charles M. Peacock has always been a supporter of the Republican party and socially is a member of the Masonic order and the Maccabees. Mr. Peacock is an influential citizen and is counted as one of the reliable men of his city.

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Frederick W. PEARCE

The Past and Present of Shiawassee County, Michigan - Historically - Together with Biographical Sketches of many of its Leading Citizens And Illustrious Dead
The Michigan Historical Publishing Association, Lansing, Michigan
Page 435

"Michigan, my Michigan," has produced thousands of sterling and worthy self-made business men-men with great merit and ability along special lines; but it would be difficult to name a man in the state who has apparently made a better success of life thus far than the gentleman whose name heads this article. It has been truthfully said that "on their own merits modest men are dumb." Verily, this may be said of our subject; but he does things, and has done a great deal. More, he is doing things now. He is a factor in the arena of activity. "Heaven," as has been said, "never helps the men who will not act." As the poet Longfellow says:

Let us then be up and doing,
With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labor and to wait.

Frederick W. Pearce was born October 21, 1868, in Fairfield township, Shiawassee county. He is of English extraction, in the agnatic line, his father, H. G. Pearce, having been born in England, and his mother, Lucy (Preston) Pearce was a native-born American. Our subject attended the district schools in Fairfield township until he reached the age of fifteen years. Then he entered the high school in Ovid, after graduating in which he taught school for four years, in Shiawassee county. After this he took a commercial course in Valparaiso, Indiana, graduating in 1882. Then he entered the real estate office of Detwiler & Company in Toledo, Ohio, where he continued for two years. He went to Oakley, Michigan, where he engaged in a general mercantile trade. He remained there eight years, after which he returned to Owosso and organized the Owosso Hardware Company, which soon enjoyed a large and lucrative business. He continued this for five years, when he consolidated with Daniel G. Gerow, under the name of Pearce & Gerow. They thus combined the hardware, furniture and undertaking business in one mammoth concern. They have eighteen hundred square feet of floor space, and in addition to this they utilize the basement under both floors. They also use the floors over the Davis dry-goods store. A detailed description of this big concern is also given in the sketch of Daniel J. Gerow in another part of this volume. They have the only passenger elevator in Owosso, a convenience their customers thoroughly appreciate. The firm have an enormous stock of the best hardware, furniture and caskets which can be procured, and as a result have a fine, lucrative business. They empioy twelve clerks and two delivery men. Mr. Pearce is also president of the hardware firm of Pearce & Company, of Elsie, Michigan, which conducts a large business. His success in life represents but the natural rewards that come to men of intelligence and integrity, energy and push.

Mr. Pearce is a most agreeable and progressive gentleman. In politics he is a Republican, but is not an office-seeker, preferring rather to remain in the private ranks of life and devote his best energies to his business affairs and social duties. While at Oakley, referred to above, he was postmaster from 1886 to 1900, inclusive.

Mr. Pearce was married March 15, 1893., to Nina E. Palmer, daughter of George D. Palmer, of Henderson, Shiawassee county. They became the parents of five children, as follows: Harold F., born December 15, 1893, died April 7, 1894; Howard W. was born April 10, 1895; Gertrude E. was born August 28, 1899, and died December 28, 1899; Marie G. was born July 20, 1901, and Lawrence G. was born December 14, 1904.

Mr. and Mrs. Pearce are active members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and he is a member of the board of trustees. Mr. Pearce is a member of the Owosso Masonic Lodge, No. 81, and he is also an Elk. It is not necessary to close this sketch by remarking that he is highly respected by the community generally, as there is not a gentleman in Owosso who is held in higher esteem.

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Cad. Benjamin PELTON

The Past and Present of Shiawassee County, Michigan - Historically - Together with Biographical Sketches of many of its Leading Citizens And Illustrious Dead
The Michigan Historical Publishing Association, Lansing, Michigan
Page 436

One of the greenest spots in the memory of this gentleman is his army experience-not that he loved war, but the fact that he was an actor in the dreadful struggle for national existence affords a sort of consolation that cannot be explained on paper. Indeed, this is something that the average veteran is infinitely more proud of than of the possession of mere material wealth. At the sound of the bugle, in August, 1861, Cad. B. Pelton, then in the vigor of early manhood, enlisted in Company B, Seventh Michigan Infantry. This regiment left Monroe for Virginia September 5, 1861, in command of Colonel Grosvenor, numbering eight hundred and eightyfour officers and enlisted men. The regiment lay on the upper Potomac during the winter and was engaged in the disastrous action at Ball's Bluff. In the spring of 1862 the regiment followed McClellan to the peninsula. Our subject remained in the service for three years and one month. During this period he was detailed as a government scout, but participated with his regiment in the battles of Fair Oaks, May 31 to June 1, 1862; Fredericksburg, December 11, 12 and 13, 1862, and Gettysburg, July 1, 2 and 3, 1863. An amusing incident is chronicled in connection with this gallant regiment while it was forming at Fort Wayne. It seems that one C. M. Walker, a young lawyer, who was very short in stature, rendered so by shortness of legs, was extremely anxious to enlist. One morning before the colonel reached his office the young man seated himself at the colonel's table. The colonel entered and sat down, when the young man said: "Colonel, I want to enlist in vour regiment; please give an order for an officer to muster me in." The colonel looked at him; he appeared healthy and strong and apparently of sufficient height, as he sat at the table. The colonel replied, "Certainly," and wrote the desired order. When the young man rose to leave, the colonel, discovering that the young man was but little higher when on his feet than when sitting down, exclaimed, "Hold on, I do not know about this!" But the young man hastily left, saying, "Never mind about my legs, colonel, they are of the growing kind." He was accepted and became a capable officer.

At the close of the war Cad. B. Pelton, as he is familiarly called, located at Vernon and engaged in the grocery business, continuing in that line for two years. Later he rented a farm in Shiawassee township, operating the same for three years. He then purchased fifty-five acres in Caledonia township, where he resided until two years ago, when he retired from active agricultural life and removed to the city of Corunna. When he first moved upon the land it was quite wild and unimproved, but under his good management it was transformed into a modern, comfortable home. After selling the homestead he bought a residence and a small piece of land in Corunna, where he now resides with his wife.

Mr. Pelton is a native of Oswego county, New York, where he was born October 8, 1840. His father, Platt Pelton, was likewise born in the Empire state, and died in 1846, at the early age of thirty-six years. By trade he was a blacksmith, and he first came to Michigan in June, 1845, remaining in Clayton, Genesee county, until the following December, when he located in Corunna, with the idea of making that place his home. Although he worked at his trade whenever possible he lived only a year thereafter. His wife, whose maiden name was Sarah Clement, survived him fifteen years, dying in 1861 at the age of forty-five. She contracted a second marriage. Five children were born to her by her first union.

Mr. Pelton's early education was acquired in the schools of Corunna and Detroit, somne of the higher branches being pursued in Byron. He proved a most dutiful and loving son and assisted his widowed mother until the time of her death as chronicled above.

October 16, 1867, our subject was married to Miss Emma Smith, a daughter of Thomas and Melinda (McCrea) Smith, both natives of New York state. Mrs. Pelton was born October 6, 1845, and her father on March 7, 1802. Both her parents are dead, her mother dying in April, 1853, at the age of fifty years, and her father surviving her mother for nearly forty years, passing away August 20, 1891, at the venerable age of eighty-nine. At the time of his death he was one of the oldest settlers of Vernon township, having located there in 1850 and having passed the remainder of his days within its limits. He was the father of nine children, six of whom are living.

To Mr. and Mrs. Pelton have been born four children: Fred, who was born June 2, 1872, married Mrs. Tobias, and is an expressman at Clare, Michigan; Nellie is the wife of Ernest Desbrough, a New Haven farmer; Mary is now Mrs. Austin, of Caledonia, and Harry R., born August 5, 1882, died January 12, 1905, a bachelor.

Mr. Pelton has always been a Republican and has creditably filled several public offices. He served as highway commissioner for two terms and justice of the peace for twelve years. He has also been closely and prominently identified with the Pioneer Society, having served as second vice-president of the organization, and was recently elected to the first vice-presidency. Corunna has no better or more highly respected citizen than Cad. B. Pelton.

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Forrest B. PERRY

The Past and Present of Shiawassee County, Michigan - Historically - Together with Biographical Sketches of many of its Leading Citizens And Illustrious Dead
The Michigan Historical Publishing Association, Lansing, Michigan
Page 438

At the age of twenty-three years Forrest B. Perry began life for himself, in Waterford township, Oakland county, Michigan. His first venture was the purchase of an improved eighty-acre farm, in 1880. He owned this property two years, and he next bought eighty acres in White Lake township, in the same county. He owned this one year. He then engaged in the meat business, in Metamora, Michigan, continuing this enterprise for one year. He then sold out and returned to farming, buying forty acres of wild land in Hazelton township. He moved into a shanty, cleared the land and in 1893 added forty acres of improved land. In 1895 he sold twenty acres of the first forty acres and purchased forty acres more of cultivated land. He has built a frame house, barns, granary, etc. In 1893 he secured by purchase the old homestead of eighty acres. The same year he traded it, taking in part payment the second forty acres purchased in Hazelton township. In 1902 he bought a house and lot in New Lothrop, where he has since resided, conducting his farm from that place. He buns stock in the fall and sells the same to shippers. He was the first of eight children. The others are enumerated below: William, who died in Missouri, married Clara Button, and had one child-Sophia; Belle, who lives in the state of Washington, married W. A. Carr and has no children; Mattie, who also lives in Washington, married Major M. A. Draper, and they have three children,-Ray, Florence and Russell; Eldon, who lives at Flint, married Mattie Lewis, and has no children; Annie, single, is a bookkeeper at Flint; Arthur, who lives in Lansing, is married and has three children; Milton, who is single, also lives in Lansing.

October 1, 1879, Mr. Perry married Elnora B. Addis, who was born February 8, 1861. Mrs. Perry's father, William Addis, was a pioneer of Oakland county, Michigan, where he still lives. The mother of Mrs. Perry was Elizabeth (Buzzard) Addis, who is a daughter of Joseph Buzzard, an early settler in Oakland county; he secured one hundred and twenty acres from the government and lived there until his death, having cleared the land and erected good buildings. Mrs.. Perry's father was born in New Jersey. He came to Oakland county at an early day and secured one hundred and twenty acres of government land, near Clarkston, clearing the land and erecting frame buildings thereon.

Mrs. Perry was the first of five children. The others are Grace, who in Howell, Michigan, married W. H. S. Wood, and they have three children,-Pauline, Ruth and Bernice. Lizzie, who lives in Corunna, Michigan, married W. A. McMullen, mayor of Corunna, and their two children are deceased. Stella, who lives in Ortonville, Michigan, married William Warner, and has one child. William, who lives in Brandon township, Oakland county, married Ethel Brunson; they have no children.

Mr. and Mrs. Perry have had two children, one of whom is living-Roy, who was born December 3, 1889, and who is attending school at New Lothrop. Floyd, born December 4, 1884, died February 25 1902.

Forrest B.: Perry was born in Hadley, Lapeer county, Michigan, November 5, 1857. He is a son of Oliver H. Perry, who was born in the state of New York August 11. 1831, and who died January 2, 1893. Our subject's mother, Rachel (Praigg) Perry was born in Detroit, Michigan, in 1837. She now lives in Flint. Michigan. The subject of this sketch is a Mason and a Republican. He has been greatly honored by his fellow-citizens in the way of local positions of trust. He was a member of the board of review for seven years, treasurer of his township two years and supervisor four years, and all of these offices he filled with honor and great credit to himself.

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The Past and Present of Shiawassee County, Michigan - Historically - Together with Biographical Sketches of many of its Leading Citizens And Illustrious Dead
The Michigan Historical Publishing Association, Lansing, Michigan
Page 439

One never realizes the truth of the saying that all is not gold that glitters as much as when standing before the enticing window of a hardware store, glittering with its 'bright pans and pails and numerous cooking utensils, and for all that one knows perfectly well that the resemblance to the precious metal is specious, there is seldom a housewife that. is not fascinated.

Frank H. Pettibone is extensively engaged in the hardware business in the city of Corunna and also in connection with this a plumbing business is conducted. He is a native of Corunna, having been born January 11, 1859. He is the son of Ozro and Amarilla (Root) Pettibone, natives of New York. The father was born in 1829 and died at Corunna in 1861 at the age of thirty-two, and the mother died in 1870'at the age of forty-two. 'Ozro Pettibone and his brother Seth were engaged in the manufacture of fanning mills at the time of the former's death. Frank H. Pettibone was the second of three children: Clarence is living in New York, and Ozro lives in Hot Springs, Arkansas.

The subject of this sketch attended the village schools of Corunna until eleven years of age, when he went to work in the dry-goods store of Alexander Commins, with whom he remained three years. He then worked in a hardware store for ten years, for J. H. Shick & Company, after which he engaged in business with Green Brothers, being a partner in the business for seventeen years. Two years ago he purchased the entire business and is now sole owner of the general hardware and plumbing business.

December 9, 1885, Mr. Pettibone was united in marriage to Luella Wilcox, who was born September 29, 1852. She is a daughter of Louis H. and Mary (Bradley) Wilcox, who were early settlers of Michigan. The mother died on January 11, 1888, and the father is now living in Washington, D. C., employed in the government printing office. Our subject and wife have two children-Louis Howard, born November 11, 1892, and Mary D., born June 5, 1897.

The principles of the Democratic party embrace the views of our subject and receive his support. Ten years ago lie was alderman of the city and for two years he held the position of city treasurer. Fraternally, he is allied with the Masonic order. several insurance societies and the Elks lodge at Owosso.

Frank H. Pettibone is an upright man and a good citizen. He began life at the bottom round of the ladder, his industrious and persevering energy has attained to the possession of a handsome property.

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Milton H. PHELPS

The Past and Present of Shiawassee County, Michigan - Historically - Together with Biographical Sketches of many of its Leading Citizens And Illustrious Dead
The Michigan Historical Publishing Association, Lansing, Michigan
Page 439

The gentleman whose name we give at the head of this article has the distinguished honor of being the oldest pioneer in Shiawassee county, if not also the oldest man in the county. He may say with Shakespeare, in "As You Like It":

Though I look old, yet I am strong and lusty;
For in my youth I never did apply
Hot and rebellious liquors in my blood;
Nor did not with unbashful forehead woo
The means of weakness and debility;
Therefore my age is as a lusty winter,
Frosty, but kindly.

Mr. Phelps is still living on the land which he bought from the United States government seventy years ago, before ever a railroad had penetrated the territory of Michigan, then a frontier wilderness of the west. When this young Buckeye farmer, then just of age, located in the county there was a bare trail to his log cabin, from whose rough windows he often saw many species of game which roamed the forests. Deer, bears, wolves and wild turkeys were in abundance. Soon after he became a resident of Sciota township the territory was admitted as a state, and during the long stretch of the after years he had the privilege of seeing the wilderness literally "bloom and blossom like the rose." Mr. Phelps was born sixteen miles west of Columbus, Ohio, on the Big Sciota river, December 14, 1814. His father, James Phelps, a native of New York state, was born in 1782 and died in Sciota township in 1844. In 1812 he migrated from Cortland county, New York, to the Buckeye state. Purchasing a tract of wild land, he commenced to clear the same and mold it into a family homestead. A portion of the farm he broke and planted to corn, and, incidentally, it may be remarked that forty years ago, when Milton A. Phelps was on a visit to his birthplace, he found trees fully a foot in diameter, where his father had raised this crop.

In 1832 the father of. our subject became a resident of Michigan, settling in the township of Saline, Washtenaw county, on a tract of one hundred and ten acres of land, eighty acres of which were wild. There was a log house on the place and after he had cleared twenty acres and made other improvements it proved a very comfortable homestead. But the prospects were not sufliciently inviting to induce him to remain in that locality, so he sold his farm, removed to Shiawassee county and took up one hundred and sixty acres from the government. He then prepared to found a home for himself and family, building a log house and barn and clearing a quarter of his sectionr. Again he changed his plans, however, removing to Sciota township, where he purchased forty acres of wild land. He cleared a quarter of this tract and passed the remainder of his days upon the little farm. All this is a very fair illustration of the strenuous, plucky life of the pioneer of those days. He had a family of ten children. Rachael married a Mr. Killgore, had six children and died in Shiawassee county; Sally, who became Mirs. Ackley, and who died in Ohio, had one child; Seldon married Manda Chappell, was the father of six children, and passed his closing days in Shiawassee township; Silas, who was twice married, had one child by each wife, and died in Sciota township; Dyer, who married Almira Sody, had by her one son and one daughter, and he died in Shiawassee township; our subject and Mason were twins and the latter is now dead; Liza died unmarried in Shiawassee township; Melissa married Oliver Westcott, lives in California and is the mother of three: Sara, who married Lorenze Dexter, lives in California and had three children, one of whom is living.

When Milton A. Phelps was nineteen years of age he and his twin brother cleared twenty acres of the land for his father "for their time," thereby gaining two years for themselves. As each owned at this period thirty acres of land, they found themselves in fair position to make a good start in life. In 1833 they visited Shiawassee county for a short time, and two years later our subject returned and purchased one hundred and twenty acres of land from the government. He first built a log house and in the following year a frame barn, and then commenced a systematic clearing of the land. Fortunately, game was plentiful in those days; but even with this advantage he was many times short of provisions, which could not be purchased at a nearer market than Ann Arbor or Pontiac. For many years he sold virtually his entire grain crop at the latter place. During much of that period he hauled it to market with a team, as there was no railroad either in that vicinity or in the entire state of Michigan. It must be to Milton Phelps a source of deep satisfaction now, to compare his condition then with his present status, as the proprietor of a fine farm of one hundred and ninety-six acres, all improved except twenty acres of swamp, including a small body of water known as Wolf lake, while he is enjoying all the comforts of modern life, as well as many of the luxuries which the metropolitan citizen is denied.

In 1844 our subject was united in marriage to Frances D. Kinney, of Rochester, New York, the ceremony occurring at the place named. The young couple started for Michigan the third day after the happy event. The bride was born in Cortland county, New York, March 17, 1819, her father being Elezer Kinney, who passed his entire life in the county named. Her mother's maiden name was Esther Fuller. Mrs. Phelps was the second of five children, the other members of the family being Polly, Henry, George and Charles. George is the only one living. No children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Phelps.

Although Mr. Phelps never received more than a primary education, in the district schools of New York and Michigan, he was endowed by nature with sound sense, good judgment and a natural disposition to make the best of the opportunities presented. The result was success. Recognizing that he was able to forward his own interests, his fellow citizens have called him, upon several occasions, to assist in the management of public affairs. He served as constable for many years and highway commissioner for several terms. In politics he has invariably been a stanch Republican and in religion is a consistent member of the Baptist church society. He has also been prominent in the temperance reforms of the community, being especially identified with the Washington Temperance Society.

The great sorrow of Mr. Phelps' life came to him January 21, 1906; in the death of his life companion, after they had shared together, through sunshine and shadow, the joys and sorrows of life for sixty-one years. Mrs. Phelps lived to the advanced age of nearly eighty-six years. Mr. Phelps though in his ninety-second year is still hale and hearty retaining all his faculties to a remarkable degree. An adopted daughter, Mrs. Burt, a widow, cares for the home. Like the forest tree standing alone, its fellows having gone down amid the onward march of the passing years, Milton A. Phelps, the revered pioneer, nearing the close of an active and upright life, is able to look out into the vista of the future with a good hope in the life to come.

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The Past and Present of Shiawassee County, Michigan - Historically - Together with Biographical Sketches of many of its Leading Citizens And Illustrious Dead
The Michigan Historical Publishing Association, Lansing, Michigan
Page 441

James N. Phillips was born in Dummeressville, Northumberland county, Ontario, Canada, October 21, 1848. His father, Van Ransler Phillips, was a native of Canada, being born about 1815; he died when James N. was a mere lad. The maiden name of our subject's mother was Hannah Howard. She was born in Saratoga, New York, in 1820 and died in 1860: Mr. Phillips' father was a shoemaker and worked at that trade near Colborne, Canada, the greater part of his life. Near there he owned a farmn, which came to him by inheritance. The subject of this sketch was the fifth of ten children. The first was Emeline, who died in Sanilac county, Michigan. She married Solomon Bradley, and the union resulted in four children,-Maletta, Champion, Jefferson and James. Next was Eunice, who now lives at Owosso. She was first married to Isaac Bradley, and they had one child, Isaac. She was married a second time, becoming the wife of Isaac Tucker and nine children were the issue of this union. Joseph, the third, lives in Detroit. He has been twice married; had three children. The fourth child was Barton, who passed to the great beyond when a small boy. The fifth was James N. Phillips, whose name appears at the head of this sketch. George was the sixth link in this prolific and notable family, but joined the silent majority while yet a young and unmarried man. The seventh was Lina, who is now a resident of Duluth, Minnesota. She has been twice married and is the mother of three children. The eighth was Sara L., and she is now living in Aberdeen, Scotland, with her husband, Charles Cronton. The ninth and last in this widely scattered family was Martha, who is now dead. She married Charles Hyde and had three children, -Lillie, Carrie and Philip.

In view of the fact that Mr. Phillips' father died when he was yet young, the family was soon scattered, and as a result the record of births, marriages and deaths was not kept. At the age of twelve years, our subject commenced working by the month, and two years afterward removed with his sister Emeline, to Lexington, Sanilac county, Michigan, where he worked in the lumber woods and as a hoopmaker, for nine years. He then removed to Armada township, Macomnb county, Michigan, where he worked by the month on a farm for four years during the summer, while the winters were spent in the lumber woods. He then began buying hoop timber and making hoops in that county. In the meantime he bought a small farm, which he sold in 1877, and bought ninety-six acres in Armada township, that county. This was improved and contained good buildings. In the fall of the same year, however, he sold this farm and removed to Hazelton township, Shia. wassee county, and bought eighty acres, thirty acres of which were improved. He cleared twenty-two acres more and in 1877 sold the property and bought seventy acres, mostly improved. This is where he now resides. In 1888 he added, by purchase, forty acres on the east to the original seventy, making one hundred and ten acres in all. He subsequently secured sixty-seven acres in Flushing township, Genesee county. This was all improved and his son George is now living on the premises. On his homestead Mr. Phillips has erected a fine residence and a barn thirty-six by eighty feet.

February 22, 1877, MIr. Phillips was married to Frances I. Youngs, who was born June 5, 1857. Her father, Darius Youngs, was born in Armada, Michigan, October 1, 1826. Her mother's maiden name was Julia Aldrich. She was born in Massachusetts, October 30, 1830, and came to Michigan with her father, Seth Aldrich, in 1835. The parents of Mrs. Phillips were married March 15, 1855. His wife's father was a farmer and owns a farm, which he purchased and cleared when a young man. He still lives on the premises. When the maternal grandfather of Mrs. Phillips came to Michigan the country was all new,-practically a wilderness, in fact. He was one of the first settlers in Armada and experienced the privations and hardships incident to life in a new country. Mrs. Phillips was the second of seven children. The first was George, who is now a resident of Armada. He married Stella Calwell, arid they have three children,-Matilda, Ella and a baby. The third was Cassius and he lives in Armada. He married Susie Chamberlain and they have no children. Israel was the fourth. With his sister Minnie he still lives on the old homestead in Armada and thus far has escaped the darts of Cupid. The fifth was Seth, who still lives in Armada, enjoying "single blessedness." Dwight, the sixth, is a resident of sunny Mississippi. He is married but has no children. The seventh link in the chain is Minnie, who, as stated above, enjoys the old homestead with her brother Israel and is unmarried.

Mr. and Mrs. Phillips have six children in the order named below: Wade, who was born June 20, 1878, is a Methodist Episcopal clergyman and is now stationed at Holton, Michigan. He married Myrta Averel, September 16, 1903, and they have one child, Zella, who was born July 2, 1904. George was born December 26, 1879, and lives on his father's farm in Flushing township, Genesee county. He married Maggie Darling October 13, 1903, and they have no children; Edith was born July 19, 1903; Mary Cecilia, October 5, 1883; Guy, October 18, 1885; and James, February 1, 1888.

In politics Mr. Phillips is a Republican. He has been a school officer for a period of twenty-two years,-a fact that speaks volumes for his standing among his fellows. He is a member of the American Association of Equity. He does a general farming business, his chief products being stock and grain. His grandfather on his mother's side was English; and his grandfather on his father's side was German; his grandmother was Irish. The maiden name of his wife's mother's stepmother was Lamisee Wyman. She. was born in Massachusetts August 23, 1817, and married Seth Aldrich in 1845. She died March 18, 1905, at Armada, Macomb county, having been the last survivor of eleven children, and at the time of her death she was the eldest member of the Congregational church at Armada.

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Maxfield George PHOENIX

The Past and Present of Shiawassee County, Michigan - Historically - Together with Biographical Sketches of many of its Leading Citizens And Illustrious Dead
The Michigan Historical Publishing Association, Lansing, Michigan
Page 443

Maxfield George Phoenix, of Bennington township, is a native of Tompkins county, New York, where he was born April 6, 1830. His parents were Ralph and Catherine (Dawson) Phoenix. The former was born in New Jersey, February 4, 1805, and died August 6, 1837, and the latter was likewise a native of New Jersey, where she was born February 14, 1804, her death occurring June 29, 1879; her marriage was solemnized April 16, 1824. The father of our subject settled in St. Joseph county, Michigan, in 1835, and died when Maxfield was only six years old. The latter then went to live with an uncle, Lyman Bennett, who brought the lad to Shiawassee county, where he lived until he reached his sixteenth year. He then felt that it was time to go to his mother. With the poet he exclaimed in his inmost soul:

Mother, O mother, my heart calls for you,
Many a summer the grass has grown green,
Blossomed and faded our faces between;
Yet with strong yearning and passionate pain
Long I to-night for your presence again.

He therefore returned to his mother's home, at White Pigeon, Michigan, where he remained until 1854. He had not forgotten his early impressions of Shiawassee county, and in 1854 he returned here and bought eighty acres of wild land ten acres of which were cleared and contained a log house. The consideration for the property was eleven hundred dollars. He paid six hundred and fifty dollars of this cash. Owing to circumstances over which he had no control he subsequently experienced unusual difficulties. He worked for others summers and chopped wood on his own farm winters. He finally surmounted his difficulties and now boasts of a magnificent home and a farm of one hundred and twenty acres, finely improved. His house is situated on a commanding eminence, presenting a picturesque view of the surrounding country for a considerable distance in all directions. His residence cost twelve hundred dollars and his barn nearly as much. His buildings are supplied with well water through pipes from a wind mill, and the land is in a high state of cultivation, being thoroughly underdrained with tile.

Mr. Phoenix was married March 29, 1865, to Wealthy Brandt, who was born in Perry township, August 26, 1847. She is a daughter of Frederick Brandt, who was born in Germany, November 25, 1794, and who died in 1875. Her mother Dorothy (Weazy) Brandt, was born in Hamburg, Germany, and was killed in a tornado, March 14, 1868, at the age of fifty-four years. Mr. Brandt was a butcher by trade and after becoming a farmer worked at that business for his neighbors. He was married in Germany and came to Michigan in 1840, locating on an eighty-acre farm in Perry township. At that time the country was a wilderness, with no roads and only Indian trails to guide the traveler. Mr. Brandt first built a log house, which had no doors or windows,-merely openings for the same. At night they hung blankets over the same to keep the wolves out. But they carved out a good home there and subsequently added forty acres to the farm and replaced the log house by a good frame one.

Mrs. Phoenix was the fifth in a family of eight children. John died in infancy; Elizabeth died at the age of thirty-five years; Henry lived in Perry township and died at age of fifty years; Lyman lives in North Dakota; Sarah is deceased; Louise, now Mrs. A. Able, lives in North Dakota; Mary died at the age of five years.

Mr. Phoenix is the second of six children. John, born January 17, 1825, died many years ago; Elizabeth, born August 17, 1826, is now dead; Sophia died in North Dakota; Samuel and Henry were twins, the former being deceased and the latter being a resident of North Dakota. Lyman (1st) died in infancy, having been born April 29, 1828. Mr. Phoenix's mother married second and third husbands. The former was Nathaniel Loder and they lived for many years on the old homestead in St. Joseph county. Later she married Mr. Hebbard and after his death removed to Corunna, where she died.

There are three children in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Phoenix. One, Jennie, is by a former marriage, and is now the widow of Charles Beemis, of Henderson, Rush township. The other two are by his second marriage: Bertha, born Feburary 17, 1872, is the wife of William Horton and lives on a farm in Perry township; and John H., who was born February 14, 1882, married Lina Van Wormer, April 20, 1904, and they live with Mr. and Mrs. Phoenix; they have a little daughter, Thelma Theo, born August 4, 1905.

Mr. Phoenix is a Republican in politics, a school officer and highway commissioner. He and his wife are members of the Baptist church.

Being now past the activities of farm life, Mr. Phoenix and his estimable wife are enjoying the fruits of their toil and, surrounded by friends and relatives, are reaping as they have sown, being specially blest in their social relations.

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The Past and Present of Shiawassee County, Michigan - Historically - Together with Biographical Sketches of many of its Leading Citizens And Illustrious Dead
The Michigan Historical Publishing Association, Lansing, Michigan
Page 444

Germany has furnished hundreds of thousands of excellent men to help populate Uncle Sam's wide domain. Many of these have reached great prominence in various spheres of activity in their adopted land. But whether they have been prominent or otherwise, they are all, generally speaking, numbered among our best citizens. Few, however, have reached a higher standard for honesty and integrity than the gentleman whose name is given above. He was born about ten miles from the city of Berlin, Prussia, February 8, 1862. He is a son of Ferdinand Pickert, who was born in the same place, November 16, 1826 and who died August 8, 1904; his wife, Emelia (Heise) Pickert, was born August 28, 1839, and she is now a resident of Detroit. Ferdinand Pickert was a soldier in the German army and held the rank of sergeant major in the infantry. Later he received a commission as second lieutenant in the heavy cavalry. He became connected with the army in 1848 or earlier. Our subject has his father's discharge papers, covering the period mentioned, but for aught he knows he may have been in the army prior to the date above stated. He came to America in 1874 and located in Detroit. He was a writer and student and taught school in Macomb county for several years. He assisted in platting Elmwood cemetery in Detroit. Ferdinand Pickert was a liberalist or social democrat in Germany but in his adopted land he was aligned with the Republicans. He was originally a Catholic in his religious convictions.

Our subject was engaged in the handling of real estate in Detroit from 1887 to 1892. From then until 1894 he devoted his energiesto the music business. This not proving profitable he concluded to remove to Corunna,. where for two and one-half years he conducted what is now the Central Hotel. In 1897 he was appointed postmaster of Corunna, holding the office five years. He then assumed the management of the coal mines near that city, and was afterward receiver of the industry, the company having failed. He recently wound up its affairs, since when he has not been in business.

Mr. Pickert was married June 21, 1893, to Mildred H. Smith, born in Corunna, a daughter of Clark D. Smith, proprietor of the Central Hotel. She died July 25, 1898; they had one child Mildred M. Our subject was married a second time, September 19, 1904, when he was united to Ella M. Seeley, who was born in Barry county, Michigan, April 18, 1867.

Mr. Pickert was the first of the five children born to his parents, and all are living: Ferd E. is a clothing salesman and lives in Detroit; he is married. John lives in Detroit, is engaged in selling automobiles, is married and has three children. Henry A., single, is city salesman in Detroit for the Fletcher Hardware Company. Clara is the wife of Gus Letzering of Detroit.

Mr. Pickert secured his early education under the direction of his father in Germany and also in America. He is a Republican in politics, but aside from being postmaster at Corunna, as referred to above, he has held no office. He is a member of the Masonic order, including the thirty-second degree of the Scottish Rite. He affiliates with Blue Lodge, No. 115, Free and Accepted Masons; Corunna Chapter, No. 33, Royal Arch Masons; is recorder of Corunna Council, No. 38, Royal and Select Masons; and past eminent commander of Corunna Commandery, No. 21 Knights Templar. He is also a member of the Knights of Pythias, subordinate and uniform ranks; a charter member of Chapter No. 200, Order of the Eastern Star, Corunna; was one of the organizers of the Owosso lodge of Elks, of which he is past exalted ruler. Mr. Pickert laid out and platted Middletown addition to Corunna and erected some of the first buildings there. He stands high in the community, being not only a "prince of good fellows," but a gentleman of the strictest integrity and honor. He owns one of the many pleasant homes in Corunna.

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Edwin O. PLACE

The Past and Present of Shiawassee County, Michigan - Historically - Together with Biographical Sketches of many of its Leading Citizens And Illustrious Dead
The Michigan Historical Publishing Association, Lansing, Michigan
Page 445

'Tis not in mortals to command success, said a writer of old, but "I'll deserve it" seems to have been the motto of the gentleman whose name heads this sketch, and who is an honored citizen of Owosso township. He is a native of Scio township, Washtenaw county, Michigan, where he was born August 8, 1841, and he is among the prominent and successful farmers of his township having carved his way to the front by hard work, honesty and frugality. He is a son of Reuben Place, who was born in Steuben county, New York, July 11, 1814 and who died April 29, 1879, in Shiawassee township; his wife was Electa (Phillips) Place, who was born July 6, 1812, and passed to the "land beyond the blue," February 17, 1873. This respected couple were married November 9, 1839, in Lodi township Washtenaw county, Michigan. John Place, the grandfather of our subject, was born on Long Island, New York, in 1775, and died in Illinois.

Reuben Place first came to Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 1836 and after working on a farm for some time he and his brother Isaac bought a woolen mill at Scio. They did not keep it long, however, but disposed of it and engaged in operating a chair factory at the same place. December 25, 1841, Mr Place sold out and removed to Woodhull township with his family, having previously bought eighty acres of wild land there. He built a log house, cleared the land and in 1852 moved to Bennington township, where he already owned eighty acres, partly improved land, but containing no buildings. He erected a frame house and barn and soon added one hundred and twenty acres of unimproved land, sixty acres of which he placed under cultivation. In 1864 he sold the place and bought ninety acres on section 12, Shiawassee township. him. In both places there were one hundred acres improved, with good buildings. On the His son Edwin bought eighty acres adjoining former eighty father and son worked together and finally brought most of the remainder under the plow. In 1874 Edwin built a good house and barn on his eighty, and his father, Reuben Place, continued to live on his ninety acres until he joined the "silent majority" in the great beyond. When Reuben Place came to Woodhull township wild deer were so plentiful that it was not an uncommon thing to see eight or a dozen in a drove, and wolves could be heard almost nightly. Mr. Place used to go to Howell, thirty miles distant, for his mail, and go, too, through a dense forest most of the way. He helped to build a saw mill and took his pay in lumber. In those days pioneers used to make doors from drygoods boxes which had been used to transport their household effects. One family had thin bark for floors and roof. Mr. Place brought with him at first, one year's supply of provisions. He traded some of his property for an ox team, plow and chest of tools. He helped to build many of the houses in his locality. He also assisted John P. Shaft, of Shaftsburg, to build a shoe house. In going to church he used to drive an ox team half way and walk the remainder of the distance.

In 1862 Edwin O. Place first bought forty acres in Bennington township, ten acres of which were improved. After clearing the rest he sold the tract and bought the eighty acres adjoining the land of his father, already mentioned. He lived with his father until 1873. After the death of his father, in 1879, he bought out the interests of the other heirs to the farm, and in 1883 sold one hundred and thirty acres of the old homestead, but bought another sixty acres, leaving him one hundred and five acres. In 1891 he traded the remainder of the old farm for ninety acres on section 12, Owosso township, to which he removed May 15th of the same year, and upon which he has since resided. There were not more than twenty-five acres of improved ground in all this farm of ninety acres when he got it; but all save some ten acres is now in a good state of cultivation,-splendid, in fact.

On September 16, 1873, Mr. Place was married to Jennie M. Cooper, a native of Bennington township, where she was born October 27, 1849. Her father was Archibald Cooper, who was born in the Empire state, November 12, 1809, and who died August 10, 1876, in Bennington township. Mrs. Place's mother, Jane S. (Castle) Cooper, was born in New York state, May 24, 1820, and died March 6, 1893, at Bancroft, Michigan; she was a daughter of Lemuel Castle who was born in New York, and who came to Bennington township before Shiawassee county was organized. He bought a large tract of land from the government, cleared part of it and lived in Bennington township until his death. He was a representative in the state legislature when the capitol was in Detroit. Mrs. Place's father bought two hundred and nine acres, in Bennilngton township, which he improved and which he occupied until his death. Mrs. Place was the fourth of nine children. Lemuel, born August 3, 1843, lives in Bennington township; he married Sara Beers and had three children, -Frank, Katharine and Grace. Duane C., born January 19, 1845, lives at Owosso; he married Anna Herndern and they had two children,-Mabel and Gertrude. George A., born October 27, 1849, lives in Bennington township; he married Hattie Beemis and they had two children,-Lillian and Walter, the former being deceased. Delia E., born October 24, 1851, lives in Shiawassee township; she married P. B. Reynolds and had three children,-Chauncey, Floyd and Leo. John T., born August 24, 1854, died on the old farm, June 12, 1895; he married Blanche King and had two children,-Sadie and Clayton. Angeline S., born April 30, 1855, lives in Caledonia township; she married William Lewis and had five children,-Leon, who was a member of Company G, Thirty-third Michigan Infantry, in the Spanish-American war, died at Montauk Point, New York, hospital in September, 1898, from disease contracted in the service. The other children in the Lewis family are Ray, Thella, Earl and Ralph. William F., born January 26, 1857, lives in Caledonia; he married Myra Vandercarr and had two children,-Florence, deceased, and Fay. Mary S., born November 30, 1861, lives in Bancroft; she married Claude Watson and had two children,-Paul and Louise.

Mr. Place is the first of nine children, six of whom are deceased. Calvin, born April 23, 1842, died December 28, 1865; Judson A., born October 18, 1843, died January 26, 1866. James L., born August 21, 1845, lives in San Francisco, California; he married Isabella Melon and they have three children,-Addie, Floyd and Tressie. Grover, born August 9, 1847, died August 5, 1848; Phoebe A., born September 4, 1849, died March 13, 1867. Alvira J., born February 28, 1857, lives in Santa Cruz, California; she married William Waugh and they have one child,-Eva. Eletha, born November 26, 1852, died Februray 9, 1853.

Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Place, as follows: Anna, born August 30, 1874, died October 3, 1874. Myra, born March 7, 1876, lives at Morrice; she married William Kirker. Neva F., born January 20, 1880, is teaching at Traverse City; WVVinnie I., born February 13, 1883, died February 20, 1893; and Karl J. was born July 2, 1888. The parents of Mrs. Place were Baptists, and her father was a Republican.

Mr. Place is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and the Patrons of Industry. In politics he is a Republican, but in no sense an office-seeker, preferring to be a private citizen. He was once elected highway commissioner, but refused to qualify. This is a modesty possessed by few men. Indeed, if more were gifted in the same way there would be fewer scandals in high and low places. The craze for office in this country has become a national evil, and honesty is at a premium.

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Daniel S. POST

The Past and Present of Shiawassee County, Michigan - Historically - Together with Biographical Sketches of many of its Leading Citizens And Illustrious Dead
The Michigan Historical Publishing Association, Lansing, Michigan
Page 447

Among the intelligent and thrifty men of affairs and one who enjoys to a marked degree the confidence and esteem of his fellow citizens is Daniel S. Post, of Vernon township. He arrived at Chardon, Geauga county, Ohio, July 12,.1844, coming in over the "stork" route.

His father, Orson Post, was a native of the Green Mountain state, and when a youth learned the trade of cabinetmaker. In 1837, while yet a young man, he took the advice later given by Horace Greeley and came west, locating for a time in the wilds of Shiawassee township. In 1839 he was united in marriage to Miss Amanda Canfield, an estimable lady and one who proved to be to him a helpmeet, indeed, sharing with him the joys and sorrows of the years of their wedded lives. In the year 1844 Orson Post removed to Geauga county, Ohio, where the subject of this sketch was born. Three sons came to bless the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Orson Post. Stephen A. was born November 16, 1838, and most of the active years of his life were spent in the milling business. Hiram M. is engaged in the hardware trade in Owosso. Orson Post, father of our subject, died December 9, 1888, at Vernon, and the mother passed away just seventeen years later to a day. They rest in Greenwood cemetery at Vernon.

Our subject's school advantages were those common to boys of his time in a new country, but, with an eyv to the main chance, he has been enabled to keep abreast with the progress of the age and fill the roll of a patriot and a good citizen. When but a lad of eighteen years, he heeded the call of his country to defend her flag and honor, and on the 14th day of August, 1862, signed the rolls of muster of Company G, Twenty-third Michigan Volunteer Infantry, as a "high private," as he put it. He donned the uniform of an American soldier and marched war. The Twenty-third was raised in the sixth congressional district and rendezvoused at, East Saginaw. It left for the seat of war September 18, 1862, under command of Colonel Marshall W. Chapin, bearing upon its rolls of muster the names of nine hundred and eighty-three officers and men. Its first objective point was Bowling Green, Kentucky, where it was assigned to the tenth division of General Rosecrans' army.

During the three eventful years that followed, the regiment saw much hard fighting. Its losses from disease and action footed up two hundred and eighty-seven. Young Post followed the fortunes of his command through Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, and North Carolina, meeting the enemy on nearly a score of battlefields, to the close of the war. He was mustered out of service with his regiment at Salisbury, North Carolina, June 28, 1865, by reason of the close of the war. He arrived home upon the date of his twenty-first birthday, crossing the threshold to full manhood, and having to his credit nearly three years of active service in the field,-a record to which he may point with just pride and personal satisfaction.

December 16, 1867, Daniel S. Post was united in marriage to Miss Ella M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Johnson, pioneer residents of Venice township, where Mr. Johnson carried on farming and was also a horse farrier. Mrs. Post was born October 29, 1851. Mr. Johnson was a veteran of the civil war and received a serious injury by a horse falling upon him. No children came to brighten the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Post and they opened their hearts and home to a little girl four months of age, adopting her as their very own, and now she is a young lady and is known as Lina E. Post. She dates her birth August 31, 1888.

Mr. Post's ability and integrity have often found recognition by his fellow townsmen. He served as president of the village of Vernon one year. He was for seven years treasurer and was trustee for the same length of time. Fraternally Mr. Post affiliates with the Odd Fellows, of which organization he has been a member since May 21, 1866, and with H. F. Wallace Post, No. 160, Grand Army of the Republic, at Corunna. Politically his views harmonize with the principles of the Grand Old Party, and he is proud of the record of his party. The family give their moral, and material support to the Baptist church society, of which they are esteemed members.

Mr. Post gives the following interesting reminiscence of his personal war experience, and the same will be read with interest:

"The first engagement in which I participated was at Campbell Station, November 16, 1863. We spent our first winter out at Bowling Green, Kentucky, where the regiment did garrison duty and guarded railroad trains. May 31st we arrived at Glasgow, and from there we were ordered to Tompkinsville, from which place we started in pursuit, July 4th, of a band of rebels under command of General John H. Morgan. We passed rapidly through, marching to Jeffersonville, Indiana, from there to Chillicothe, Ohio, arriving at Paris, Kentucky, June 29th, just in time to save the railroad bridge from destruction and the capture of the small force defending the town. After a brisk skirmish the rebels withdrew.

"August 4th we proceeded, via Lexington and Louisville, to Lebanon, and on to Newmarket. August 17th we participated in the advance of the army in east Tennessee, arriving at Loudon September 4th. On the 15th of September the army made a forced march of thirty miles to Knoxville, and from there to Morristown, returning to Loudon on the 19th and remaining for some time engaged in picket and other duties. We were marched to Lenoir in the early part of November following, and later the regiment with the army was marched to Hous Ferry, attacking the enemy and driving them some miles, later returning to Lenoir. November 16th orders were received to destroy transportation equipage and officers' baggage and turn the teams over to the several batteries. Then commenced the retreat to Knoxville, the enemy in hot pursuit. A warm engagement was put up at Campbell Station, and the enemy checked for some hours. When the retreat was resumed, through mud and rain, the command was tired and hungry, having fought for five hours without food or rest. We arrived at Knoxville at early dawn, after a march of twenty-eight miles. The regiment assisted in the defense of Knoxville until December 5th, when the siege was raised. The winter that followed was a severe one for the Twenty-third. The men suffered greatly from scarcity of rations and lack of tents, blankets and overcoats. Early in May following we were at Charleston, Tennessee, and were destined to participate in the Atlanta campaign. Arriving at Resaca, we were ordered to make a charge upon the enemy's works, which was done in fine order, but we were repulsed with a loss of sixty-two men killed and wounded within a few minutes. The enemy, however, soon after evacuated the place, the rebel force falling back upon Dallas. Here we were again under fire almost constantly for several days. The enemy finally abandoned the town and Lost Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain, Chattahoochee River and Lovejoy Station fol-lowed in close order. We were with the command that followed General Hood's rebel horde from Decatur northward through Georgia and Alabama to the Tennessee river. After scouring the country the regiment brought up at Jonesville, Tennessee, early in November, where it was stationed for some time and was then ordered by rail to Columibia, where it again joined the forces against Hood. A battle was on and a portion of our regiment was sent in at midnight. We were withdrawn to Duck river and threw up breastworks. Several severe engagements followed in quick succession, the enemy being repulsed. December 1st found us at Nashville, Tennessee, having marched fifty miles in. forty-eight hours and fought the battle of Franklin. Here again the regiment made a gallant charge, capturing more prisoners than it had men engaged. The enemy was put to rout and closely followed to Columbia. The rain fell in torrents and the mud was fully six inches in depth. January 1, 1865, the Twenty-third Corps, to which my regiment was now attached, was ordered to Washington, D. C. A forced march of two hundred and fifty miles was made to Clifton, where we embarked on steamers for Cincinnati, Ohio, and from there took rail for Washington. Here we went into Camp Stoneman, where we remained until February 9th, when we marched to Alexandria and were put aboard transports under orders for Smithville, North Carolina, at the mouth of Cape Fear river. We met the enemy again at Town Creek, where we captured two pieces of artillery and three hundred and fifty prisoners. A march of one hundred and twenty-five miles, to Kingston, was made in six days. From Kingston we went to Goldsboro and on to Raleigh, where we arrived April 9th, the ever memorable day of Lee's surrender to Grant, at Appomattox. Here we remained until the surrender of Johnson's army, on the 21st, and the war of the Rebellion had passed into history."

Mr. Post relates the following personal incident which will be readily appreciated by any one who has had army experience: "At Columbia, Tennessee, I was arrested for foraging. I had received a pass from General Couch's headquarters, got out about five miles, had killed a hog and loaded a part of it on to the horse loaned me at the time by Surgeon James R. Leader. I was caring for the animal for Surgeon Leader. About this time some guards who were patrolling the country came in sight, but as we had a pass, we supposed we were all right. However, there had been orders issued against foraging that we knew nothing of. We were taken back to the officer who was in command of the guard. He ordered us under arrest and took the doctor's horse from me and gave it to some member of his force. At about seven o'clock in the evening we were started for camp in a terrible storm of rain and in almost impenetrable darkness. We had to cross a river on flood wood and some of the party came near to being drowned. We finally reached brigade headquarters, and, to our disgust, were put under strong guard until morning. During the night the weather grew very cold, snow falling to the depth of about two inches. We nearly perished. Morning came, and with it, to our great relief, sunshine also. During the day we were taken to the general headquarters, still under guard. I was allowed to go to my regiment for an hour to see the boys. After returning, the guards paid little or no attention to me, and I was permitted to go wherever I pleased during the remainder of my imprisonment. From Columbia, the army marched to Clifton, on the Tennessee river, about one hundred and twenty-five miles. I had no gun to carry and had the best time of my army life. We had issued to us full rations, while the men doing duty in the regiment were on half fare. After our arrival in Clifton General Couch sent for us and we were taken before him. If I remember correctly, no bands of music accompanied us, and I confess I felt' a little shaky, but was soon reassured, as the old general talked very kindly to us, as a father might have done to a son for a similar transgression. He told us not to get caught foraging again. After this we were allowed to return to our command and resume our duties."

Episodes of this character were common experiences with the soldier boys in volunteer service. Mr. Post's father was a member of the same company and regiment with him, but was discharged for disability after a few months' service.

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The Past and Present of Shiawassee County, Michigan - Historically - Together with Biographical Sketches of many of its Leading Citizens And Illustrious Dead
The Michigan Historical Publishing Association, Lansing, Michigan
Page 450

The Empire state has always been noted for turning out splendid specimens of men,men whose hardy physical characteristics correspond to their sterling worth, patient industry and keen insight into business. Such men have proved of greatest value in the enterprises of the newer states where they were sorely needed and where their work and their characters have pushed forward wonderfully the development of those more modern commonwealths.

Among these sons of New York, we may mention Hon. F. H. Potter, the popular expresident of the village of Durand. He was born April 8, 1833, being a son of Thomas Potter, who was born in Rhode Island, who was a farmer by occupation and who married Rowena Hill, who was a native of New York. Our subject was one of eight children, being the fifth in order of birth. He was reared in his father's home at Marion, Wayne county, New York, and was educated in the neighboring district school. At the age of twenty Mr. Potter started out for himself, taking for his first work the trade of a carpenter and builder. In 1856 he located at Newberg, Shiawassee county, and besides working at his trade was engaged in the lumber business until 1890, when he came to Durand and there engaged in the same business.

Our subject is a follower of the Democrat party and has filled many positions of trust and honor. These positions denote the confidence which the citizens of Durand repose in him and of which he is in every way worthy. He served as president of Durand for seven years and has held the offices of supervisor, township clerk, township treasurer, was highway commissioner of Shiawassee township, justice of the peace of Vernon, and was honored by his election to the position of state representative of the east district of Shiawassee county, in 1882, 1883, 1884 and 1885. As a member of the house he labored faithfully for his people and in every way guarded their interests. He was a member of the committees on the State House of Correction, State Public School, and horticulture. Mr. Potter's father was a straight out-and-out Whig and later a Republican.

In 1858 F. H. Potter was united in marriage to Jane C., daughter of Hiram and Eliza Davis. She was born in Shiawassee county, in 1838, her father having been an early settler of Newburg, Shiawassee township, where he was engaged in farming. Mrs. Potter's father and mother are both deceased. To our subject and wife have been born six children, three of whom are living: Fred H. is Grand Trunk agent at Lansing; Nettie Harder is a widow, residing at Durand with her father; and Maude C., the wife of R. C. Mackey, who is a railroad engineer residing at Charleston, Illinois.

Fraternally Mr. Potter is allied with the blue lodge, royal arch chapter, Knights Templar and Mystic Shrine, all of the Masonic fraternity.

His long residence in the county has brought him prominently into connection with every movement which has proved of value to the people of this section, and his acquaintance with the people is a broad one and has existed for many years.

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