Alice Davis *
Mrs. Peter Dumond
Arthur L. Francis *
Edna Belle Francis *
Howard A. Francis *
William Francis *
Stella E. Luckey
Frank Palmer
Alice Davis Strayed to River and Was Drowned - Was Living With Grandparents
Alice, four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Davis, of Howell, and grand daughter of J.J. Davis, of this city, was drowned in the river this morning about ten o'clock.
About that time Fred Osmer was crossing the Mulberry street bridge and saw the form of a child floating in the river. Giving the alarm, he followed down the bank and near the bend in the river with the assistance of others drew from the watery grave the lifeless but beautiful form of the little girl. Every effort was made by those present and by Dr. Arnold who was called, to resuscitate the child but without avail. It was apparent she had been in the water but a short time for when found the cheeks and lips were still rosy as in life and she looked as though asleep.
The child was unknown to all who were present, and Marshal Ross summoned Undertaker Foster to the home of Mr. Sheperd, where the body had been taken. Search was then made to identify the child and after some search it was discovered that little Alice Davis was missing from the home of her grandfather where she had made her home for several months while undergoing treatment with Dr. Blair. Mrs. Davis said the child was playing about the house and seemed scarcely to be out of sight.
It is evident she went to the river which runs at the back of the house and playing, fell in. The swift current carried the body down stream and it was, fortunately, seen while passing the bridge.
The accident is most distressing not only to the parents, who are deeply afflicted, but to the grandparents.
Coroner Brewer called the following jury: M. Gaylord, Jonah Hall, Simon Hall, John Howell, M. Safford and Chas Byerly. They viewed the remains and adjourned until 8 o'clock tomorrow morning when the inquest will be held at the residence of J.J. Davis, 126 John street, where the body was taken this afternoon.
Published April 27, 1904, Owosso Argus - contributed 2009 by William Hughes
Mrs. Peter Dumon of New Haven Died Monday Afternoon [Apr. 25, 1904]
Mrs. Peter Dumond died Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at her home in New Haven township, aged 71 years. she had lived nearly all her life in Shiawassee county, and 52 years ago was married to Peter Dumond. The family is highly respected in the neighborhood. She leaves besides her husband, two daughters and two sons, Mrs. Fred A. Brown, living on Detroit street in this city, Mrs. David Culey, and James Dumond of New Haven and Roy Dumond of Rush.
Mrs. Dumond had been in ill health for years, some of the time quite feeble. Monday she took an opiate, and soon after passed into a comatose condition from which she never rallied. The funeral will be held Thursday at 2 o'clock, from the Union church at Six Mile Creek, and it is expected Rev. John Kirn will officiate.
Published April 30, 1904, Owosso Argus - contributed 2009 by William Hughes
Funeral Card for Arthur L. Francis
contributed 2009 by William Hughes
Funeral Card for Edna Belle Francis
contributed 2009 by William Hughes
Funeral Card for Howard A. Francis
contributed 2009 by William Hughes
Francis In Critical Condition
Williams Francis, whose home was wrecked by a dynamite explosion Monday (see article), and who was so severely injured, is in a very critical condition. Pieces from the stove were driven into the flesh of his limbs and had he been able to stand the shock the physicians would have amputated at least one limb.
It is feared that blood poisoning will set in and that he will suffer later even more than he has up to this time. Mrs. Francis' condition is somewhat improved, and it is believed she will recover.
The report published that the babe that died was horribly mangled and disfigued (sic) by the accident, is a cruel mistake. The Evening Argus stated the fact, when giving the report of the accident, it was stated the child showed no marks of injury and that the death was doubtless due to the shock. The funeral of the babe was held today, remains being enterred in Pine Tree cemetery. Neighbors and particularly Dr. Bailey and his family have been exceedingly kind toward the unfortunate family.
Published April 28, 1904, Owosso Argus - contributed 2009 by William Hughes
William Francis died yesterday afternoon from the effects of the injuries received a week ago Monday by the explosion of dynamite in his home. (see photo) There has been little doubt at any time of the result, he being fearfully mangled about the head and limbs, and suffered great pain. His life might have been saved had he sufficient strength to go through an operation, but his weakened condition prevented that.
Thus far the explosion has caused two deaths, besides the severe injuries to Mrs. Francis and children.
Published May 6, 1904, Owosso Argus - contributed 2009 by William Hughes
Stella E. LUCKEY
Final Rites Held Here Sat. for Stella Luckey
Mrs. Stella E. Luckey, 66, passed away at her home 202 John street, Wednesday, July 18. She had been ill seven years.
Funeral services were held from the Bellows Funeral Home, Saturday afternoon, with the Rev. Norbert Smith officiating. Interment was in Greenwood Cemetery, Vernon.
Mrs. Luckey was born December 9, 1889, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, t he daughter of John and Jessie Monahan. She attended the Durand school, and had been a resident of Durand 63 years. In May 1909, she and Webster W. Luckey were married in Saginaw.
Surviving are her husband and sister Mrs. Mamie Palmer of Durand.
Unknown Durand area newspaper, July 1956
Contributed 2009 by: Lynn Najduk Mills
Frank Palmer of Durand Is Taken
Illness Fatal to Resident Aged 87 Years
DURAND, May 2. - Frank Palmer, 87, died at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon at the home of his son, Melvin Palmer, here. Death was caused by kidney trouble and complications, which Mr. Palmer had suffered for some time.
The remains were to be removed today to the home of a daughter, Mrs. Ora Brown, here. The funeral services will be held from the Brown residence on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with the Rev. Weltie E. Baker, pastor of the Congregational church, officiating. Interment will be made in the mausoleum at Greenwood Cemetery, Vernon.
Mr. Palmer was born in Auburn, N.Y., January 30, 1859, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer. The family moved to Gaines in 1862, and in 1872 moved to Vernon Township, locating four miles southeast of Durand, moving into Durand in 1910. Mr. Palmer was married to Miss Mary Jones of Hazelton Township, Shiawassee County, June 21, 1879. She died July 10, 1927.
Mr. Palmer, who is the last of seven children, is survived by the son and daughter mentioned and 10 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. A son, John, died April 4, 1920.
Unknown Durand area newspaper, May, 1936
Contributed 2009 by: Lynn Najduk Mills
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