St. Clair County

Port Huron Downtown

Welcome to St. Clair County

      This site was started in 1996 by Gary Lee Phillips as a free resource of historical and genealogical information for St. Clair County, Michigan. It is a part of MIGenWeb and USGenWeb® and is currently coordinated by Wayne Summers.  If you would like to help with this project by adding information, assisting with researchers, or co-hosting this site let me know.

   St. Clair County History

     St. Clair County was organized on May 8, 1821, and set apart from Wayne County.  Because of its location many early settlers came either through Canada or from New York and New England by way of the Erie Canal and Detroit. See our history page for more information. The photo to the left is a view of downtown Port Huron in the early 1900's.




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Last update: 12/10/2024

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