Obituaries S

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Burr Oak Acorn May 3, 1900 - Mrs. Jane Sanborn

Mrs. Jane Charlotte Sanborn, whose maiden name was Upham, was born May 17, 1813, in the town of Tyringham, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, moved to the state of New York with her parents when twelve years old and was married to Gideon Sanborn on February 10, 1831.
Soon after their marriage they started for Michigan with an ox team, arriving in Monroe county in the spring of the same year of their marriage, stopping there until the following fall, when they came to Burr Oak.
Almost immediately on arrival here Mr. Sanborn entered the forty acres upon which now stands the farm dwelling house occupied by Chris McKale, north of this village. He then put up a shanty in which himself and wife resided until the following season when he built a log house. On this farm, with gradually added acreage, Mr. Sanborn resided until his death.
Some years after the death of Mr. Sanborn the homestead was sold to Emanuel Himebaugh, and Mrs. Sanborn purchased the Dr. Fayette Parsons fame, where she resided for several years, which property she owned at the time of her decease. She died at her son’s home, Frank G. Sanborn April 20, 1900.
Mrs. Sanorn was at one time a member of the Baptist church of Burr Oak and during her whole life had the interest of the entire community at heart being always ready and willing to make any sacrifice in order to attend to sick neighbors or friends. Her home was always a welcome resting place for all who were in need – it was no trouble to her during her busy life. Let come who might, they could remain as long as they chose and not a word of complaint was she ever known to utter of any trouble or work they might make her.
The deceased leaves two sons and three daughters to mourn her loss – Frank G. Sanborn of Burr Oak, Henry Sanborn of Muskegon, Mrs. A.M. Grahm and Mrs. S.E. Kibbe of Burr Oak, and Mrs. C.H. Wilson of Grand Rapids.
The funeral service was held Sunday, April 22, 1900, at the M.E. church in this village, Rev. D.W. Herman officiating. Burial was made in the Sanborn cemetery, north of town.


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