St. Clair County

St. Clair County Places

1825 County Map From MSU Map Collection
1859 Map of China, East China, St. Clair City  
1859 Map of Ira Township  
1859 Map of St. Clair Township  
1873 County Map From David Rumsey Map Collection
1876  County Atlas From University of Michigan; Everts & Stewart
1897 County Atlas From University of Michigan; Geo A. Ogle & Co.
1916 County Atlas From University of Michigan; Geo A. Ogle & Co.
1916 Map of Berville  
1916 Map of Marysville  
1916 Map Index for China and East China Twps. A-D   E-L   M-R   S-Z
Road Map 1962
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Algonac, Capac, Emmett, Marine City, Port Huron, Saint Clair, Yale. From Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Complete collection from the Library of Michigan. Free for Michigan residents with a free library card.
Railroad Map  
Current County Map From
St. Clair County Official St. Clair County website
Date of Incorporation
Berlin Township Incorporated March 23, 1869
Brockway Township Incorporated March 17, 1848
Burtchville Township Incorporated February 16, 1842
Casco Township  
China Township Incorporated March 17, 1834
Clay Township Incorporated 1828
Clyde Township Incorporated March 26, 1836
Columbus Township Incorporated March 11, 1837
Cottrellville Township Incorporated April 12, 1827
East China Township Incorporated February 12, 1859
Emmett Township Incorporated February 19, 1850
Fort Gratiot Township Incorporated June 13, 1866
Grant Township Incorporated October 9, 1866
Greenwood Township Incorporated February 12, 1855
Ira Township Incorporated March 11, 1837
Kenockee Township Incorporated February 9, 1855
Kimball Township Incorporated February 12, 1855
Lynn Township Incorporated March 18, 1828
Mussey Township Incorporated February 10, 1855
Port Huron Township Incorporated April 12, 1827
Riley Township Incorporated March 6, 1838
St. Clair Township Incorporated April 12, 1827
Wales Township Incorporated March 27, 1841
Location/Date of Incorporation
Abbottsford Kenockee and Clyde Townships. Originally known as Abbortsford Station. See also Ruby.
Adair Casco Township
Algonac Clay Township; Incorporated as a village in 1867 and city in 1967.
Allenton Berlin Township; Originally called West Berlin.
Almont Junction Kimball and Port Huron Townships; (abandoned) railroad station.
Anchorville Ira Township
Atkins Clyde Township
Avoca Kenockee Township
Bedore Clay Township on Harsens Island
Belle River Columbus Township; Originally called Hickey and then Columbus.
Belle River Berlin Township; early post office and location of gristmill and sawmill. Renamed as Lesterville.
Belle River Mills China Township
Berville Berlin Township
Blaine Grant Township
Boyntons Village Port Huron Township; (abandoned)
Broadbridge Station Cottrellville Township
Brockway Brockway Township
Brockway Center Brockway Township; Name changed to Yale in 1889
Burns Kimball Township; (abandoned)
Burtchville Burtchville Township; (abandoned) location was approximately where Lakeport State Park is today.
Capac Mussey Township; Incorporated as a village in 1873; Railroad station at one time.
Carlton China Township; (abandoned) railroad station
Casco Casco Township
Cedarwood Burtchville Township; renamed North Lakeport
Clays Landing Clay Township on Harsens Island
Clyde Mills Kimball Township; early post office renamed Wadhams
Columbus Columbus Township; Originally called Hickey.  Renamed as Belle River.
Doyle Riley Township; (abandoned) railroad station.
East China East China Township (abandoned)
East Greenwood Greedwood Township (abandoned)
Elliott Lynn Township (abandoned)
Emmett Emmett Township; Incorporated as a village in 1883.
Fair Haven Ira Township
Fargo Greenwood Township
Forester Clay Township on Harsens Island
Fort Gratiot For Gratiot Township
Gardendale Fort Gratiot Township
Goodells Wales Township
Gratiot Center Fort Gratiot Township; (abandoned)
Grande Point Clay Township on Harsens Island
Hagadorn Port Huron Township; Now part of City of Port Huron
Harsens Island Clay Township
Hawthorne East China Township
Hickey Columbus Township; renamed as Columbus and then Belle River.
Jeddo Grant Township
Keewahdin Fort Gratiot Township
Kimball Kimball Township
Lakeport Burtchville Township
Lambs Wales Township
Lesterville Berlin Township; Originally called Belle River. Site of a dancehall at one time.
Lynn Lynn Township; early post office (abandoned)
Maple Leaf Clay Township on Harsens Island
Marine City Cottrellville Township; Incorporated as a village of Newport in 1865 and city in 1887.
Marysville Port Huron & St. Clair Townships; Incorporated as city October 28, 1919. Originally called Vicksburg for E. P Vickery, an early sawmill owner.  Renamed after one of the new owner's wives after Vickery sold the mill.
Memphis Riley Township & Richmond Twp., Macomb Co.; Incorporated as village in 1865 and city in 1953
Merrilsville Brockway Township; early post office (abandoned)
Miller Clay Township on Harsens Island
Mt. Salem Emmet Township; (abandoned)
Muirs Clay Township on Harsens Island
Muttonville Casco Township; Named for its sheep slaughterhouse; Annexed by Richmond.
Mystic Grant Township;(abandoned)
New Baltimore Ira Township & Chesterfield Twp., Macomb County.
Newport Cottrellville Township.  Name changed to Marine City.
North Lakeport Burtchville Township; originally called Cedarwood.
North Street Clude Township
Palmer East China Township; Renamed Newport and later Marine City
Pearl Beach Clay Township
Perch Point Ira and Clay Townships
Peters Casco Township
Pointe Aux Tremble Clay Township
Port Huron Port Huron Township; Incorporated as a village in 1849 and city in 1857.
Rattle Run St. Clair Township
Richmond Parts of Casco & Columbus Townships, but mostly Macomb County.
Riley Center Riley Township
Roberts Landing Cottrellville Township
Russell Island Clay Township
Ruby Clyde Township; Original name was Abbotsford/Abbottsford.
St. Clair St. Clair & China Townships; Incorporated as a village in 1850 and city in 1858.
San Souci Clay Township on Harsens Island
Smiths Creek Kimball Township; early post office
Snyderville Columbus Township
South Park Port Huron Township
South Port Huron Port Huron Township; now part of City of Port Huron.
Sparlingville Kimball Township
Starville Cottrellville Township
Stromness Island Clay Township; renamed Dickinson Island
Sunnyside Station Kimball Township
Tappan Port Huron Township
Thornton Wales & Kimball Townships; early railroad station
Vicksburg Port Huron and St. Clair Townships; renamed Marysville.
Wadhams Kimball Township; originally called Clyde Mills
Wales Wales Township
West Berlin Berlin Township; renamed Allenton.
West Tappan Kimball Township
Yale Brockway Township; originally called Brockway Center until 1889; Incorporated as a village in 1885 and city in 1905.
Zion Grand Township (abandoned)

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